(picture source: pixabay)

The May Day Labor Day is over, and the workers are going to invest in glorious labor again.On the first day of work, the Discipline Inspection Commission brought a good start. Just at 9 o'clock in the morning, the Guangdong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection officially announced the official announcement of the original party committee and chairman of the Guangdong Provincial Agricultural Credit Society, Wang Shuoping, and the former deputy mayor of Meizhou City."" ".In the afternoon, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection also announced that Zhu Congzheng, vice chairman of the Zhejiang Provincial Political Consultative Conference, was reviewed and investigated.

Zhu Congzheng was investigated, and some people may not be surprised. It is in charge of Zhejiang Finance for ten years , but in the end, he did not enter the provincial party committee member team. At the age of 58 this year, he unloaded the position of deputy governor and transferred to the CPPCC. Such a result may mean that heThe effectiveness of Zhejiang Finance is not so recognized.You know, when "airborne" Zhejiang was "airborne" from the assistant position of the CSRC in 2012, the outside world had high expectations for Zhu Congzheng. He was called the youngest financial deputy governor.Strong> a mess .

Everything is connected, and everything has a circle.The circle of finance is particularly vertical and closed.

Speaking of Zhu Congzhang, we must not help but say that his old colleague Zhang Yujun, the trajectory of the two of them is simply synchronized.The two graduated from college in the same year and studied at the Graduate Department of the People's Bank of China in the same year. They both engaged in securities supervision.In 1999, the two left the CSRC together, one went to the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and the other went to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.Later, Zhu Congzhang raised the assistant to the chairman of the CSRC from the general manager of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and transferred from the assistant of the chairman to Zhejiang. Each of his two -step "vacancy" was Zhang Yujun.The road of life turned around. Zhang Yujun was investigated in 2015. Eight years later, Zhu Congzhang finally followed his back dust .

In 2015, Yao Gang and Zhang Yujun's group were generally considered to be related to the "stock disaster" of the year.From Zhu Congzhang's political resume, some clues can also be seen.Shortly before Zhu Congzheng was investigated, Liu Ye, the former deputy general manager of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, was investigated. In addition to the disciplinary inspection and supervision team of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection in the CSRC, there was the Zhejiang Taizhou Supervision Commission.Liu Ye has worked under Zhu Congzhang and Zhang Yujun, and eventually became the head of the financial innovation of the Shanghai Stock Exchange's securities industry.These so -called innovative financial methods and derivatives are considered to be risky to the stock market and hidden corruption.

Coincidentally, after Zhu Congzhang's deputy governor of Zhejiang, the main focus was on a "Innovation" .Around 2012, local private enterprises in Zhejiang adopted a way to guarantee each other because of difficulty in loan financing.Due to the bankruptcy of some companies, this guarantee chain chain was exploded, causing a crisis that was not small.Zhu Congzheng was transferred to Zhejiang to let him solve Zhejiang's financial problems.Perhaps due to the influence of the developed Internet industry in Zhejiang, Zhu Congzhang finally pinned the breakthrough of financial reform on "Internet Finance" .

We say that the Internet and finance are good things, and the original intention of Internet finance is also good, but the actual situation was in the name of a large number of P2P online loan platforms in Zhejiang at that time in the name of Internet finance and financial innovation.These platforms use high interest rates as bait , attracting a large number of people who chase high income to invest in, but the platform in the back of the ground takes people's hard -earned money to speculate in the speculation, stock speculation, and even directly overseas to prepare for a run.road.

The financial environment in 2018 has changed. This set of plays cannot be played, and these platforms have closed down.One day people suddenly found that the money in the mobile app could not turn out, so petitions reported to the case caused a significant social problem.This phenomenon has appeared in many places across the country, but Zhejiang is the most prominent. At that time, more than 260 platforms in the country burst into thunder, and Hangzhou occupied 81.Because there are too many thunder phenomena, Hangzhou was ridiculed as "Leadu" .There are two friends around me alone on the P2P platform in Hangzhou.

We must not put P2P leeks cut the pots of leeks on financial innovation. Serious innovation is worthy of encouragement, and allow trial and error .But the set of P2P play is actually not clever, but put high interest rates on a Internet coat.It is impossible for people who have been engaged in finance for many years. Zhu Congzhang, who has been in charge of finance in Zhejiang, cannot be seen.However, Zhejiang had the latest brakes at that time, and the consequences were the most serious.As for Zhu Congzheng himself and his people in his circle, whether he has obtained unjust money in this leek cutting, he can only wait for the investigation.

Since the beginning of 2023, financial anti -corruption has obviously entered a new climax, and the disciplinary inspection and supervision system has continued to speak up financial anti -corruption.Some people have counted more than thirty people who have announced that financial system cadres have been investigated this year.But Zhu Congzheng's investigation still has different meaning .He not only has a deep relationship with the securities system, and was also the deputy governor of financial provinces in charge of finance. Most of the financial system cadres who have been investigated so far this year are mostly from banks, insurance, trusts and other specific financial companies.This round of financial anti -corruption has sword refers to the provincial financial administrative system .I counted it a bit. Following the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Zhou Jiangyong, the first tiger of Zhejiang Tiger, was also the fourth cadre at or above the provincial level of Zhejiang since the 18th National Congress of the CPC.Although it is not a "local faction, the deputy governor who is in charge of finance for ten years is enough to make local political scenes shock.

Zhou Jiangyong, the former secretary of the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee, said in the "double opening" report that he linked to capital and supported the disorderly expansion of capital.In a place where capital is active in Zhejiang, the relationship with capital is in the final analysis still to keep the bottom line, and return to "orderly" .The "Leadu" past in Hangzhou also made us understand the significance of the orderly development of capital.In this era, there are no tags as amulets and pass permits. Only those who have been complicated can be worthy of more important positions and more difficult tasks.

(text/Yu Yongjie)