A female community secretary in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China Sunday (November 6) at a press conference on the epidemic prevention and control, he said that he was absent from his daughter's 18 -year -old adult gift because of the epidemic prevention and control work.This remark was criticized by Chinese netizens and believed that she "did not know the people's suffering."

According to the Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily, Zhengzhou officially held a press conference on epidemic prevention and control on Sunday to conduct self -examination on the prevention and control of the local epidemic, emphasizing that it is necessary to resolutely correct excessive epidemic prevention behaviors such as strict layers and one -knife cut.

Liu Hongying, the community secretary of Ping'an Street, Tongbai Road Street, Zhongyuan District, Zhengzhou City, first told him that his infection was first in this wave of epidemic, but it was quickly controlled, mainly due to the grass -roots front -line epidemic prevention volunteersI paid for me, and then suddenly turned around, saying, "A few days ago, my daughter's 18th birthday, but I was absent from her adult ceremony."

She said that at the time, her daughter and her cat filmed a short film and passed it to herself. "Tell me 'she is very good at home and let me love myself a little'. When I saw this, I forwarded it to the circle of friends.Many volunteers are in my circle of friends. They immediately reposted widely in the residents' group and sent a variety of blessings to my daughter. I will send the blessings and send a screenshot to my daughter.Saying 'Mom, I feel that you really make me really proud of the first time. "

Speaking of this, Liu Hongying's eyes were tears, choked and said, "In fact, it is not just us who lack family members, all party members and volunteers on the front line prevention and control. They let us know more about our shoulders on our shoulders.We have no way to retreat, but we can only strive to rush at the forefront of the epidemic prevention and control. "

The resentment of the netizens attracted by Liu Hongying's remarks, some netizens believe that this is a replica of "why not eat meat", "Just like 'I have never eaten Western food for a month'", "I can say this kind of words, I can say this kind of wordsIt's really enough to get rid of the masses. "Some comments believe that Liu Hongying's original intention may be to pull the distance between the masses, but it shows the superiority of leading cadres.

Hu Xi, the former editor -in -chief of the Chinese official media, posted a post on Weibo that Liu Hongying's speech itself was not a big problem, but it was wrong.He believes that Liu Hongying, as a community secretary, is not a civil servant, but is equivalent to the village secretary, and it is also a common people. It should be unnecessary to ask her to speak well.If you change your time and social scenes, the Internet feelings and response to her speech may be different from now.

He believes that Liu Hongying's speech is an improper arrangement of Zhengzhou Press Conference. The organizers and Liu Hongying of the press conference do not know enough about the laws of public opinion.At this time, it is very cautious to introduce positive experience to the entire network. You should talk about the sufferings of the masses and sell less personal hardships. The tone and perspective of speaking requires respect for the big context and coordinate with it, otherwise it will be counterproductive.

Hu Xijin also called on the public to tolerate those grass -roots workers, so as to hear the sound of grass -roots working surfaces.