Many cadres in Yuquan District, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region were punished for gathered drinking during the epidemic prevention and control.Three officials including the Party Working Committee Secretary Wang Weimin stayed in the party and were dismissed by government affairs.NotThe official WeChat public account of Qiangqiang Yuquan issued a notification on Monday (November 7) that the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Yuquan District of Hohhot City was announced.NotIt is said that during the inspection of the prevention and control of the Yuquan District Discipline Inspection Commission on Monday on Monday, it was found that the masses' videos reflected that the cadres of the party and community center of the North China Street to build the North China Community Party Center gathered drinking during the prevention and control of the epidemic.NotCheck, the masses report that the situation is true.According to the regulations, after the Standing Committee of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Yuquan District, the Standing Committee of the Discipline Inspection of the Yusheng District Committee agreed, and decided to give Wang Weimin, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Xiaozhao Qianjie Street, to see the party for one year and the government affairs withdrawal;In the second year, the government affairs were dismissed; Wang Xiyun, deputy director of Xiao Zhaoqian Street Sub -district Office, stayed in the party for one year and the government affairs was dismissed.Not, Xiao Zhaoqian Street Street Secretary of the North China Community, Guo Simu, stayed in the party for two years; Xu Moyi, a cadre of Xiao Zhaoqian Street Sub -district Office, stayed in the party for a year of punishment;; Zhang Hanping, a cadre of Xiaochao Qianjie Street Office, stayed in the party for a year of punishment; Zhu Guangming, a cadre of Xiaochao Qianjie Street Office, stayed in the party for one year.NotAccording to the data released by the Health Commission of Inner Mongolia, from 0 to 24:00 on November 6, the autonomous region reported 57 cases of 57 new local diagnosis cases, including 55 cases of Hohhot City, and 976 cases of non -symptoms were added on the day, of which 958 cases of Hohhot City City City were added.Essence