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Written article | Cai Yiyi

On April 17th, the SASAC issued a notice on the work of investigating the responsibility of the central enterprise's illegal operation investment in 2023.

This is not the first time that the official issue is issued.However, compared with previously, the wording of anti -corruption in this year's notice has changed a lot.

There is also a background worthy of attention.Since the beginning of this year, many of the central enterprises have been taken down.The anti -corruption storm of central enterprises is still in progress.

For the first time since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

According to the above -view news report, the central enterprise refers to the responsibilities of the central people's government (State Council) or entrusted state -owned assets supervision and management institutions.A wholly state -owned or state -owned holding enterprise managed by the central ministries (association).

The website of the State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council shows that As of December 31, 2022, there were 98 central enterprises.

Since the beginning of this year, the anti -corruption of central enterprises has attracted much attention from the outside world.

From March 19th to 21st this year, Li Xi, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, went to Hubei to investigate.

Li Xi pointed out when investigating Wuchang Shipbuilding Heavy Industry Group Co., Ltd. and China Yangtze River Three Gorges Group Co., Ltd. that it is necessary to further promote the construction of a state -owned enterprise party style and clean government, promote state -owned enterprises to be stronger and bigger, and better serve the national strategy.

Then, on March 27, Li Xi attended the National Inspection Conference and the first round of inspection and mobilization of the 20th Central Committee.

Li Xi emphasized that carrying out regular inspections on Chinese management enterprises, focusing on the party organization of the enterprise to adhere to the party's comprehensive leadership of state -owned enterprises, fulfill the responsibility of strictly governing the party, and strive to find the main contradictions that affect the constraints of high -quality development, andOutstanding issue.

Among the official 20th round of the first round of inspections, the official 20th round of the central government includes 30 centralized enterprise party groups including China Nuclear Group, Aerospace Science and Technology, and Aerospace Science and Technology.

According to media reports, these companies cover key areas of aerospace, energy, power, power, communication, food, etc., including "three barrels of oil" and "three major operators".

This is the first time that the party's first round of inspections have been concentrated on the first round of the central government since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

China Economic Weekly published an article analyzed that The first round of inspections chose to go deep into the central enterprise, which reflects the determination and strong will of the central government to crack down on corruption.Complex, not tolerate light heart.

Many people are densely won

As of April 8, the first round of the 20th Central Government's inspection was completed.It is worth mentioning that before and after this round of inspections, many of the central enterprises have been taken down.

On March 23 this year, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection issued the news of anti -corruption.

  • National Energy Group Guohuan Group Guoneng LangxinXu Zhiqing, former party secretary and chairman of Ming Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd., took the initiative to invest in the case.

  • Zhang Zhigang, the former deputy general manager of China Datang Power Fuel Co., Ltd., was investigated.

  • Sheng Xiaoming, former general manager of Datang Beijing Datang Fuel Co., Ltd., was investigated.

  • Sun Xiaodong, former general manager of Hengtian Asset Management Co., Ltd.

  • Qu Hui, deputy director of the Planning Division of the National Power Grid Special High-voltage Division, was checked.

The five different central enterprises have been investigated at the same time, which is rare in the previous report of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission .On the morning of March 23, Xia Zhong, a member of the State Power Investment Investment Party Group and deputy general manager, was investigated.

Looking forward again, in one day on March 16, there were five dry parts from PetroChina, China Shipping Group, Aviation Industry, and China Nuclear Group.

In addition, since this year, there have been "tigers" from central enterprises.

On February 8th, the official website of the State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection issued news that Li Dong, a member of the former party group and deputy general manager of the National Energy Investment Group Co., Ltd., was suspected of serious disciplinary violations and accepted discipline review and supervision investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

focus on investigating and handling

The notice on the work of investigating the liability for investment in the illegal operation of central enterprises in 2023 issued on April 17, revealing the latest signal of anti -corruption of central enterprises.

It should be explained that this is not the first time that the official issuance of the accountability of illegal operation investment in central enterprises.

In March 2021 and March 2022, the SASAC issued a notice on the work of doing a good job of investigating the responsibility of illegal operation investment in central enterprises in 2021.

However, compared with previously issued notices, this year's notification is quite a lot in anti -corruption.




In terms of "serious investigation and punishment of major violations of regulations", this year mentioned three "stares" - Paying close attention to major violations, keeping an eye on the high incidence of violations, and not only "psoriasis".

The SASAC also mentioned in this year's notice that pays attention to the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and the clues of major violations issued by the SASAC will focus on investigating and handling.

Focusing on investigating and dealing with serious violations of the "red line" to touch the national law.Essence

The notice is also clear:

  • strengthen the supervision of corporate power concentration, density of funds, resources, asset agglomeration departments and positionsEssence

  • Strictly investigate Equity investment, engineering construction, fund management, external guarantee, financial business and other fields of violations of regulations, and investigate the responsibility of relevant personnel in accordance with laws and regulations.

  • The three orders of the SASAC and the five sins are strictly prohibited from financing, "air rotation" and "taking orders" false business issues "zero tolerance".If a class enterprise or a total of three similar issues of the above group during the year, the entire group shall report to the State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, and the SASAC will be approved and investigated.

Materials | Xinhua News Agency People's Daily CCTV State -owned Assets Supervision and SASAC official website viewing news rule of law Daily, etc./strong> [Copyright Statement] This article is exclusively owned by the copyright of the new media. It is not allowed to reprint without authorization.