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According to the WeChat public account of the Higher People's Court of Heilongjiang Province, from May 15th to 16th, 2023, the first instance of the Qitaihe Intermediate People's Court of Heilongjiang Province opened a public trial Heilongjiang Provincial People's Congress Education Science and Health CommitteeDirector Zhao Zhonghou accepted bribery, corruption, unknown source of property, and laundering money. The People's Procuratorate of the Qitaihe City sent a member to appear in court to support public prosecution. The defendant Zhao Zhonghou and his defender went to the court to participate in the lawsuit.

Picture source: Heilongjiang Higher People's Court

Qitaihe City People's Procuratorate accused: From early 2001 to November 2019, the defendant Zhao Zhonghou used the secretary of the party committee and director of the Heilongjiang Provincial Health Supervision Institute, deputy secretary and director of the Party Committee of the Provincial Disease Control Center, members of the Provincial Department of HealthDeputy Director, Secretary of the Provincial Department of Health, Director of the Department of Health, Secretary of the Party Group of the Provincial Population and Family Planning Commission, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, the chairman of the Science and Education and Cultural and Health Committee, Or use the convenience conditions formed by my own power and status, and use the behavior of staff of other countries to help relevant units or individuals in terms of promotion, post adjustment, personnel hiring, engineering contracting, equipment procurement, etc.> Illegal acceptance of property is equivalent to more than 170 million yuan. From December 2006 to March 2017, Zhao Zhonghou used the deputy secretary and director of the Party Committee of the Provincial Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Provincial Department of Health, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Provincial Department of Health.The facilities of the party secretary and director of the Family Planning Committee, alone or with others to embezzle public funds for a total of more than 19.47 million yuan. Zhao Zhonghou's family property and expenditure significantly exceeded legal income. There are still 67.98 million yuan in property that cannot explain the source. From May to November 2021, Zhao Zhonghou transferred more than 40.84 million yuan in the source and nature of corruption and bribery crimes, The other person's bank card transfer funds of the other people's bank cards. The public prosecution agency requested Criminal responsibility for bribery, crime of corruption, huge amount of property, and unknown sources of property .During the trial, the public prosecution agency presented relevant evidence. The defendant Zhao Zhonghou and his defender conducted a cross -examination certificate. The two parties of the prosecution fully expressed their opinions under the auspices of the court. Zhao Zhonghou made a final statement and expressed his confession.At the end of the trial, the court announced the offer and pronounced it.

Zhao Zhonghou

According to the official resume, Zhao Zhonghou was born in February 1957. He was the deputy director and director of the Fujin County Health Bureau, director of the Municipal Aiwei Office, and deputy mayor of Fujin City.

In 1998, Zhao Zhonghou was transferred to the Deputy Director of Health Education Institute of Heilongjiang Province, and was the director of the following year.> .

In 2007, Zhao Zhonghou served as Deputy Director of the Health Department of Heilongjiang Province. In 2010, he served as director of the Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Health.

In 2017, Zhao Zhonghou served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Heilongjiang Provincial People's Congress, the chairman of the Education, Science and Culture and Health Committee, retired in January 2020 and was investigated in November 2021.

In September 2022, Zhao Zhonghou was expelled from the party.After investigation, Zhao Zhonghou violated the spirit and integrity discipline of the eight central regulations, and accepted the gifts in violation of the regulations; violating the discipline of the organization, and it was not as explained to the problem when the organizational letter was questioned.Illegally seek benefits for others and receive money illegally. Utilize the convenience and conditions formed by the convenience of the position and the convenience of power or status, and illegally occupy public property with others alone; illegally accepting the entrustment of the entrustment to ask for the benefit; the property and expenditure are significantly more than the legal income, and the difference is hugeIt cannot explain the source, suspected corruption crimes, bribery crimes, and huge sources of property unknown crimes.

The report pointed out that Zhao Zhonghou, as a party member and leading cadre in the field of medical and health, has no ideals and beliefs, losing the principle of party spirit, abandoning his original mission, serious values, Selling officials, Selling officials, Employment system; Public health medical resources as a tool for self -sufficient and personal interests, and illegal merchants, engaged in power and money transactions, crazy to collect wealth, invade huge public funds Ecology, seriously damage the party's cause and image.

The website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the website of the National Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, introduced that after investigating and dealing with the case of Zhao Zhonghou's serious violations of discipline and violations of the law, the relevant supervision and inspection room deeply analyzed the rules of corruption in the medical and health system, and carefully wrote it carefullyAnalysis of cases of violations of laws and health systems in the province , dug out "some public hospitals are insufficient public welfare, obvious profitability, and linked to the" revenue "of the department.Examination and other issues that have been repeatedly banned and lesions have been banned. At the same time, it has also promoted the industry culture and atmosphere. In particular, some presidents and departments of the department 'take the lead in' corruption, up and down, and follow the flow ... "and other issues.The centralized rectification of corruption in the field laid the foundation and provided "target".

"Looking back, what you think, what you think, has seriously lost the feelings that a Communist Party member should have, seriously violates professional ethics, and makes himself deeper and deeper in the quagmire that violates discipline and law, which is difficult to extricate himself.Zhao Zhonghou wrote in his confession.

Zhao Zhonghou Resume

Zhao Zhonghou, male, Han nationality, born in February 1957, born in Shuangyashan, Heilongjiang, joined the work in October 1978, joined the Communist Party of China in July 1983.Graduated, graduate degree.

1975.10-1978.10 Jiamusi Medical College Medical Study

1978.10-1980.10 Doctor of Longchuan Township Health Center, Fujin County

1980.10-1984.02 Vice Dean and Dean of Chang'an Town Health Center, Fujin County

1984.02-1988.08 Deputy Director of Fujin County Health Bureau

1988.08-1993.06 Deputy Director of the Health Bureau of Fujin City (during this period: 1988.09-1993.06 Anhui University of Health Management, Informal Management University Study)

1993.06-1994.11 Director of Ai Health Office of Fujin City and Deputy Director of the Municipal Health Bureau

1994.11-1997.02 Fujin City Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Health Bureau of Fujin City, Director of the Municipal Ai Health Office

1997.02-1998.04 Deputy Mayor of Fujin City

1998.04-1999.04 Deputy Director of Health Education Institute of Heilongjiang Province

1999.04-2001.02 Director of Health Education Institute of Heilongjiang Province

2001.02-2003.06 Heilongjiang Provincial Health Supervision Institute Secretary and Director of Health Supervision Institute (during this: 2001.05—002.09 China -Australia Federation Office Latinbo University Social Medicine and Health Management Study in Higong -service Graduate Studies)

2003.06-2007.09 Deputy Secretary and Director of the Party Committee and Director of Heilongjiang Provincial Disease Control Center

2007.09-2010.04 Member and Deputy Director of the Party Group of Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Health

2010.04-2013.06 Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Hall of Health Department of Heilongjiang Province

2013.06-2014.01 Party Secretary and Director of the Party Group of Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Health, the party secretary of the provincial population and family planning committee members

2014.01-2017.01 Heilongjiang Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission Party Secretary and Director

2017.01-2017.03 Secretary of the Party Group of Health and Family Planning Commissioners of Heilongjiang Province, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, Chairman of the Chairman of the Education Science and Culture and Health Committee

2017.03-2020.01 Member of the Standing Committee of the Heilongjiang Provincial People's Congress, Chairman of the Chairman of the Education Science, Culture and Health Committee

2020.01 retirement

It was checked in November 2021.