The mayor of Lhasa City, the capital of the Tibetan Autonomous Region, China, and the officials of Tibetan officials Wang Qiang served as the mayor of Lhasa.Not WeChat public account "Lhasa Release" posted on Monday (December 12) that the mayor of Lhasa, Wang Qiang, represented the Municipal People's Government at the Third Meeting of the Twelfth People's Congress of Lhasa on the same dayWork to the government work report.Not According to the surging news report, this is the first time that Wang Qiang made his debut as the mayor of Lhasa.Not Public information shows that in October 1967, Wang Qiang was the deputy director of the research office of the Chaoyang District Committee of Beijing, an investigator and deputy director of the Office of the Chaoyang District Committee of Beijing, and Jinsong Street, Chaoyang District, BeijingSecretary of the Working Committee, Deputy Director of the Research Office of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, and Deputy Director of the Reform Office of the Municipal Party Committee (also), in June 2016, he served as a member and deputy director of the party group of Beijing Development and Reform Commissioners.Not Wang Qiang came to Lhasa as the ninth batch of cadres and talents in Tibet in Beijing in 2019, and later served as Deputy Secretary of the Lhasa Municipal Party Committee and Executive Deputy Mayor (the main level).Not Before serving as the mayor of Lhasa, Wang Qiang served as Deputy Secretary of Lhasa Municipal Party Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Party Group of the Municipal Government, Executive Deputy Mayor (Popularity), PresidentWorking Leading Group Tibet Lhasa Command Party Secretary and Command of the Party Committee.Not The official website of the Lhasa Municipal Government shows that Wang Qiang's work division includes the work responsible for Beijing's counterpart aid, responsible for the work of tourism development, cultural industry, and road traffic management committees.Contact the Municipal Literature and Art Circle Federation.Not Previously, the mayor of Lhasa was held by Guoguo.Not Guoguo was born in October 1967. Since 2016, he has served as Deputy Secretary of the Lhasa Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Group of the Municipal Government, and Mayor of the Municipal Government. Since 2017, the mayor has been the mayor.