China's official report, Liu Yan, a member of the former party group and deputy mayor of the Dalian Municipal Government, is suspected of serious disciplinary violations and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision and investigation.

The website of the State Supervision Commission of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Thursday (May 4) was reported to the above news on the morning of Thursday (May 4).

Public information shows that Liu Yan is 59 years old. He was the secretary of the party committee and director (director) of the Dalian Economic Commission (Municipal Small Enterprise Bureau).Bureau, Municipal Defense Science and Technology Office) Party Secretary, Director (Director), member of the party group and mayor of the Dalian Municipal Government.

In January 2013, he served as a member of the party group and deputy mayor of the Dalian Municipal Government, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Municipal SASAC, and Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Port Working Committee;, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Port Working Committee; unknown in January 2018; in January 2022, he served as the Dalian Municipal Government.