And build a governing backbone team.NotXinhua News Agency reported on Monday (September 19) that the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the promotion of leading cadres to be able to regulate and issue notices, requiring all regions and departments to take care of them carefully.NotIt is pointed out that the regulations are guided by Chinese President Xi Jinping's thoughts of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.The selection and employment mechanism is of great significance for promoting the employment orientation and political environment of the upper, superior prize, mediocre, and inferiority. It is of great significance to build a high -quality ruling backbone team with loyalty and clean responsibilities.NotIt is required that the party committees (party groups) and its organization (personnel) departments at all levels must earnestly carry out the political responsibility of comprehensively and strictly control the party governing officials, so as to be true and strict, dare to manage and strict, and promote cadres.Can be normalized.We must adhere to the combination of strict management and love, incentives, and restraint, do a good job of in -depth and meticulous ideology, and protect the enthusiasm of cadres and officers to start a business.It is necessary to strengthen supervision and inspection, and to be held accountable seriously about implementing the rules and regulations.The important situation and suggestions in the implementation regulations shall report the Party Central Committee in time.NotOn June 26, 2015, the Politburo Meeting of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was reviewed and approved; it was released on July 19, 2015.The office was released.NotSPAN> The stipulated content includes:

The first one to comprehensively promote the party's political construction, ideological construction, organizational construction, work style construction, disciplinary construction, improve the employment mechanism of personnel and be able to go up and down., High -quality professional cadre teams of loyalty and cleanliness, improve the system system of strict management of the cadre team, in accordance with the Chinese government's organizational regulations, party and government leading cadres, etc., and other laws of the People's Republic of ChinaThese regulations.Not Article 2 to promote leading cadres to be able to go up and down, and adhere to Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideas with Chinese characteristics as the guidance, implement the general requirements of the party's construction in the new era and the organizational route of the party in the new era, and implement the new era.Cadre standards, adhere to the party to manage the party, comprehensively and strictly govern the party, adhere to practical facts, be fair and decent, adhere to their careers, and personnel affairs, adhere to laws and regulations, actively and stable, and focus on solving problems such as inaction, inaction, and chaos.Promote leading cadres to consciously implement the requirements of the "three stricts and three realities", and promote the employment orientation and environment of politics in the formation of the upper, superior awards, mediocrities, and inferiority.Not Article 3 These regulations are applicable to party agencies, people's congresses, administrative agencies, CPPCC agencies, supervisory agencies, judgment agencies, procuratorial organs, and other agencies and reference civil servants laws.Management agencies (units) are cadres of leadership.State -owned enterprises and institutions who serve as leaders are implemented with reference to these regulations.Not Article 4 to promote leadership cadres to go down, the focus is to solve the problem.In conjunction with the actual classification, we should strictly implement the channels of accountability, party discipline and government affairs, organizational processing, resignation, duty term, retirement, etc., and unblock the channels under cadres.Not This regulation is mainly regulated by the organizational adjustment of the leadership of the current cadre.Not Article 5 is not suitable to hold the current job, mainly refers to the inconsistent requirements of cadres' virtues, energy, diligence, performance, and integrity, and should not continue to work in the current post.Cadres have one of the following circumstances and are identified as not suitable for current jobs. They should be adjusted in time:

(1) Political ability is not hard, lacks its due political judgment, political understanding, and political execution.There is a significant gap in the implementation of the decision -making deployment of the Party Central Committee and the actual promotion of the effectiveness of the party's central government;

(2) The ideals and beliefs shake, and major principles involved in the party's leadership, the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and other major principlesThe problem on the problem is not firm and ambiguous, and the test cannot be tested at the critical moment;

(3) The spirit of responsibility and struggle is not strong, and it is related to the party and national interests, the safety of the lives and property of the peopleReturning, in the face of urgent and dangerous tasks and major risk tests, negatively escapes or deal with poor disposal;

(4) There is a deviation in the concept of political performance. We cannot adhere to the people -centered development ideas., Complete and accurately implement the new development concept, do not actively inaction in building a new development pattern and promoting high -quality development, engage in "image engineering" and "political performance projects" in chaos;

(5) violates the principleOr it is weak and scattered, it is self -evidence, does not execute or changes the decision made by the organization without authorization, in the leadership team, there is no principle dispute, or the people are only relatives and gangs, destroying the political ecology of the local and units; Not) The organizational concept is weak, and the systems are not strictly implemented. Please report the reports, personal related matters reporting, etc., and decide on the distribution, mobilization, and communication of the organization without proper reasons; /Span>

(7) career and sense of responsibilityNot strong, poor mental state, perfunctory and responsibility for matters within the scope of responsibility, not to worry about the problems of the masses, unsatisfactory, and work, and the development of work and delaying career development;

(8) LeadershipInsufficient capabilities, we cannot effectively perform their duties and complete the goals and tasks as required. Major strategies, important reforms, and key work are not promoted.Not) Inadequate and accidental decision -making demonstrations of illegal decision -making or decision -making demonstrations, causing public capital, state -owned assets, waste of state -owned resources, waste of state -owned resources, damage of ecological environment, and damage to public interests;

(ten) style is not true,The implementation of the eight central regulations of the Central Committee is not strict, the problems of formalism and bureaucracy are prominent, causing adverse effects;

(11) misconduct, misconduct behavior, violate social morality, professional ethics, family virtues, causing itThe adverse effects;

(12) Due to the existence of spouses, children moved to the country (border), the spouse, children and their spouse business -oriented enterprises should be adjusted in accordance with relevant regulations; NotSPAN> (13th) Annual assessment is identified as not competent, or has been determined as basic competent for two consecutive years, and the excellent and less approved votes of democratic evaluation reached two -thirds.Not (14) Those who cannot fulfill their work responsibilities for more than 1 year due to health reasons;

(15) Other situations that are not suitable for current jobs.Not Article 6 The party committee (party group) and its organization (personnel) departments can fulfill the relevant responsibilities of organizational adjustment in accordance with cadre management authority.Not Organizations (personnel) departments at all levels shall deepen the daily understanding of cadres, regular analysis and judgment, inspection, auditing, statistics, personal matters, democratic evaluation, letters and visits reports, reports of democratic evaluation, letters of letters and visits from regular analysis.When the relevant leadership teams and cadre teams are dynamically grasped by the cadre reality, those who have the existence, tendencies, or minor problems will be promptly reminded, conversed, questioned, criticized education, ordered inspections, or instructed.Start the adjustment program in time.Not Article 7 is not suitable to serve as the current cadre. Generally, according to the following procedures:

(1) verification and determination.Organize the comprehensive analysis of the organization (personnel) department to verify the situation that is not suitable for current jobs, and make objective evaluation and accurate determination.Pay attention to the opinions of the masses' reports, understand the reputation of the masses, and especially listen to the opinions of relevant personnel such as work objects, service objects.If necessary, you can talk to the cadre himself to hear the instructions.Not (2) Make suggestions.The organization (personnel) departments make suggestions for adjustments to the current cadres in accordance with the results of the investigation, verification and analysis and judgment.Adjustment suggestions include adjustment of the cause, adjustment method, and arrangement.Not (3) Organization decision.The party committee (party group) held a collective study of the meeting and made adjustments.Before making a decision, we should listen to the opinions of the relevant parties.Involving the dual management of cadres, the supervisor shall solicit the opinions of the coordinator in accordance with the relevant regulations.Not (4) Talk.The responsible comrades of the party committee (party group) or organization (personnel) departments talked with the adjustment objects, announcing the organization's decision, and doing a good job of ideological work carefully.

(5) Perform the appointment and removal procedures in accordance with relevant regulations.Generally, the procedures for adjusting the salary and treatment of cadres within 1 month.Cadres who are appointed and appointed in accordance with the law shall be carried out in accordance with the procedures of relevant laws, regulations, regulations, and prescribed procedures.Not Article 8 The cadre that is not convinced by the decision to adjust the adjustment may apply for a review or a complaint in accordance with relevant regulations.The execution of the decision continuously during the review and appeal.Not Article 9 For inappropriateness as the current cadre, it shall distinguish between different situations and work needs according to their consistent performance and work needs.Those with retirement conditions can be retired in advance.Not If you cannot do the current post, you shall be appropriate for the job needs and care for cadres to be properly arranged.Not Adjustment is not suitable to serve as the current cadre, in principle, arranged within the scope of the job.If the number of overdoor duties is temporarily overdue, it shall be reported to be reported by the party committee organization department and the establishment department of the upper level of the higher -level party committee, and clarify the time limit of digestion. Generally, it should be digested within 1 year.Not Article 10 Cadres who have been adjusted shall track down and understand their ideological dynamics and working conditions, and do a good job of educational management.According to the needs of the work, if you learn lessons and work hard, the performance and work performance of virtue and work will be outstanding, and the inspection can be further used, promoted, or promoted positions.Not Article 11 Organizations (personnel) departments at all levels shall document the reasons, arrangements, and follow -up management of the adjustment of the current cadres.Last year's related situation.Not Article 12 to improve and implement the promotion of leading cadres to be able to go to work responsibility system. The party committee (party group) shall resolutely carry the main responsibility.The organization (personnel) department shall consciously bear the specific work responsibilities, adhere to principles, dare to be responsible, so as to be true and strict, dare to manage and strict, and strict long management.Promoting can be normalized.Not Article 13 Persistence in the combination of strict management and love, incentives and restraints, implement the "three distinguished" requirements, correctly grasp the boundaries of policy, protect the enthusiasm of cadres and officers in entrepreneurship, reform and innovation, tolerance reform and exploration, Try to make mistakes in work first.Not Article 14 strictly promoting leading cadres to be able to go to work discipline, must not do well in humanism, should not avoid the weight, avoid organizational adjustment with party discipline and government affairs, or replace party discipline and government affairs with organizational adjustments.EssenceNot Article 15 Actively create an institutional environment and public opinion atmosphere that can promote the ability of leading cadres, strengthen supervision and inspection, and incorporate the implementation of these regulations into the party committee (party group) to fulfill the responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party.The first report of the report ", inspection and inspection, and special inspection of the selection of people are included in the annual assessment of the party committee (party group) secretary.Serious irresponsibility, orIf those who violate the relevant work discipline shall be held accountable for the main leaders of the party committee (party group) and its organization (personnel) departments, and the responsibilities of the relevant leaders and direct responsible persons.Not Article 16 Each region and departments may formulate implementation rules in accordance with these regulations and combine their own actualities.Not Article 17 This provision shall be explained by the Central Organization Department.Not Article 18 of these provisions shall be implemented from the date of release.