The Liaoning Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision on Thursday (April 20) issued three consecutive notes. Liu Jiaduo, former deputy director of the Liaoning Provincial Public Security Department, Yin Guohui, former director of the Provincial Affairs Administration, was opened.The inspector Zhang Danqi was expelled from the party.

The notification pointed out that with the approval of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee, the Liaoning Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection conducted a investigation and investigation on the issues of serious violations of discipline and violations of Liu Jiaduo, Yin Guohui and Zhang Daqi, respectively.

After investigation, Liu Jiaduo lost his ideals and convictions, abandoned his original mission, was unfaithful to the party, skewed with others, destroyed, transferred, concealed evidence, and conspired to confront the organizational review.Receive gifts and gifts, borrow money, housing, and vehicles of management and service objects in violation of regulations; do not report personal matters in accordance with regulations, and seek benefits for others in the selection and appointment of cadres; use the impact of their positions to seek benefits for relatives, engage in profit in violation of regulations illegal regulationsActivities; illegal intervention and intervening in law enforcement activities; the bottom line of the discipline and law is lost, and the use of the convenience of the position for others to obtain benefits in terms of corporate operations and case handling and illegally receive huge property.

After investigation, Yin Guohui lost his ideals and convictions, abandoned his original mission, was unfaithful to the party, transferred to conceal evidence, and confronted the organizational review; ignored the spirit of the eight central regulations, accepting a banquet that could affect fair execution of official duties.Illegal buses are privately used, and use their positions to occupy the property of others; do not report personal matters in accordance with regulations, and seek benefits for others in the selection and appointment of cadres;Responsible for disposal; use the convenience of duties to deceive and swallow the unit's property; use the convenience of the position of the position or the convenient conditions for the formation of the position, and illegally accept the benefits of others in terms of corporate operations and promotion of positions.

After investigation, Zhang Daqi lost his ideals and convictions, abandoned his original mission, was unfaithful and unrealistic about the party, transferred, concealed, destroyed evidence, and confrontable organizational review; ignored the spirit of the eight central regulations and accepted gifts in violation of regulations.Accept a banquet that may affect the execution of official duties, borrow management and service objects in violation of regulations, and give gifts to personnel engaged in official duties; do not report personal matters in accordance with regulations, seek benefits for others in the selection and appointment of cadres;; Life is luxurious, pursuing low -level interests; the bottom line of the discipline and law is lost, and the convenience of the job is to obtain benefits for others in terms of corporate operation and other aspects.

After research by the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission and submitted to the Provincial Party Committee for approval, it was decided to give Liu Jialuo and Yin Guohui to expel the Communist Party's membership;Give Zhang Danqi to expel the Communist Party of China.

Public information shows that Liu Jiaduo, 60, is a native of Tieling, Liaoning.class).In August 2015, he served as a member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Provincial Public Security Department until it was investigated in August last year.

The 56 -year -old Yin Guohui has worked at the Liaoning Provincial Affairs Administration in 2006. In July 2018, he served as the party secretary and director of the party group.It was checked in October.

Zhang Daqi, 63, is from Anshan, Liaoning.Former director (deputy department level) of the Police Protection Department of the Public Security Department of Liaoning Province, in December 2015, served as Deputy Mayor and Director of the Public Security Bureau, and later retired as a first -level inspector of the Provincial Public Security Department.