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The latest information of the "Window of Leadership" column of the official website of the Gansu Provincial Government shows that Zhang Weiwen is currently a member of the party group of the Gansu Provincial Government and secretary of the party group of the General Office.

Zhang Weiwen was appointed Mayor of Lanzhou City in 2018 , and resigned from the mayor of Lanzhou City on March 17 this year.

Zhang Weiwen (Data Map Picture Source: New Gansu Client)

According to public resumes, Zhang Weisheng graduated from Dalian University of Technology in 1966 in July 1966, worked at the aerospace system for a long time.The Director of the Science and Technology Division, deputy director, deputy general manager of Aerospace Oriental Red Satellite Co., Ltd., etc. In 2008, he served as director and deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Fifth 100 Research Institute of the Fifth Research Institute of China Aerospace Science and Technology Group. According to the official website, the Fifth 100 Research Institute of the Fifth Research Institute of China Aerospace Science and Technology Group, also known as the Lanzhou Institute of Space Technology, founded in 1962, located in Lanzhou City, Gansu Province It was originally the Lanzhou Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It was the earliest professional research institute in my country to engage in vacuum science and technology. Now belonging to the China Space Technology Research Institute, it is the first batch of units developed directly in the development of space aircraft in my country. 7 major categories of core products such as spatial scientific detection load, atomic frequencies, surface engineering, secondary power supply, mechanical and electrical products, and pressure containers are applied to various types and ship models launched by my country, and expanded to important strategic tactical weapons to my country In the equipment, a record of 100 % of the success rate of flight has always been maintained, which has made outstanding contributions to my country's aerospace industry and national defense. In December 2017, Zhang Weiwen was transferred to the deputy secretary of the Lanzhou Municipal Party Committee and acting mayor, and served as the mayor of Lanzhou in January the following year. On March 17 this year, the 11th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 17th People's Congress of Lanzhou City was held.Decision of request.After voting, the meeting was decided to appoint Liu Jianxun as the deputy mayor and acting mayor of the Lanzhou Municipal People's Government. Liu Jianxun, the new mayor of Lanzhou City, was born in March 1970. He had previously served as the party secretary and director of the Gansu Provincial Department of Transportation.Li Zhixun, the former party secretary of the Gansu Provincial Government General Office, was born in 1962. He was the mayor of Wuwei City and the director of the Gansu Provincial Civil Affairs Department.