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The chairman of Jiannanchun was sentenced to 400 million yuan in five years in prison

According to the WeChat public account of Leshan Intermediate Court, on the afternoon of March 24, 2023, Qiao Tianming, chairmanQiao Tianming was sentenced to two years in prison for bribery. He was sentenced to four years in prison for privately divided the state -owned assets, and fined 400 million yuan.State -owned assets and their corresponding income are recovered and returned to the People's Government of Mianzhu City, Sichuan Province.

It was found out that on January 4, 2001, the defendant Qiao Tianming was appointed chairman of Sichuan Jiannanchun (Group) Co., Ltd. by the People's Government of Mianzhu City.In 2003, Sichuan Jiannanchun (Group) Co., Ltd. was restructured. Qiao Tianming gave a total of RMB 380,000 to state staff's property and reasons from 2006 to 2012.During the restructuring, the defendant Qiao Tianming and others were owned by fake financial information and other methods. The Sichuan Jiannan Chun (Group) Co., Ltd., which was restructured by 263,573.6 billion yuan in the restructuring of state -owned assets.

The Leshan City Intermediate People's Court in Sichuan Province believes that the defendant Qiao Tianming gives a bribe by bribery to the behavior of the absence of uniform interests.State -owned Companies Pichigan Jiannanchun (Group) Co., Ltd. illegally violated national regulations and hidden the state -owned assets to the restructuring of Sichuan Jiannanchun (Group) Co., Ltd. during the restructuring process.The crime of state -owned assets and huge amounts should be punished according to law.

Incidents pass

Public information shows that Qiao Tianming, born in 1949, is 74 years old.In 1982, Qiao Tianming entered the Jiannanchun Winery. He served as the deputy director, deputy factory director, general manager of the Party Office. Since 2000, he has served as the chairman, general manager, and party secretary of Jiannanchun Group.

Jiannanchun's predecessor was the state -owned sword Nanchun winery.In 2003, Jiannanchun restructured. According to the idea determined by Mianzhu City, Sichuan Tongsheng Investment Co., Ltd. was formed by the management team of Jiannanchun Winery at that time.%, The introduced two strategic investors in Sichuan Lan Jian (Group) Co., Ltd. held 8.61%, and Sichuan Rongxin Investment Co., Ltd. held 5.38%.Except for the intangible assets such as trademarks, all state -owned capital is exited.The plan was officially approved by the Sichuan Provincial Department of Finance in January 2004 to determine that Jiannanchun's state -owned net assets were 929.3 million yuan (excluding intangible assets such as trademarks).Qiao Tianming holds 41%of Tongsheng's investment, and indirectly holds about 26%of Jiannanchun.

In 2012, Jian Nanchun had discontinued production with employees when he was preparing for listing and how to deal with the capital contribution.The subsequent industry adjustment made Jiannanchun fail to go public.

The issue of employee equity is a leftover problem when restructuring in 2003.According to the processing plan of that year, employees can choose to leave the group to find a way out of the group, or they can choose to deposit this compensation model into the group, enter the employee holding trust plan, and subscribe for part of the shares.Most employees choose the latter, on the one hand, they can keep their jobs, and on the other hand, they can get a dividend from the group each year.

In August 2012, a document of the implementation method of Jiannanchun's employee holding trust plan detonated the contradiction between employees and groups.

The biggest difference between this implementation method and the shareholding plan 9 years ago is that in 2003, the employees held the equity of Jiannanchun. They were all shareholders of Jiannanchun; and the new implementation plan in 2012 deprived them of them.As a shareholder, and the equity has also become the right to return.

Because of this, Jiannanchun Group stopped working for several months.On August 18, 2012, because employees and groups could not reach an agreement, the group asked employees to stop production and study.It was not until November 8 of that year that the work was fully resumed.In June 2013, after coordinating the three parties of the group, employees, and the government, a premium repurchase plan was reached. Jiannanchun repurchased the equity held by the employees at the price of 14.06 yuan.

In May 2015, during the restructuring of Jiannanchun, Qiao Tianming was investigated by the Discipline Inspection Commission for the transfer of benefits to government officials.Beginning in May 2015, Qiao Tianming lost contact for a long time.In December 2015, Qiao Tianming briefly returned to Mianzhu. After signing some authorized documents, he left his job.At that time, the person close to government officials revealed that Qiao Tianming's personal archives in the Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau were transferred away from the overall restructuring of Jiannanchun in 2004.

Until January 2017, Qiao Tianming appeared in public, and it was said that he was given a bail pending trial for illness.

In 2018, Qiao Tianming was prosecuted in September for suspicion of swallowing state -owned assets and bribery.The procuratorial organs accused that from 2006 to 2012, Qiao Tianming gave it to the former deputy governor of Sichuan Province, Li Chengyun and his wife Huang Quanfang, a total of 380,000 yuan.In 2017, Li Chengyun received more than 6.36 million bribes in 2017 for 10 years.In addition, he was accused during the period of Jiannanchun's restructuring in 2003, and the privately divided state -owned assets was approximately 260 million yuan through the method of paying payable, falsely listed advertising fees, and advertising fees for advertising in advance.It was not until today that the matter was concluded.

In the early years, Jian Nanchun was named in Moutai and Wuliangye, and called Mao Wujian, but gradually lags behind other competitors.At the same time, Wuliangye, Luzhou Laojiao, Jiannanchun, Langjiu, Shuijingfang, and willing are also known as Sichuan wine six golden flowers. Now, only Jiannanchun and Langjiu are separated from the capital market.

In 2022, Jiannanchun Group welcomed the second -generation transfer.On April 12, Jiannanchun's official website released information. Qiao Yu served as the vice chairman and general manager of Jiannanchun Group to comprehensively host the company's work.Chairman Qiao Tianming no longer serves as the position of general manager.

In addition, Qiao Yu, general manager of Jiannan Chun Group, was nominated by Qiao Yu, and the board of directors reviewed and agreed to appoint Cai Fugu as the executive deputy general manager of the company. Zhao Jun, Tian Feng, and Deng Xiaochun were the deputy general manager of the company.

Public information shows that Qiao Yu was born in 1975. After graduating from the International Business School of Southwest University of Finance and Economics, he went to foreign countries to continue his studies on economic, finance and other related majors, and then worked in the United States for several years.After returning to China, Qiao Yu served as deputy general manager at Sichuan Blue Sword Packaging in Jiannanchun Group's subsidiary in 2010.In 2011, Qiao Yu officially entered the group with assistant general manager's position and led the sales.