A survey of rural revitalization at the Agricultural University of China found that grassroots cadres have some confusion in the implementation and policy implementation of rural revitalization, such as less theoretical learning time.In place, it leads to short vision or "one -size -fits -all" approach in the work.

According to the surging news report, a study by Professor Ye Jingzhong of the School of Humanities and Development of China University of Agricultural University pointed out that the confusion and confusion of grassroots cadres are mainly manifested in seven aspects.The first is that the theoretical learning time is small, the policy is blurred, and the understanding is not in place.

The research and development shows that grassroots cadres generally lack the time and energy of theoretical learning, and to understand the policy slowly. This often leads to confusion and difficulties in the work, especially for some systematic and programmable documents.Not in place often leads to temporary, short -sightedness or "one -size -fits -all" approach in the work.

Some system design and policy itself are blurred, which also brings understanding and enforcement of grassroots cadres.There are grass -roots cadres reported that in the process of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, there are obvious problems of division of labor and work crossing between government departments.Grass -roots cadres said that "work is not stressful, and coordination of different departments and processing assessments is stress."

The survey also found that there are many restrictions on the implementation of the policy, the work goals are deviated, and the path dependence on innovation is difficult.The survey pointed out that grassroots cadres often lack autonomy, and there is a tendency to exist the theory of indicator and process.On the other hand, the severe accountability mechanism also forced the implementation of the policy simplified. Although "one -size -fits -all" has been criticized, it also means that it will not make mistakes, which will inevitably limit exploration and innovation.

At the same time, the resource allocation is inverted, the lack of human property rights, and the lack of support for basic management is also the main problem facing grassroots work.

The survey also found that the frequent supervision and assessment made grass -roots cadres tired of cope. The assessment itself became the core goal of grassroots work, and the pressure of accountability was high.Causes malformations with stability maintenance policies.

The confusion and confusion faced by grassroots cadres also include that the masses rely on the government high, the masses have difficulty in mobilizing the masses, and the masses are not active; young cadres are embarrassed, the grassroots are difficult, and the psychological gap is large.Social identity, lack of expression at the grassroots level.

Research suggestions, in the process of rural revitalization, we should deeply understand the expectations and confusion of grass -roots cadres, and better play the role of grassroots cadres in rural revitalization by promoting the transformation of grass -roots governance models.

Research also suggested that policy implementation should leave a certain space for the grassroots and establish a more reasonable fault tolerance and error correction mechanism; resource allocation should be further tilted to the grassroots, providing more support to the grassroots.

This study was carried out in 10 villages in five provinces including Shandong, Hunan, Shaanxi, Zhejiang, and Hebei in March 2021 to complete the peasant questionnaire around the theme of "rural revitalization of farmers' perspectives",529 copies, 154 interviews with grassroots cadres, new business entities, and small farmers were completed.The revitalization of rural rejuvenation from the perspective of farmers' perspectives was recently published by the Social Science Literature Press.