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January 8th is the 47th anniversary of Premier Zhou's death.

It was learned from CITIC Publishing Group that the century -old master of Zhou Enlai's nephew Zhouer Jun was not affectionate Mdash; mdash; the days when I got along with my uncle Zhou Enlai have been published by CITIC Publishing Group.The book is a literary work that observes close observations and describes the great man Zhou Enlai from the perspective of relatives.Zhou Erjun truly described Zhou Enlai's little -known life aspects and work scenarios.

Recently, General Zhouer was interviewed, recalling uncle Zhou Enlai.Talking about family training, Zhou Erjun said that the Zhou family emphasized not to learn the eight flag children who have fallen in the late Qing Dynasty, and do not show off their specialization with the relatives of the prime minister.My wife and I have a agreement with Deng Jun in public. I saw Qibo in public.Seven Bo and Qima agreed to do so, becoming a little tacit understanding between us.

On May 20, 1970, Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao were in the West Flower Hall.(Photo confession in the respondent)

Zhou Enlai's nephew Zhouer was born in 1932. He participated in the battle of the Southwest of the Liberation Motherland and a counterattack against Vietnam.After our army resumed the military title in 1988, Zhouer was awarded the rank of major generals and military positions.He used to be a consultant of the Chinese CPC Document Research Society Zhou Enlai's ideological life.

On October 1, 2019, Zhouer participated in the military parade of Tiananmen on the 70th anniversary of the National Day and took a photo on the observation platform.(Photo confession in the respondent)

Talking about the love mdash; mdash; the days when I got along with my uncle Zhou Enlai took a year and a half, verbally, sentence by word, painting one by one

: Can you talk about the creative process of this book?

Zhouerjun : I considered it for a long time before writing this book, and I also made a lot of determination. After all, I was already a year of time.However, the feelings of missing not only have not faded over time, but also deeper and deeper. It can be said that the soul dreams are unforgettable, and the urge to record these memories from time to time will be left to themselves.A permanent memorial.

I can't typing computers. It took a year and a half to write this book by word, sentence, and painting.I think, if there is no gratitude to the loved Qibo and Aunt Ying Chao, and without encouragement and support of relatives and friends, it is difficult for me to insist on more than 500 days and nights, and almost no day stop writing.After the first draft was completed, I was admitted to the hospital. Because of the sudden heart stopping, the pacemaker and bracket were installed urgently. I also want to thank the Publishing House. On my 90th birthday, I published my book that was not a memoir for a century. Mdash; mdash; I got along with my uncle Zhou Enlai.

(Photo confession in the respondent)

: Experts from the Central Literature Research Office evaluated that many facts and details of this book are mostly not seen in historical materials such as party history and military history, so they are precious.What are the main contents of the first public?

Zhouerjun : For the first time described the family history of Premier Zhou in detail.Premier Zhou's special contribution in a special period, for example: Seven Bo in the Cultural Revolution on the eve of the Cultural Revolution on the eve of the Cultural Revolution, a number of deputy prime ministers told them to be cautious; in the forest's rectification, the default of Chairman Mao in a special way to obtain the default of Chairman Mao's default in a special way., Transfer a large number of exile cadres back to Beijing; personally entrust me to convey his concerns about the expansion of the Sudu, and be able to relieve a large number of leading cadres; personally ask Zhang Xueliang's former deputy director.Aunt Deng Yingchao wrote to me when I joined the party with a self -written letter with rich ideological and political content, and so on.

In particular, it discloses the original information of Qibo's early revolutionary activities in the Communist International Archives, and many of them are written by Chinese and Russian.It is a difficult history of the Chinese revolution and a rare historical testimony of Qibo's extraordinary contributions.

Talking about precious historical materials is a summary of the Chinese revolutionary experience from the blood from the blood of the martyrs. It is a rare precious information in the history of the Chinese revolutionary history.

: Can you talk about the process of finding these precious historical materials in detail?

Zhouerjun : To shoot a century -old TV film, my wife and I interviewed the ambassador Luo Gaoshou in the Russian embassy in the Russian embassy in China.Ambassador Luo Gaoshou was an old friend of the Chinese people. He came to China in the early days of the founding of New China. He was the first translation of the first Ambassador to China in China. He also participated in Zhou Enlai's well -known airport negotiations.The ambassador is familiar with the situation in China and has seen Qibo many times, and is the famous China Tong.

While the ambassador, I accidentally listened to him that he might save Zhou Enlai's files in Russia, and I was so excited that I jumped from the sofa.

I have a strong interest in the study of historical archives.I heard that Zhou Enlai's original information was preserved abroad, and in the era of the ups and downs of international international storms in the 1920s and 1930s, and the fierce domestic struggle and cruelty, the communist international preservation of the International Communist Center was preserved; thisAlthough there are some records in China, most of them are not complete and there is no original basis.

Ambassador Luo Gaoshou introduced the situation he knew: After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the Communist International Archives was completely preserved by the Russian National Archives. Comrade Zhou Enlai has joined the work of the Communist International since the 1920s. As an important person in charge of the CPC Central Committee, and one of the leaders of the Communist International, he should preserve his information in international archives.However, these archives are unique levels, and in principle, they are not disclosed.

I invite him to help so that we can get in touch and better get these precious information.The ambassador quickly promised my request.Soon after, we received a formal reply: Russia agreed to send someone to Moscow to read the relevant archives and will actively assist in.Cangtian lived up to the people. After five consecutive days and five nights, we achieved the fruitful results far exceeding expectations.

First, the information discovered is all about Comrade Zhou Enlai, almost all of which come from his own hand; second, this is the only Zhou Enlai file that is stored abroad; third, this is the first time that the Russia has made public and to us to usProviding this part of the archives is also the first time in China to see the original and Qibo handwriting, including the authentic foreign language written by him; fourth, these materials truly reflect the close connection and interaction of the Communist International and the Chinese revolution at that time, which has evidencedThe important role, historical merit and lofty ideological morality in this major historical period and turning point.

The one -page file tells us how difficult it was in the early days of the Chinese revolution, and how important the Chinese Communists paid for this. Seven Bo and his comrades were under extremely difficult and difficult conditions.A firm revolutionary will and huge political wisdom, planning, formulating strategies, persuading the Communist International, contacting comrades, and developing themselves. This batch of archives is a summary of the Chinese revolutionary experience from the blood from the blood of the martyrs, and it is a rare precious information in the history of the Chinese revolution.

Every page of the archives is difficult to give up, but we have to select and choose from it.Back to history, Qibo worked directly at the Soviet Union, mainly from 1928, 1930, 1939 to 1940.We repeatedly screened in accordance with this sequence, and after the joint agreed of both parties, we finally obtained the original copy of 157 communist international archives.

: What impressed you in these archives?

Zhouerjun : It is an extremely precious life resume.The archives were preserved with the resumes filled out for the Communist International in different ages of 1928 and 1939. Among them, the resume in 1939 was written in fluent Russian, which was the most detailed.

On October 13, 1939, Zhou Enlai's resumes filled out for the Communist International had four pages.(Photo confession in the respondent)

Communist countryInterpretation has established secret files for Zhou Enlai twice. In the file in February 1933, it indicates that Zhou Enlai, the Chinese Communist Party activist.Pen name Shaoshan.He joined the party in 1921.Higher education.He is currently a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and secretary of the Central Bureau of the Soviet Area of the Communist Party of China.In 1935, the Communist International established a secret file for Zhou Enlai, and made a higher evaluation of him: he has been engaged in the work of the party for many years, and has worked as a leader, secretary and secret work within the party;With military leaders; members of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Secretary of the Central Bureau of the Soviet Union of the Communist Party of China; working in the Central Organization Department and the Military Department for many years; the Seventh Congress of the Communist International was selected as members of the Communist International Executive Committee.

The secret file established and preserved by the Communist International is a comprehensive assessment and appraisal of important members of the Communist Party of China. According to the determination of its political credibility, it is the highest secret.

What I was surprised was that whether it was the secret archives established by Zhou Enlai in the 1930s, or the early leaders of the Communist Party of China and the Secretary of the Women's Committee of the CPC Central Committee, Comrade Cai Chang, in response to the Communist International requirements. On February 5, 1938,Zhou Enlai's sideline material (this material used to be called back back, that is, the proof material written by a third party without knowing it), There was no one mentioned the shortcomings and deficiencies of Qibo,All content is to express his great achievements and advantages.

In the eight pages of revolutionary emotions, Comrade Cai Chang introduced the major achievements of Comrade Zhou Enlai in the founding of the party and the underground work and armed struggle in the establishment of the party, building the army and leadership in the eight pages.Big talent, he can hard work.

In the resume filled out by himself, Qibo answered what language and degree of proficiency.However, Comrade Cai Chang wrote in the side of the side of the side: he knew that Britain, Japan, Germany, France and other foreign languages were high in Chinese.

Everyone knows that Qibo's English level is very good.When he met with foreign guests, he abide by the Guoge and never spoke foreign languages, but often found and gently corrected the leakage of the translation.I remember that in the 1950s, he once said to me after meeting the foreign guests: Our English translation is too lacking in production knowledge.Today, I told foreign guests about lsquo; bearing rsquo;, the translation does not know what lsquo; bearing rsquo;, or I helped him.

These examples also show that Qibo is virtuous, and the lofty character is strict with self -discipline.

: It also includes Deng Yingchao's personal record?

Zhouerjun : During the process of reading the file, there was a file that attracted our attention. Unlike other files, it is three thick notebooks.Open it, when Qibo reported to the Communist International in January 1940, the seven mothers Deng Yingchao's own record.I am familiar with the writing of Qima, with deep heritage and smoothness.On the upper end of the report, it clearly says: The report of the Chinese issue MDASH; mdash; Zhou Enlai, recorded Deng Yingchao.mdash; mdash; 1940.1. At 3 pm, at Moscow Communist International Presidium.

These three thick notes and the text above, while witnessing an important historical process of the Chinese revolution, vividly and powerfully explained that Seven Bo and Seven Moms will live in their lives, and they will live in the cause of communism.The common pursuit and loyal love, perfectly practicing the original ideals and vows. Think about it, Qibo made a three -day report, and Qima recorded three days.

In 1940, Zhou Enlai recorded by Deng Yingchao reported to the homepage of the Communist International.(Photo confession in the respondent)

Talking about Premier Zhou's impression handsome, calm, with an aggressive qi

: In the summer of 1946, what was the first time I saw Zhou Enlai?What are he entrusted by you?

Zhouerjun : The first time I saw Qibo was the Zhou Gongguan of the Shanghai Communist Party delegation in Shanghai.At that time, I was fourteen years old. I had seen the portrait of Qibo in the parade in the liberated area before. But when he saw the real person, he was more handsome and calm, and he was full of aggressive British spirit.

At that time, I proposed to Qibo to follow Qibo and Qima to the Yan'an Revolution. After repeated considerations, they decided to let me stay in Shanghai temporarily to enrich myself. Qibo said: Young people should be self -improved, self -reliance, in the final analysis, everyone's way to go by themselves.The deepest impression of Qibo is Qibo's eyes, focusing, kind, except for care and warmth.

: You mentioned Yan'an at the time, why didn't you get approval?

Zhouerjun : At that time, I was young and did not enter the society. The pursuit of the progress of the revolution was also at a ignorant stage.Qibo and Qima saw this. Because they have a deep and unique life understanding, they understand that the early calendar experience is an irreplaceable value of a person's growth. I hope that our nephews will work hard on their own way. In addition, now when I look back to appreciate, I also feel the self -discipline and Fenggong of Qibo and Qima: They do not want a child who cannot be self -reliability to go to Yan'an to squeeze the public resources that were very limited and custered at that time. Therefore, they can do everything possible to find and send other leaders' children and send them to Yan'an, but leave their own offspring. From this, we can see that Qibo and Qima's loyalty and personality of the party's cause and personality can be seen.The greatness.

Talking about the family rules I have a agreement with Deng in the army. I see Qibei in public, don't greet them, pretend not to know

: What is the family rules of the Zhou family?

Zhouerjun : Qibo once said: Our Zhou family is a feudal family.He has been influenced by the family since he was a child, witnessed its decline, experienced his childhood suffering, and had a strong negation and deep critical attitude towards this feudal family he was born.Excellent traditional culture is sufficient.He is a model that he has completely betrayed the feudal family and can be called a model of fully inheriting the valuable historical heritage in the establishment of an excellent family style.What the uncle's life is in his life reflects the moral sentiments that the average person is difficult to reach and the unique personality charm of his own personality. This is also the precious spiritual wealth of the Chinese nation.

Starting from the excellent ingredients in the family tradition, abandoning all feudal dross and bad habits, in the early days of New China, Qibo and Qima put forward several specific requirements to the niece.If you are not allowed to leave your job and see him, you can only go to see it on the holidays or on a business trip.Food tickets, those who do not work are paid for food fees by Qima on behalf of them;Do not do what you can do;

These ten family rules reflect the family style and ancestral training of the Zhou family. It is thoughtful and specific. It is an important basis for our inheritance to learn Zhou Enlai's spirit today.

The Zhou family emphasized not to study the eight flags who have fallen in the late Qing Dynasty, and do not show off their specialization with the relatives of the prime minister.Deng and I have a agreement in the army. I see Qibei in public. Don't greet them, pretend not to know.Seven Bo Qi Mom agreed to do so, becoming a tacit understanding between us.

: You also talk about the Zhou family rules that are not allowed to pass on and handing materials.Why didn't this write the above 10?

Zhouerjun : This is special, although not for each relative and nephew.But each adult relative and nephew have an unsatisfactory binding force.

: Is Premier Zhou strictly for you?Knowing that he is the Prime Minister, what does it feel inside?

Zhouerjun : Not general meaningThe strictness is very strict. It is strict that every detail is not ignored, but strict can make our nephew feel his wisdom and affection. We know that he is the prime minister deeply loved by the Chinese people. He is particularly proud and respectful in his heart. He also hopes to maintain his lofty prestige and image in the hearts of the people through the self -discipline of each of us.

In 1960, Zhou Enlai, Deng Yingchao, Zhou Erjun, and Deng Zaijun took a group photo in the West Flower Hall of Zhongnanhai.(Photo confession in the respondent)

Talking about the original mission LSquo proposed by Qima; three must be RSQUO; is the goal I pursue as a member of the Communist Party

: When you joined the party, Deng Yingchao wrote a letter to you.Can you talk about your own process of joining the party?What do you think of the identity of Communist Party members and the original mission of party members?

Zhouerjun : In the war years, intellectuals must be tested and tested by intellectuals.Although I have been awarded more than once after joining the army, after four years of military career test, I was finally approved to join the Communist Party of China on December 31, 1953.After the oath of joining the party, I immediately reported this good news to Qibo and Qima.Seven Mom also wrote back to me a letter full of revolutionary emotions and encouraging expectations in the shortest time.

Seven Mom said in the letter that In the future, you must strengthen the exercise of party spirit, overcome the ideas of non -proletariat, and constantly strive for the eight standards of party members.Turn into formal party members.You must pay attention to the close contact with the masses, care about the masses, and learn from the masses, so that you can better serve the people.You know that you should not be arrogant or not, but you must continue to practice from ideological action.

On January 24, 1954, Deng Yingchao believed that Zhouer congratulated Zhouer to join the party, and the letter proposed three necessary Communist Party members.(Photo confession in the respondent)

The comrades of the former Central Literature Research Office told me that the letter of Qima was the only precious document that I was far the only known to date that the niece and daughter had joined the party and put forward specific requirements politically.

From then on, I always believe that being a qualified and glorious Communist Party member is the most lofty goal in life.At that time, I applied for joining the party to liberate the victory of the war. I prepared a white knife into the red knife and presented blood and life.Today, after the ninety spring and autumn, the three must be proposed by the Seven Mom, which is the best summary of party members, and my goal as a lifelong pursuit of the Communist Party.

: You and your wife Deng did not inform yourself and Premier Zhou when he was in love.How did you think about it?

Zhouerjun : On the one hand, I don't want to rely on this relationship to fall in love. In addition, I believe that I will not see me because of this relationship. I still have confidence in myself.

: This book can be said to be a masterpiece of you and your wife. For so many years, what do you think of the love between the two?Does Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao have a great impact on you?

Zhouerjun : Life is inevitable to encounter difficulties and setbacks. At the most difficult moment, at the moment of life and death, the true love of husband and wife can help you spend all the reefs of Dangerous Beach.Usually look at each other's advantages, understand each other, tolerate each other, and love will last long.

Seven Bo and Qima are both close lover of their lives, but also the difficulties and stormy comrades of the revolution. They did not leave their children in their lives and did not leave wealth. The two of them also met between the landscapes of the motherland. They stayed without each other, but owned each other.Their love is beyond the realm of ordinary people.

Talking about learning and inheriting Zhou Enlai's spirit He is clean and honest, there is no personal heritage behind him, but it leaves us an immortal spiritual wealth

: What should we learn and inherit Zhou Enlai's spirit today?

Zhouerjun : Prime Minister Zhou Enlai, who has been self -denied in his life, rigorously self -discipline.Strict to people, stricter to yourself, but full of humanity and affinity.He serves the people's loyalty and wholehearted intention to the people as his life mission. Therefore, doing everything has a strong sense of mission and responsibility.He is good at uniting the majority, including uniting people with different parties, different views, and different camps.He has a superb united front -front art for all democratic parties and the people of all ethnic groups, and even won the respect of opponents and He is clean and honest, and there is no personal heritage behind him, but it leaves us an immortal spiritual wealth.He is a model of the Chinese nation and a model for our learning.We should let more young people understand him, learn his great spirit, use great people as a model, and make a life without regrets, so that China and American virtues will be inherited.

: You also talk about the requirements of Premier Zhou's senior cadres of the party.What do you think is the most important quality?

Zhouerjun : loyalty, understanding, execution, and mass prestige.The degree of loyalty is firm faith, understanding is the policy, and the execution is to be implemented decisively; the prestige of the masses is to serve the people wholeheartedly.

: What do you think of the self -revolution of the party and the party since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China?

ZhouerAll : Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the party's self -revolution and anti -corruption efforts are unprecedented; the effect is significant, and it is also unprecedented.With the introduction of various anti -corruption laws and measures, it is believed that it will definitely form a brand -new and clean government situation that institutionalized anti -corruption.

: In the book, you talk about Zhou Enlai and Deng Xiaoping, saying that they are real confidants.Fu Gaoyi also commented that Zhou Enlai was light and heavy, and Deng Xiaoping was weightlifting.What do you think of the relationship between the two?

Zhouerjun : Premier Zhou is to do small things as big things and excellence. Deng Xiaoping is grasping the big and small, big opening, different styles, consistent goals, complement each other, and the same way.

Seven Bo and Comrade Xiaoping are real confidants. This is their happiness.One thing was not written in the book: People are familiar with, Lu Xun gives Qu Qiubai's poems in life, and he is enough!The original couplet, Qu Qiubai hung it in the home of Shanghai Dongzhao Li, who lived in the 1930s.In 1946, Qibei went to see me and gave a long teachings. It was just Dong Zhaoli.

: What is the biggest impact of Premier Zhou on you?

Zhouerjun : You must know how to strengthen self -reliance and take your own path of life.

(XJBZSE) Writing/ He Qiang's respondents to the picture of Wu Xingfa