A spokesperson for the CPC Central Financial System Congress Pan Gongsheng, the deputy governor of the Central Bank of China, said that the scaleThe weight of the RMB in the world is ranked third in the weighing of the Special withdrawal rights of the International Monetary Fund.NotChina News Agency and Surging News reported that the fifth collective interview of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held on Thursday (October 20) in Beijing. Pan Gongsheng mentioned in the past ten years of financial business achievements that the current assets of the banking industry in ChinaThe total scale ranks first in the world. The scale of stocks, bonds, and insurance is second in the world. The scale of foreign exchange reserves ranks first in the world for 17 consecutive years.NotIt is said that the achievements of China's financial undertakings are mainly reflected in four aspects.First, the quality and efficiency of financial support for the real economy will be greatly improved.Second, to prevent and resolve financial risks to achieve important results.Third, the reform and opening up of the financial industry continued to deepen.Fourth, the international competitiveness and influence of the financial industry have increased significantly.NotIt is pointed out that China has formed a complete and competitive financial market system, financial institution system and financial product system, covering the fields of credit, insurance, bonds, stocks, foreign exchange, etc.EssenceNotIt is also pointed out that from the perspective of the monetary and financial environment, China is one of the few major economies that have adhered to the implementation of normal monetary policy in recent years.The stable monetary policy has created a good financial environment for stable growth, stable prices, employment, and stable international revenue and expenditure.NotIt is said that from the perspective of promoting high -quality development, the financial structure is obviously optimized, and supports key areas and weakness of major strategies and weak economic and social development in poverty alleviation, small and micro enterprises, scientific and technological innovation, green development, rural revitalization, and manufacturing power.Link.NotPan Gongsheng introduced that China's financial risks converged as a whole, and the financial system is generally stable; continuously optimized the financial system, improved the modern financial enterprise system, developed a multi -level capital market, improved the financial regulatory system, and enhanced the level of market -oriented rule of law.Adhere to autonomy, orderly, equal, and secure policy, and steadily promote the two -way opening of the financial industry.NotIt is also said that through reform and opening up, the modernization level of China's financial governance system and governance capabilities has increased significantly; the international status of the RMB has increased significantly, and the weight of the currency basket in the International Monetary Fund is third, and the RMB has ranked third, and the whole world is all over the world, and the whole world is all over the world, and the whole world is all over the world, and the whole world is all over the world, and the world is all over the world.More than 80 countries and economies include RMB in reserve currency.