Economic Observation Network reporter Li Weizao planted Ang in February 2023. Multiple sources confirmed to Economic Observer reporters that Li Qiuping, the head of Anyuan County, Anyuan County, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, had recently been suspected of violating a central state organs in Anyuan County.Female cadres have been suspended.

On February 23, a reporter from the Economic Observation Network contacted the suspected female cadre.She said that she had left Anyuan County, and the incident was handled by the organization. I believe the organization will give a fair answer.Regarding other circumstances of the case, she said that it is currently inconvenient to interview.

From February 22 to 23, reporters from Economic Observation Network also contacted a main person in charge of the Ganzhou Discipline Inspection Commission.The person in charge said he was in a meeting.Later, he did not reply to the reporter's text message inquiry.

A person in charge of the Standing Committee of the Anyuan County People's Congress responded to the reporter of the Economic Observation Network that Li Qiuping is still the county magistrate of Anyuan County. At this level of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Anyuan County, it has not received a notice to launch the National Congress of Li Qiuping.program of.

Li Qiuping, born in July 1982, is a new native of Ji'an, Jiangxi. From 2000 to 2004, he studied at the Chinese Language and Literature of Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal School (now Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University).After graduating, he worked at the Jiangxi Provincial Water Resources Hydropower School (now the Jiangxi Water Conservancy Vocational College) at the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Water Resources, and later served as the deputy director of the school's administrative office.

In 2011, Li Qiuping was transferred to Jiangxi Provincial State -owned Enterprise Jiangxi Provincial Water Conservancy Investment Group Co., Ltd., as the director of the office, and then served as a major leader in the group's subsidiaries.

In June 2020, Li Qiuping left Jiangxi Water Conservancy Investment Group Co., Ltd., and was appointed as the deputy secretary of the county party committee at Dayu County, Ganzhou City.

In August of the following year, Li Qiuping was transferred to Anyuan County, Ganzhou City.

On the morning of February 8, 2023, the third meeting of the 16th Committee of the CPPCC Anyuan County was held. Li Qiuping attended the meeting and was in front of the podium.

However, on the morning of February 9, when the third session of the 18th People's Congress of Anyuan County was held, Li Qiuping did not attend the meeting.The government work report, which should be made by the county magistrate, has become entrusted by Li Qiuping, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate.

After that until February 23, Li Qiuping has never appeared in public.As of 10 pm on February 23, 2023, the leadership of the Anyuan County Government's website was still the county magistrate, and the division of labor was responsible for the comprehensive work of the county government.In charge of the County Finance Bureau and the Audit Bureau.Responsible for the party building, party style and clean government construction and ideological work of the party group of the county government.

Reporters of Economic Observation Network have tried to contact Li Qiuping many times.

Several people of the central state organs where the female cadre is located introduced to the reporter of the Economic Observation Network that Anyuan County is one of the designated poverty alleviation units of the central state organs.

In addition to the violent female cadre, there is currently a cadre of the central state organs who work in Anyuan County as a county -level leader.However, he told the reporter of the Economic Observation Network that he would not be interviewed by the media on this matter.