Who is Zhang Ningzi?What does Zhang Shanshan have to do with him?

Following the recently involved in Shenzhen Nuclear Genes Technology Co., Ltd., Zhang Nuoyu, who was recently involved in the wind. On November 29th, Peng Mei News contacted Wu Yi (a pseudonym) who had a long -term relationship with Zhang Nuofei, trying to solve this testThe background of the mysterious figure in the industry.

In Wu Yi's memory, Zhang Ningzi was from Yongzhou, Hunan. After graduating from college, he entered the Shenzhen Public Security Bureau and soon left.After the departure from the Shenzhen Public Security Bureau, the first industry involved in Zhang Ningzi was decoration.

In a corporate propaganda article that was widely cited by the media, Zhang Nuofei was a master's degree and genetic master's degree in forensic scholars and genetics of the Chinese Medical University.In 1990, Zhang Ningzi was admitted to China Medical University. After graduating, the Shenzhen Municipal Public Security Bureau introduced to the Shenzhen Public Security Bureau with high -tech talents to organize the earliest DNA appraisal center in China.(Zhang Ningzi) Then left the Public Security Bureau and set up a Shenzhen Red Stone Villa Decoration Company.

The newcomer enters a new industry and is a part with higher profits.Wu Yi said that there is no political and business resources. He made the first bucket of gold here, about two or three million.

The above -mentioned public account article of the nuclear gene group stated that (Zhang nuclear) established Shenzhen Nuclear Gene Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as nuclear gene) in 2012, and is committed to becoming the largest genetic testing and sales platform in the country.

Wu Yi said that the appraisal of parent -child relationships in the field of testing is a profiteering industry, at least in Shenzhen.In Shenzhen for parent -child identification, the general market price is 3,000 yuan, and the actual cost is less than 100 yuan.

Parent -child appraisal technology is mature. STR analysis only needs to expand the method of gene fragment containing STR sites with PCR (PolyMerase Chain Reaction), and then by detecting the length of the DNA fragment expanded by testing, you can draw a person's personality DNA.Grade.

For example, the tumor research I am now engaged in tumor research, the detection of lung cancer gene mutation detection requires 4,000 yuan. Its technical principle is also the molecular biology technology that enlarges DNA fragments. The technical threshold is not high. High school students in the United States can complete this test in the laboratory.Essence

In his statement, this former Hunan youth found his opportunity in Shenzhen, full of possibilities, and became one of the countless rich people in the city.

One day in the summer of 2019, Zhang Nuofei dinner in a villa in his Shenzhen Scenic Area.It is more like a manor, there are swimming pools, luxury cars and apron.When there were visitors and the land use of the villa, Zhang Ningzi replied that he had obtained a real estate certificate.

Wu Yi said: Judging from my relationship with him, Zhang Ningzi is still very reliable for people. His dad is not a general circulating on the Internet.

Public news shows that on November 28, Zhang Nuofi's younger brother Zhang atomic responded to the media that his family was an ordinary family, and we were all very low -key. We did not have obligations to clarify.

Now the nuclear gene is deeply involved in the anger, and her supervisor Zhang Shanshan is also noticeable. She was previously exposed to associate with 38 testing agencies.

Who is Zhang Shanshan?

Wu Yi said: He told us himself that he had a daughter and studied overseas.He didn't say what his daughter was, and my friend said his daughter was Zhang Shanshan.

Half a year later, the epidemic of new coronary pneumonia broke out.Zhang Nuclei subsequently expanded its business to the nucleic acid detection industry.

In response to the current nucleic acid testing of public opinion, Wu Yi believes that the government's procurement of nucleic acid testing, enterprises provide services, and the problems cannot be blamed for enterprises. Even if there is no nucleus to detect, there will be other people.

It is just that the enterprise is bigger. The rapid expansion of the way to join can not improve the quality of employees in the short term, which will inevitably have various problems.

When it comes to the huge profits of nucleic acid detection, Wu Yi believes that the public only counts the explicit revenue without considering hidden costs, including gray sales costs, which is often between 1/3 and 1/2.