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According to the WeChat public account of "Yiyang Release" in Hunan, on the morning of May 29, the third plenary meeting of the third meeting of the Seventh People's Congress of Yiyang City was held. After the election of the conference, Xiong Wei was elected YiyangMayor of the Municipal People's Government.

Xiong Wei (Data Map Picture Source: Yiyang People's Congress)

According to public resumes, Xiong Weisheng was born in November 1975 , and entered the Hunan Provincial Disabled Persons 'Federation Office after graduating from Xiangtan University in 1997. He was later deputy secretary of the Hunan Provincial Disabled Persons' Alliance Committee.Room Director. In 2006, Xiong Wei served as Deputy Chief of You County, Zhuzhou City , later as a member of the Standing Committee of the Youxian County Party Committee, Director of the Office, Minister of Organization, Executive Deputy County Chief, etc.Essence In 2012, Xiong Wei adjusted across the market and was transferred to the deputy mayor of Yueyang City.First Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Xingang District. In December 2019, Xiong Wei was transferred to the Standing Committee of the Yiyang Municipal Party Committee. In January 2020, he served as the Standing Committee of the Yiyang Municipal Party Committee and executive deputy mayor.The mayor of Yiyang City, so far elected the mayor. Chen Jing, the former mayor of Yiyang City, has been the secretary of the Yiyang Municipal Party Committee in February this year. In February 1971, Chen Jing was a former deputy director of the Organization Department of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee and the director of the Provincial Civil Service Bureau.Recent adjustments.According to the official website, Yiyang City is located on the south bank of the Dongting Hunan in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.It is also one of the 3+5 urban agglomerations in Changzhutan. It has successively won nominated cities in provincial garden cities, the most suitable urban cities, outstanding green ecological cities in China, national excellent tourist cities, national forest cities, national sanitary cities, and national civilized cities.The first batch of national rule of law government construction demonstration cities and historical and cultural cities in Hunan Province have been the rich "fish and rice hometown" of Jiangnan since ancient times.At the end of 2022, the city's permanent population was 3.7936 million.