The Hong Kong Policy Report launched a new talent policy.In comparison, the development of Asia -Pacific requires multiple focus, and believes that the loss of talents in Hong Kong has peaked.NotSing Tao Daily reported that Sun Yudi said on Monday (October 24) to attend radio programs that Hong Kong has many inherent advantages and attractiveness, including back to mainland China, Unicom world, and recognized tax systems and ordinary legal systems.He believes that Hong Kong must be confident and does not need to be compared with Singapore.NotIt is said that if foreign investors focus on the mainland market, Hong Kong must be the first choice, but if you want to radiate business to the Southeast Asian market, you will choose to develop in Singapore.He believes that the development of the Asia -Pacific region requires multiple focus. As long as the overall convergence of talents and business, it is beneficial to all parties.NotIt is pointed out that in the past two years, about 140,000 labor population has been lost in the past two years, it is undeniable that some of them have left Hong Kong. Among themEssenceNotWith the relaxation of inbound measures, he believes that this will greatly enhance the competitiveness of Hong Kong and believe that the loss of talents has reached the top, but it is still necessary to try to recruit talents.He also said that in the past three consecutive years from next year, an average of 35,000 talents will be attracted to Hong Kong for a long time every year, and the goals will be reviewed in a timely manner after one year.