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Written article | Liu Yilong

On February 6, according to the news of the Guangdong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Li Yiyong, the former Standing Committee of the Heyuan Municipal Party Committee and the former executive deputy mayor of the Municipal Government, was suspected of serious disciplinary violations and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Guangdong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Zhengzhi Circle (WeChat ID: WePolitics) includes Li Yiyong. Since June 2017, at least 6 of the four sets of officials in the four sets of Heyuan Municipal Party Committee, Municipal Government, CPPCC, and Municipal People's Congress have fallen off.

The Standing Committee of the Municipal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee for the past 10 years

Li Yiyong, male, Han nationality, born in April 1964, Guangdong Zijin people, a college degree in work.

Public information shows that Li Yiyong served in Heyuan City for a long time, and successively served as the head of Yuancheng District and secretary of the Yuancheng District Committee.In December 2011, he served as member of the Standing Committee and Secretary -General of the Heyuan Municipal Party Committee. In January 2017, he served as the member of the Standing Committee of the Heyuan Municipal Party Committee and the executive deputy mayor.

In August 2021, Li Yiyong was transferred to a member of the party group of the Heyuan City People's Congress, and later managed the deputy department -level cadres at the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Xinheyuan City.

Heyuan City is located in the northeast of Guangdong Province, and its straight line distance from Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hong Kong is within 200 kilometers. It is the only prefecture -level city driven by three international urban radiation at the same time at the same time.Square kilometers.As of the end of 2021, the city has 1 district and 5 counties, with a total area of 15,654 square kilometers, a resident population of 3.7193 million, and a permanent population of 2.849 million.

A number of officials in the four sets of teams were investigated

Zheng Zhijun, including Li Yiyong, has in the four sets of four sets of Heyuan City in recent years. At least 6 officials have been dismissed:

  • June 2017, the party secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Safety Production Supervision and Administration, PengJianwen was checked;

  • In June 2017, Xie Chunsen, a member of the party group and former deputy mayor of Heyuan City Government, was investigated;

  • In August 2019, Peng Dingbang, deputy secretary of the Heyuan Municipal Party Committee, was investigated;

  • In May 2022, Luo Xiaocong, former member and deputy director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Heyuan City;

  • In July 2022, Zhang Liping, former party secretary and chairman of the Heyuan Municipal Committee of the CPPCC;

  • In February 2023, Li Yiyong, the former member of the Heyuan Municipal Party Committee and the former executive deputy mayor of the municipal government, was investigated.

Peng Jianwen was the deputy secretary of the Zhongshan Municipal Party Committee, and in February 2011, he served as deputy secretary and mayor of the Heyuan Municipal Party Committee.In May 2017, he was transferred to the party secretary and deputy director of the Guangdong Provincial Safety Production Supervision and Administration Bureau, and was investigated a month later.He was accused of illegally seeking special life treatment for himself and long -term participation in gambling activities.

In July 2018, Peng Jianwen was prosecuted.Prosecutors accused: From 1995 to 2017, Peng Jianwen used the convenience of his position to seek benefits for others, and the amount was particularly huge.

Xie Chunsen and Peng Jianwen were investigated on the same day. He served as Deputy Mayor of Heyuan from May 2004 to June 2017.Officials said that Xie Chunsen used his position to make a profit for his son's business activities, and he was also officially discussed, and greedy expanded.

In December 2006, Pengding was appointed as a member of the Heyuan Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. In February 2012, he was the executive deputy mayor of Heyuan City and continued to serve as the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau.In September 2016, he was appointed Deputy Secretary of the Heyuan Municipal Party Committee. Three months later, he also served as the Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee until he stepped down in October 2018 and continued to serve as Deputy Secretary of the Heyuan Municipal Party Committee.

Peng Dingbang was accused of seriously destroying the political ecology of the position of the office. When the evil forces "protective umbrellas", private intervention in discipline activities, and using public power as a tool for personal private interests, and conducting power and money transactions with private enterprises.

Luo Xiaocong was the secretary of the Lianping County Party Committee of Heyuan City, the secretary of the Yuancheng District Party Committee, and was transferred to the member of the Standing Committee of the Yunfu Municipal Party Committee and the Minister of the Organization Department.In September 2018, he served as a member and deputy director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Heyuan City, and later the deputy department -level cadres at the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Heyuan City.

Zhang Liping is the only female cadre of the above 6 people, and once served as the director of the family planning bureau of Heyuan City.In May 2004, she served as Deputy Mayor of Heyuan City. In December 2011, he served as member of the Standing Committee of the Heyuan Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department.

In January 2017, Zhang Liping was transferred to the chairman of the CPPCC of Heyuan City and retired in February 2021.She was accused of losing the loss of national financial funds, using the convenience of her position to seek benefits for others in the cooperation of franchise rights, and illegally receiving huge amounts of property.

Peng Jianwen has served as deputy secretary and mayor of the Heyuan Municipal Party Committee for 6 years, and has worked with Xie Chunsen, Peng Dingbang, Zhang Liping, and Li Yiyong for many years.

Peng Dingbang has successively served as member of the Standing Committee of the Heyuan Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, deputy secretary of the Heyuan Municipal Party Committee, and secretary of the Political and Legal Committee.Zhang Liping and Li Yiyong have been in the CCP of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee for 6 years.

Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee was investigated and led nearly a hundred cadres

Among the six officials investigated above, Pengding Bang, deputy secretary of the Heyuan Municipal Party Committee, is worthy of attention.

In November 2020, the China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Magazine published a disclosure of the fact that it was scientific and qualitative discipline law enforcement. After Pengding Bang was investigated and dealt with, it led nearly a hundred party members and cadres.

The article states that from the overall situation of stable work, for the purpose of punishment to save cadres, for the reality of more personnel involved in the case, the Heyuan Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervisory Committee uses the party organization where the person involved in the case.It not only eliminates the seriousness of discipline and rules, but also explains the party's policy of "punishing the front, treating the disease and treating the disease", but also stated that the strategy of comprehensive considerations of "seven views" is stated to educate and guide relevant cadres to view errors and problems correctly.

"Under the organizational, policies, and reasonable calls, most people involved chose to take the initiative to say the problem. Based on this, the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervisory Committee comprehensively sorted out the materials of the relevant personnel and comprehensively considered quantitative and variables.The use of the "four forms' classification is performed, and good politics, discipline and social effects have been produced locally."

Peng Dingbang also appeared in the fourth episode of the TV special film on the front of the TV special film.

The special film introduced that a boss contributed more than 6 million yuan to build a "Songguiyuan" farm for him in his hometown in Pengdingbang.In order to avoid the survey, the boss's younger brother and Peng Dingbang's brother on the surface were actually owned by Pengdingbang.

A Shenzhen company owner wants to undertake the business of the monitoring project of the public transportation camera of Heyuan City.Hu Dehong, the wife of Pengdingbang, and sent him hundreds of thousands of yuan, and finally got the project as soon as possible.

Zhang Zhiwan, the relatives of Pengdingbang, wanted to do a factory, neither land nor funds.Under the advice of Pengding, the local businessman Zeng Foiping spent more than 20 million yuan, and soon built a plant for Zhang Zhiwan.The reason why Zeng Faping is so generous is because he had been taken care of Pengding Bang in land and engineering projects before.

Special film introduction, on New Year's Eve in 2020, Peng Dingbang was in the place of retention. Recalling this time a year ago, a family of 19 sits on the New Year's Eve dinner and feels like a lot.

"With this custom, it is generally not detailed. I don't know what the hunch is still, 20In the Spring Festival of 9 years, when I ate, I nodded over there, 19 people.By the time of eating the New Year last year, 16 people.My brother also went in, my wife went in with me, so there were 3 people here.Miseration, just complaining myself, I shouldn't do this, this is not the case."Peng Dingbang regretted it.

Data | The Website of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission of the Guangdong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, CCTV News China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Magazine Heyuan Municipal People's Government website, etc.