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According to the official WeChat public account of the Qingdao People's Procuratorate on April 30, Recently, the former party secretary and president of the Shenzhen Branch of China Construction Bank, Wang Ye, suspected of bribery, illegal issuance of loans, and money laundering.The Qingdao People's Procuratorate filed a public prosecution to the Qingdao Intermediate People's Court in accordance with the law.

During the review and prosecution stage, the procuratorial organs told the defendant Wang Ye's right to enjoy the lawsuit in accordance with the law, and questioned the defendant in accordance with the law and listened to the opinion of the defender.The Qingdao People's Procuratorate sued accusations: The defendant Wang Ye was the national staff. He used the convenience of his position to seek benefits for others, illegally accepting other people's property, and the amount was particularly huge;, Conceal the source and nature of bribery crimes, transfer funds, and transform property into valuable securities. The circumstances are serious. According to law, it should be held criminally criminal responsibility for bribery, illegal loan crimes, and money laundering.

April 12, 2022, Wang Ye, former party committee secretary and president of the Shenzhen Branch of China Construction Bank, was investigated; the news on February 1 this year, Wang Ye was "double -opened".

After investigation, Wang Ye is a party member and leading cadre who has long worked in the financial field for a long time. He has no ideals and beliefs, deviates from his original mission, is unfaithful to the party.Disclosure, abandon the political responsibility of governing the party, interfere with the inspection work, do not believe in the "Feng Shui" of Malaysian Lenin, and consciously consider fighting for organizational review ;Gifts, consumer cards, receiving banquets, tourism activities in violation of regulations, and giving gifts to civil servants that significantly exceed normal gifts and go in and out of private clubs many times; violate the principles of organizational principles;Matters do not report personal whereabouts as required; There is no cleanliness line, "eating finance by finance", illegal business -oriented enterprises, and using its powers to operate "marketization" as a guise to obtain huge benefits., Housing, the fees shall be paid by credit customers shall be borne by the individual to invade public property; infringe on the interests of the masses ; the awareness of the rules is weak, intervention in concentrated procurement in violation of regulations;In the loan financing approval, we seek benefits for others and illegally receive huge amounts of property; the amount of loans violated the regulations of the state, and the amount is particularly huge.

Wang Ye seriously violates the party's political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, mass discipline, work discipline, and life discipline, constitutes serious duties of violations and suspected bribery and illegal loan crimes, and do not converge after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.Do not stop, I still do n’t know after the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The nature is serious and the impact is bad. It should be dealt with seriously.In accordance with the relevant regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Supervision of the People's Republic of China in accordance with the relevant provisions of the People's Republic of China on the Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China, After research by the Party Committee of the China Construction Bank of China, it was decided to give Wangye to expel party membership;The bank disciplinary inspection and supervision team studied and decided to give Wangye to expel public office and sanction ; the collection of disciplinary illegal and illegal income; the Qingdao Municipal Supervision Commission transferred its suspected criminal issues to the procuratorial organs to review and prosecute in accordance with the law, and the property involved was transferred.

After Wang Ye was investigated, Zhang Xueqing, deputy secretary and deputy president of the Shenzhen Branch of China Construction Bank, Han Fenglin, the original risk director of the Shenzhen Branch of China Construction Bank, Zhao Zhiran, senior commissioner of Shenzhen Branch of China Construction Bank, and Shenzhen, China Construction Bank ShenzhenThe former Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Deputy Governor of the Branch Yi Jingan was investigated.

In addition, on April 22, 2022, Tian Huiyu, former party secretary and president of China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd., was investigated.He has been serving in the financial system, and has served as Deputy Governor of Bank of Shanghai, Deputy Governor of the Shanghai Branch of China Construction Bank, President of Shenzhen Branch of China Construction Bank , director of the retail business of China Construction Bank and Beijing CityThe president of the branch is equal.