Wang Wentao, Minister of Commerce, Minister of Commerce, who led a delegation to attend the Asia -Pacific Economic Organization Conference, said that the economic and trade development in the Asia -Pacific region faces many interference and challenges.

According to the news released by the website of the Ministry of Commerce of China on Saturday (May 27), the 29th Trade Minister of Trade the Minister of Trade, the 29th to 26th of the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization (APEC).

Wang Wentao supported the Chinese position in supporting the multilateral trade system, promoting sustainable and inclusive trade development.

He said that supporting the multilateral trading system is an important tradition of the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization. The current WTO reform has accelerated, and the Asia -Pacific economies must actively participate and promote the resume operation of the dispute resolution mechanism as soon as possible.At the same time, the Asia -Pacific economies should strengthen cooperation, focus on the areas where members are generally concerned and have high consensus, and promote the pragmatic results of the 13th Ministerial Conference of the WTO.He said that as a major development country, China is willing to make a due contribution.

Wang Wentao said that the Asia -Pacific region has always been the area with the most growing vitality, development potential and economic toughness in the global economy, but economic and trade development still faces many interference and challenges.China has called on the APEC economy to continue to adhere to the open regionalism, adhere to the position of the main channel of the Asia -Pacific Free Trade Zone, unswervingly promote the process of regional economic integration, further deepen trade and investment cooperation, and share the opportunities and opportunities and opportunities and opportunities and development of the regional industrial chain supply chain.dividend.

During the meeting, Wang Wentao also attended a member -level meeting of members of China and Digital Economic Partnership Agreement, and met with the US, Japan, South Korea, Australia and other economies and the Director -General of the World Trade Organization.Economic and trade issues exchange views.

According to the press release released by the Ministry of Commerce earlier, when Wang Wentao met with US trade representative Dai Qi on Friday, Wang Wentao conducted a frank, pragmatic, and in -depth region and multilateral issues that Sino -US economic and trade relations and common concern.comminicate.China has put forward concerns about the key issues such as China ’s economic and trade policy, Taiwan -related issues in the field of economic and trade in China, Taiwan’ s Taiwan -related issues, Indo -Pacific Economic Frameworks, and 301 tariffs.

The official website of the Office of the US Trade Representative Office stated that Dai Qi emphasized that during the meeting, it was necessary to solve the serious imbalance caused by China's non -market economy and trade policies led by the country, and to China and China in ChinaThe actions adopted by the US company expressed concern.