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According to the official website of China Rongtong Asset Management Group Co., Ltd., on the morning of February 1, China Rongtong Asset Management Group Co., Ltd. held a conference on middle -level management personnel.Relevant comrades of the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China announced the decision of the Central Committee on Chairman and Party Secretary of China Rongtong Asset Management Group Co., Ltd.: Comrade Ma Zhengwu Ren Rongtong Asset Management Group Co., Ltd.The position of general manager; the chairman and party secretary of China Rongtong Asset Management Group Co., Ltd., which is exempted from Comrade Wen Gang, has any appointment. Related positions will be handled in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

According to the official website of China Shipbuilding Group Co., Ltd., on the morning of February 1, China Shipbuilding Group Co., Ltd. held a conference on middle -level management personnel.The responsible comrades of the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China announced the decision of the Central Committee on the chairman and party secretary of China Shipbuilding Group Co., Ltd.: Comrade Wen Gang served as chairman and party secretary of China Shipbuilding Group Co., Ltd. Related positions will be handled in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

Public information shows that Wen Gang was born in August 1966, the 20th Central Alternate member. He was a director, general manager, deputy secretary of the party group of China Weapon Industry Corporation, director, general manager, and deputy secretary of the party group of China Weapon Industry Group Co., Ltd.The chairman of the company and the secretary of the party group.

(Data Map Source: China Rongtong Group's official website)

In 2020, China Rongtong Asset Management Group Co., Ltd. was established.

This time, Wen Gang was transferred to the chairman and party secretary of the China Shipbuilding Group; Ma Zhengwu replaced Wen Gang and served as the party secretary and chairman of China Rongtong Group.

Ma Zhengwu was born in 1963 and was former deputy general manager, executive general manager, general manager of China Materials Development Investment Corporation, director and executive vice president of China Chengtong Holding Group Co., Ltd., September 2002He is the chairman and party secretary of China Chengtong Holding Group Co., Ltd., and In July 2016, he also served as chairman, general manager, and party committee secretary of China Railway Materials (Group) Co., Ltd., and served as China Rongtong Group in 2020.

(Data Map Source: China Rongtong Group's official website)

China Rongtong Asset Management Group Co., Ltd. introduced that China Rongtong Asset Management Group Co., Ltd. is a wholly -owned state -owned state -owned company managed by the Central Committee.In accordance with the modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics, China Rongtong Group has established a sound and effective check -and -balanced legal governance structure and flexible and efficient market -oriented business mechanism.China Rongtong Group's operating scope mainly includes real estate, agriculture, hotels and tourism, business services, resource development, scientific and technological services, medical health, security services, cultural education, finance, insurance and other fields.

China Shipbuilding Group Co., Ltd. official website introduced that China Shipbuilding Group Co., Ltd. was jointly jointly decided in accordance with the Party Central Committee and approved by the State Council.The large -scale state -owned enterprises with reorganizations have 104 scientific research institutes, enterprise units and listed companies, with total assets of 890 billion yuan and 220,000 employees.R & D capabilities, can design and build ships and maritime equipment that meets global shipping social specifications and meet the requirements of international general technology standards and security conventions, and is the world's largest shipbuilding group.