The former president of Wenzhou Bank Wu Hua was sentenced to death for the first trial of crimes such as bribery and misappropriation of public funds, and life imprisonment was imprisoned.Not According to the WeChat public account of the Wenzhou Intermediate People's Court in Zhejiang Province, the Wenzhou Intermediate People's Court on Wednesday (December 28) has bribed, misappropriated public funds, issued loans illegally, issued financial tickets in violation of regulations, illegally issued financial tickets,Non -state staff's bribery cases were pronounced publicly in the first instance.Not The court announced that the defendant Wu Hua was sentenced to the death penalty for bribery. It was executed for two years, deprived of political rights for life, and confiscated all personal property.Later, life imprisonment must not be reduced or parole; sentenced to 12 years in prison for misappropriation of public funds; sentenced to 10 years in prison for lending loans in violation of laws and fined 200,000 yuan (RMB, the same below, about 38,700 yuan); The crime of issuing financial tickets in violation of regulations is sentenced to seven years in prison; several crimes are punished, and the death penalty is decided to execute the death penalty.After life imprisonment, life imprisonment is not allowed to be reduced or released.Not In addition, the defendants Zhou Liangzheng, Lin Shen, and He Jiangfeng were sentenced to eight to 16 years in prison.Not The illegal income and their income and interest of the four people including the stolen goods and the stolen goods involved in the case and the income and interest of Wu Hua continued to recover, and they all confiscated and paid the state treasury.Not The court trial found that Wu Hua used the convenience of serving as the president of Wenzhou Bank from 2013 to 2019 to seek the relevant units and individuals in terms of credit approval, loan issuance, issuing performance guarantee, corporate financing and other matters.Interests, have repeatedly gone with others or illegally receiving property alone, a total of more than 2754.4 million yuan.Not In addition, Wu Hua used the convenience of position from 2013 to 2015, and he misappropriated the funds of the unit with others with 508 million yuan.501 million yuan, resulting in a loss of 30.26 million yuan in the book of Wenzhou Bank; from 2015 to 2017, in violation of the provisions of the guarantee business business management regulations, the non -loan review meeting and the board of directors were approved, and the gang issued 300 million yuan in other guarantees with others.Not The court believes that Wu Hua's behavior constitutes a crime of bribery, misappropriation of public funds, crimes of loan in illegal issuance, and illegal issuance of financial tickets.Wu Hua's bribery amount is particularly huge, the circumstances of the crime are particularly serious, and the social impact is particularly bad. He should be severely punished according to law.By comprehensive consideration, the facts, circumstances and the degree of harm to society are made, and the above judgments are made.