According to the information of Xinhua News Agency, the PLA and the Armed Police Forces delegation attended the first session of the 14th National People's Congress continued to review the government work report on the 6th.Representatives said that the National People's Congress was an important meeting held in the year of fully implementing the party's 20th spirit of the party.The government work report reviewed by the meeting, in -depth implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideas with Chinese characteristics and the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party, summarizing historic achievements, planning high -quality development, pragmatic innovation, and promoting the implementation of modern Chinese -style modernization.A good report of flags and new and united.

Liu Zhenli, member of the Central Military Commission and chief of staff of the Joint Staff of the Military Commission, said that in the past five years, President Xi led us to win a series of war tests and created one miracle after another, and achieved extremely unusual and extraordinary major achievements.It turns out that the two are the foundation of our confidence and strength of our faith and strength.It is necessary to implement the spirit of the two sessions in accordance with the actual situation of the army, thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's strong military thoughts, and implement the chairman of the Military Commission with higher standards and strict requirements; comprehensively strengthen the training of troops, accelerate the ability to improve their combat capabilities, firmly and flexibly carry out military struggles, resoluteShape a security situation, curb the conflict of crisis, and win local wars; comprehensively strengthen military governance, strengthen the coordination of combat construction, deepen institutional mechanism innovation, and ensure that the 100 -year -old struggle goal of the establishment of the army as scheduled is achieved.

The above information shows that Liu Zhenli has served as Chief of Staff of the Ministry of Staff of the Central Military Commission.

(Source: Xinhua News Agency)