The President of the People's Bank of China Yi Gang emphasized that China is willing to implement the common framework of debt disposal with all parties.
The People's Bank of China announced on the official website on Friday (April 14) that Yi Gang said at the two -day Twenty Group Finance Secretary and central bank governor meeting that the Chinese economy is stabilizing and recovering, inflation, and inflation, inflation, inflation, inflation, and inflation.Keeping a low level, the real estate market has changed positively. It is expected that the GDP growth rate this year will reach about 5%.The meeting ended on Thursday (13th).
The People's Bank of China also announced that during the 10th and 11th, Yi Gang attended the International Monetary Fund/World Bank Spring Season Meeting on the 10th and the Spring Festival in Washington.Mosocotita, Minister of Treasury, Treasure of African countries, met with the central bank president Kaya.
Sri Lanka and Zambia are in financial difficulties.Comprehensive Bloomberg and Reuters report that China is the largest bilateral lender of Sri Lanka.Official data show that Zambia's total foreign debt as of the end of 2021 was US $ 17 billion (S $ 22.5 billion), of which the amount of foreign debt related to China reached $ 6 billion.
Yi Gang also met with the Fed Chairman Powell on the 11th and Jordan, President of the Swiss Bank.