The Hong Kong Government will relax the nucleic acid testing requirements of immigrants next Monday (November 21), cancel fourth and fourth and secondarySix days of strong inspection, replaced with fast test.Lu Chongmao, director of the Hong Kong Medical and Health Bureau, said in an interview that society has a different understanding of "0+0", and it is meaningless to discuss again.He pointed out that inbound passengers need to do nucleic acid detection requirements, and it is impossible to cancel at this stage.NotThe online media "Hong Kong 01" reported that Lu Chongmao said on Saturday (19th) in the Now program that the most important thing is to accurately resist the disease. He believes that there is no need to discuss numbers.NotPaimao emphasizes whether the most important thing is whether to enter the country to do nucleic acid detection. If you do not do it "ostrich, close your eyes", especially if you do n’t know if there is a variant of viruses flowing into Hong Kong, so it is impossible to cancel entry passengers for nucleic acid testing at the stage.Requirements.NotIn the past three years, the pressure on the public medical system of Hong Kong has increased greatly, causing serious manpower loss of public hospitals. The policy report proposed that considering that for compulsory request for medical care in the public hospital for a certain period of time.NotTherefore, Lu Chongmao said that the relevant suggestions are considered too many factors, especially public medical treatment is the cornerstone of Hong Kong medical treatment, serving 90 % of patients, and grassroots citizens are unable to go to private hospitals for treatment.NotIt is also said that the considering service period is not only to ensure the public medical system, but also the need for training.Related arrangements are not limited to specialists in the public hospital and are also suitable for all medical staff, but they will not unify the service service period requirements of different vocational systems.