The World Bank President David Malpass said that China is committed to reorganizing the debt of developing countries to make all creditors coordinate, but it is still a deadlock.

Malpas, which will step down at the end of this month, said in an interview with Bloomberg TV on Monday (May 8) that as far as China has made a consensus on coordinating creditors in coordination, China does not yet haveGetting rid of the deadlock, "the situation of lack of progress is frustrated."

Last month, the global sovereign debt round table held at the International Monetary Fund and the Spring Conference of the World Bank last month.

Malpas said the participants of the round table meeting are planning to hold a seminar to solve the long -term problems.As the largest sovereign loan country, China has not yet expressed its willingness to bear loan losses.He believes that "in order to reach a reorganization agreement, China must put this problem on the table."

Generally speaking, if national debt restructuring is to be carried out, creditors must agree to reduce loan interest rates, extend loan terms or cancel the loan period or cancel the loan period or cancel the cancellation of the loan period or cancel the cancellation of the loan.Part of debt.The New York Times Chinese website said that in the past three years, China has faced various domestic economic difficulties, has been reluctant to bear debt loss, and ask other loan institutions such as the World Bank to bear it.But on this issue, all creditors have been unable to reach consensus.

According to data from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), 70 low -income countries face a total debt burden of 326 billion US dollars (about 435 billion yuan), of which more than half of them have fallen into or near the debt difficulties.Including Zambia, Ethiopia and Ghana.IMF President Golkiya said that most of the largest creditors in these countries are China. For example, about 75%of the creditor of Zambia's debt that needs to be reorganized is China.

However, Olkiyeva said in an interview with Bloomberg a few days ago that China is changing his thinking to think about how to help the national reorganization debt that cannot repay debts.This shows that the world's second largest economy will be rescued by the country where it is in trouble.