Cai Ruolian, director of the Hong Kong Education Bureau, said that they do not agree with the professional ethics guidance of teachers.You can still express personal opinions.Not According to Sing Tao Daily, Cai Ruolian said when attending a radio program on Saturday (December 17) that the behavior of directly or indirectly inciting students' illegal behavior is unacceptable, but it will not affect the teacher's opinion on social platformsEssenceNot There is no concern for the processing of the teacher's complaint mechanism. She said that the processing mechanism has not changed. In the past, other groups would accumulate cases after receiving complaints on teachers, resulting in the complaint and the complaint who needed to wait for a long time.The guidance is processed by the school, and the report of the Education Bureau can be handled faster and fairly.Not Cai Ruolian said that the new guidelines for the Education Bureau can help teachers who have just entered the industry consciously self -discipline. Teachers can remind each other to make all sectors of society understand teachers' duties. I believe most of the frontline teachers are welcome.Not She believes that the teacher's part of the words have a subtle effect on students, and the society's expectations for teachers are also high. The guidance mainly focuses on explaining the requirements of teachers' morality.Most teachers can practice.Not Cai Ruolian emphasized that the Education Bureau will not stipulate the issues that cannot be taught and believe that teaching needs to be based on the facts.For example, the teacher judged by the details of the unknown incident and brought his personal opinions to the classroom discussion. It is not beneficial to the students' learning, and it is easy to make students preconceived, causing misunderstandings and prejudice.Not Chen Muyan, deputy secretary -general of the Education Bureau, attended the same program, saying that the Education Bureau has dealt with 502 complaints against teachers in the past three years, of which 179 complaints have not been established, and 20 of them have been canceled and registered.not much.Not The Hong Kong Education Bureau announced on Thursday (December 15) to announce the professional ethics guidance of teachers and summarizes eight teachers' professional ethics criteria.