Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Public Security Xu Ganlu said that China is a China is a China is the is what China is.One of the safest countries in the world today.

According to China News Agency, on the morning of Wednesday (October 19), the second Chinese Communist Party IIThe Top Ten News Center held a third press conference.Xu Ganlu, a member of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Public Security, the party secretary and director of the National Immigration Administration, introduced that China is one of the countries with the lowest murder case, the lowest criminal crime rate, and the least gun explosion cases in the world.The rate is only 0.5%.

Xu Ganlu introduced that in the past 10 years, the five indexes of China's criminal case safety accidents have fallen sharply.In 2021, eight major criminal crimes, drug crimes, drug crimes, robbery and robbery cases, the number of cases of theft, and a large traffic accident with a crisp case of more than three people decreased by 64%, 56.8%, and 56.8%, respectively.96%, 62%, and 59.3%, the people's sense of security has increased significantly.

Xu Ganlu said that in 2022, according to the China National Bureau of Statistics, the public's senseone.