(Washington/Beijing News) The US trade representative Daiqi plans to meet with the Minister of Commerce of China Wang Wentao at the end of this month.

Bloomberg quoted people familiar with the matter and revealed that Daiqi and Wang Wentao may meet at the meeting of the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Minister of Trade on May 25th to 26th.The meeting will be held in Detroit, USA.

The Ministry of Commerce and the official media have not announced whether Wang Wentao attended the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference.However, Bloomberg said that the meeting was announced last year. Under normal circumstances, Wang Wentao should attend.Although the United States has always asked for communication between the two sides, since the balloon incident, China and the United States have basically suspended contact.After China lifted a dynamic zero -epidemic prevention policy, China's leaders have only recently started visiting.

Sino -US relations have become increasingly tense due to Taiwan -US relations and high -tech export control measures.However, there have been any signs that the two countries will resume communication.China Foreign Minister Qin Gang met with the United States ambassador to China in Beijing on Monday (May 8).This is the first time Qin Gang met with the US ambassador to China. At that time, he emphasized that the urgent prince was to stabilize Sino -US relations and avoid spiral decline.

The assistant Secretary of State Russell, who was responsible for East Asia and Pacific in the Obama administration, told Bloomberg: "The meeting between Qin Gang and Bernus means that the time of Washington's Penalty Box may end."

Wang Wentao's Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization Leaders' informal meeting held in Bangkok, Thailand last November, met with Daiqi.