From time to time in Hong Kong, some people gathered to mourn the deadly fire in Urumqi, Xinjiang.Deng Bingqiang, director of the security of the Hong Kong Government, described it on Wednesday (November 30) that the relevant actions are highly organized, which is the "prototype of the color revolution again", and the law enforcement department will seriously enforce the enforcement.
Deng Bingqiang took the initiative to see the media on the same day, and expressed his attention to the recent occurrence of colleges and streets on the grounds of commemorating the Urumqi incident, trying to motivate the Central Government of the Chinese Central Government.He believes that the activists of the anti -repair movement in 2019 are involved.
"We found that some people called on these activities on the Internet, to mobilize these activities on different social platforms, including some anti -China social platforms.Use the same props. What these people will do the next step is to do the fighting manual and some theme songs, which will create a large number of fake news and fake news. The central, government, and law enforcement officers will occupy the streets later. "
Deng Bingqiang pointed out that many young Hong Kong young people are patriotic and ideal. I hope they should not be incited and endangered national security. Everyone should condemn all the behaviors of social peace and violence.Storm "Base.Holding white paper violates the National Security Law?
He emphasized that no matter whether anyone is a student or the media in mainland China, everyone is equal in the face of the law; if it is illegal, it will have the consequences, and the law enforcement department will seriously enforce the law.
Deng Bingqiang pointed out whether to hold the Hong Kong National Security Law in violation of the Hong Kong National Security Law. Some people advocate that students hold white paper and deliberately dilute the incident.
He also noticed that there are words such as abuse, leaders' steps down, dictatorship and revolution on many white paper, all of which may violate the Hong Kong National Security Law.
The fatal fire of Urumqi set off many anti -sealing demonstrations in China, and many universities in Hong Kong also had solidarity.
More than a hundred students of the Chinese University of Hong Kong were at the original site of the Democratic Wall of the Cultural Plaza on Monday evening, holding white paper to mourn the fire of the fire and support the people of the mainland.In addition, some netizens rally in the Central Theater on Monday night to mourn the fire of the fire.
Di Zhiyuan, a member of the Legislative Council, believes that the demonstration of the parade is the right to be given by the Basic Law. The Hong Kong Government has qualitatively the action of the students as a revolution in the near future.
Chen Weiqiang, a lecturer of Hong Kong University of Technology Hong Kong Specialty College, believed that Deng Bingqiang was high -profile as the qualitative event, and it did not rule out that he had specific evidence.In fact, some Hong Kong opinion leaders who have moved to foreign countries have recently ignited on the Internet, intending to encourage Hong Kong people to demonstrate on the streets.
But he pointed out that so far, the demonstrations of Hong Kong have been held peacefully, and it is also allowed by Hong Kong law.If the demonstrators do not do too much, the official should be tolerant.
In addition, the rental lease of the Hong Kong Foreign Press Conference in Central will expire on January 1 next year.
The Hong Kong Government stated on Wednesday that it was decided to approve the rent at the market value, but the lease period was reduced from the original seven -year lease to three years. The new lease added standard provisions to ensure national security and fully guarantee government rights.
The Hong Kong Foreign Press Conference has repeatedly set off controversy in recent years, including Chen Haotian, a convener of the Hong Kong National Party who invited the "Hong Kong independence" in 2018, delivered a speech, which was violently criticized by Beijing.