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According to the official website of the Gansu Dingxi City Government, at the second plenary session of the third meeting of the Fifth People's Congress of Dingxi City on the afternoon of April 15th, Wu Heqian was elected as the mayor of Dingxi People's Government.

Wu Heqian (Source: Dingxi City Government official website)

After being elected mayor, Wu Heqian said that I know that behind the solemn and sacred votes, it carries a high degree of trust, full of eager expectations, and delivering the heavy entrustment. I must cherish the difficult development situation of today, do my best, work hard, and do my best to do various tasks.Heavy care, and never live up to the love and expectations of the people in the city!

Wu Heqian said that in the new journey, I will consciously keep the bottom line of cleanliness, strictly discipline and clean up the officers.Always put discipline and rules ahead, take the lead in strictly abide by the spirit of the party constitution, Party discipline and the eight central regulations of the Central Committee, and effectively unify the pragmatic, honest and efficient, always tighten string, awe, fame, self -discipline, self -discipline, self -discipline, self -discipline, Ford to be honest and honest. Earnestly fulfill the responsibilities of the government system to comprehensively and strictly govern the party, and strive to promote the comprehensive and strict development of the party to develop in depth, so that the power of integrity and cleanliness, diligent and clean officers have become a wind in the city's government system, and strive to create cadres to be clear and correct.The government is clean and politically clear.

Public information shows that Wu Heqian was born in January 1971. He has a graduate degree, a master's degree in engineering, and a member of the Communist Party of China.He has served as the Organization Department of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee and Lanzhou City, has served as Secretary of the Honggu District Committee of Lanzhou City, Secretary of the Chengguan District Party Committee, and was promoted to a second -level inspector in 2019.

In 2020, Wu Heqian was appointed Deputy Mayor of Lanzhou City, and in 2021, he served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Zhangye Municipal Party Committee and executive deputy mayor.At the beginning of April this year, he was transferred to the deputy secretary of the Dingxi Municipal Party Committee and served as the mayor of Dingxi City on April 7. So far elected the mayor.

In May 2022, the Office of the State Council's Earthquake Relief Headquarters, Emergency Management Department, and Gansu Provincial Government jointly organized the actual exercise of earthquake relief in high -cold regions of the high -cold area of the high -cold area of the Plateau.In August 2022, the Emergency Management Department decided to reward 200 collectives including the 200 comrades who made outstanding contributions during the implementation of the exercise and the Gansu Provincial Fire Rescue Corps. Among them, Wu Heqian was recorded in the third merit.

The former mayor of Dingxi City Wang Shangxue, born in March 1972, was the secretary of Dingxi Municipal Party Committee in March this year.

The official website is introduced that Dingxi is located in the central Gansu, which is commonly known as "Longzhong".At present, there are 7 counties and districts of Tongwei District and Tongwei County, Longxi County, Linyi County, Weiyuan County, Zhangxian County, and Minxian County. There are 3 streets, 1887 villages, and 88 communities in 119 towns.The household registration population is 3.025 million, and the permanent population is 2.578 million.In 2017, he won the "Chang'an Cup" award of the National Social Security Comprehensive Governance, successfully created a "provincial civilized city" in 2020, and was awarded the "National Double Support Model City".In 2021, it was awarded the "Progress Award" by the provincial government for four consecutive quarters.