Written article | Yu Hui

On September 12, the first edition of the China Discipline Inspection and Supervision News published a political responsibility of carrying the political responsibility of the national food security "cockpit stone". The name of the article mentioned the former director of the Grain Bureau of Heilongjiang Province, who had been dismissed.

On the same day, the official website of the National Commission for Discipline Inspection issued a special rectification of corruption in the field of grain purchase and sales | Disciplinary Judging linkage deeply dig deep into the "worm" of the grain depot.

The article mentioned the relevant details of Yang Yuqiang, the former party branch secretary and director of the Food Reserve in Peiping Province, Sichuan, Sichuan.

These two people are food "worms".

"Reading Hu Dongsheng Repentance"

Look at Heilongjiang first.

In the past ten years, Heilongjiang has contributed 1.47 trillion pounds of food to the country.In 2021, the province's grain production in Heilongjiang reached a record high, reaching 157.35 billion kilograms, ranking first in the country for 12 consecutive years.

The field of food purchase and sales in Zhengzhijun involves many subsidy funds, complicated interests, difficulty in supervision and supervision, and systemicity and domains.

Heilongjiang Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervisory Committee of Heilongjiang Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the greedy granary "Master Rats" should be investigated and dealt with in accordance with the rules and disciplines.

Data show that the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection is supervised by 112 case clues and is listed on the office of 20 major issues.As of August 18, the province had a total of 824 cases and 1,264 cases, 942 party disciplinary and government affairs, and 12 director of grass -roots grain depot took the initiative to invest.

The article also mentioned that Heilongjiang Provincial Food and Material Reserve Bureau held a warning education conference to read on the site of the former provincial food bureau director Hu Dongsheng's repentance, clean government book and provincial grain system political ecological construction reflection report, and to global party members and cadresTighten the "wind discipline".

Hu Dongsheng alone

Hu Dongsheng, male, Han nationality, born in December 1956, Heilongjiang Xunke, college degree, joined the work in May 1975, joined the Communist Party of China in May 1978, graduated from Economic Management, Heilongjiang Provincial Economic Management Cadre College, and worked.University degree.

Public information shows that he has stepped up step by step from an ordinary grain storage custodian to the director of the provincial grain bureau, and was investigated on October 17, 2021.

He is also the first director of the provincial grain bureau that was dismissed after the special rectification of corruption in the field of grain purchase and sales in the country.

During the time of Zheng Zhijun as the director of the Food Bureau, Hu Dongsheng was very strong and he was concluded.

According to the previous disclosure of the integrity, after the outbreak of the crushing crowd in the Central Grain Storage Heilongjiang Company in 2013, some people from the local food bureau were disturbed.

At that time, Hu Dongsheng was called to ask many times, and even did not come to work for up to a week.Later, with the opportunity to accompany a deputy governor to go to the grass -roots grain depot to investigate, Hu Dongsheng announced his high -profile "return to peace".

The above media also mentioned that Hu Dongsheng's attitude towards some grain and oil companies and even large state -owned enterprises is also very tough.

Hu Dongsheng ordered Heilongjiang's grain depot to supply food to a state -owned grain enterprise. Finally, the superior leaders came out to organize a meal, and the two sides shook hands.

From October 2009 to July 2016, Hu Dongsheng served as the party secretary and director of the Grain Bureau of Heilongjiang Province. Later, he became the deputy director of the Provincial CPPCC Agricultural and Rural Working Committee.

According to people familiar with the matter, Hu Dongsheng after retirement is still active in the grain system, helping some companies to coordinate things.

In May 2022, Hu Dongsheng was expelled from the party.

The Discipline Inspection Commission reported that he violated national laws and regulations, participating in gambling ; using the convenience of his position, to seek benefits for others in terms of cadres' appointment, engineering contracting, grain collection and storage, etc. , illegally accepts huge property of others, suspected of bribery crimes, etc.

The notification also mentioned that Hu Dongsheng accepted the subordinate gifts during his tenure in the food system, and randomly used the subordinate units to ignore national food security, violated the national food collection and storage policy, seek unfair interests for others, greatly engage in powerMoney trading seriously destroys the political ecology of the food system.

It is worth mentioning that The word "disregard the national food security and violates the national food collection and storage policy" is not common.

In July of this year, Hu Dongsheng opened the court.

He repented on the scene, "It's not just my status, but also my world view, life outlook, and values. I have been stunned by money and interests.Cultivation has caused uncomfortable losses to individuals, families, and organizations. I hope everyone will use me to abstain from the law ... "

Yang Yuqiang, who was named on the same day

Yang Yuqiang, who was named on the same day and Hu Dongsheng, also worked in the grain system for a long time.

Yang Yuqiang, male, Han nationality, born in October 1964, 58 years old, from Pengzhou, Sichuan, high school education.

In April 2003, Yang Yuqiang served as the secretary and director of the party branch of the Grain Reserve in Aoping Province, Pengzhou, Sichuan.After 19 years of working in the above position, it was checked on February 28, 2022.

Like Hu Dongsheng, Yang Yuqiang is also profitable in terms of food purchase and sales.

On August 9 this year, Yang Yuqiang was expelled from the party.

The Discipline Inspection Commission reported that Yang Yuqiang issued public funds in violation of regulations, and the financial management was extremely chaotic; using the convenience of his position, seek benefits for others in project contracting, grain purchase and sales, etc.Divide the state -owned assets privately to individuals.

According to the State Administration of Discipline Inspection of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Yang Yuqiang was found to be investigated and dealt with, which originated from the linkage and collaboration mechanism of the Chengdu Urban Discipline Inspection and Supervision Organs and the audit department.

In January 2022, the Pengzhou Discipline Inspection Commission's Supervision Committee was filed for investigation and investigation on Yang Yuqiang's suspected serious disciplinary violations of laws and laws, and asked the Pengzhou Audit Bureau to conduct special audit on the fund accounts of the grain tank simultaneously.

Audit found that in 2019, when the county -level reserves of 3,000 tons of rice were rotated, the number of bookbars was 3,000 tons, and the actual outlet was 3010.72 tons.

" The 10.72 tons of more libraries are overflowing grains produced during the grain storage process, with a payment of 22,300 yuan.Therefore, the Pengzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection immediately expanded the scope and conducted a comprehensive verification of the grain stores overflowing grain sales, water miscellaneous increase models, and over -standard rice sales price differences.

With the deepening of the investigation, Yang Yuqiang's "eating food" gradually surfaced.

  • From 2016 to 2020In August of the year, during the period of Yang Yuqiang as the director of Ao Ping Grain Store, he had long -term advice and instructed accountants to deal with accounts illegally.A total of more than 2.19 million yuan in income and other income of miscellaneous increases, over -standard rice sales price differences.

  • During the process of disposing of over-the-standard rice in 2019 and 2020, a total of more than 2.33 million yuan is obtained by signing a false contract.Arrange Wei to conceal the above -mentioned revenue and deposit in his personal bank account./p>

What needs to be explained is that the investigated "master" and "worm" are not just the two people mentioned above.

Grain security is an important foundation for national security. Digging out of food "worms" is of great significance to Chinese social security and stability.

Since August 2021, the National Commission for Discipline Inspection has deployed the special rectification of corruption in the field of grain purchases and sales in the country across the country.

For example, in January 2022, Xu Baoyi, the former deputy general manager of China Reserve Food Management Group Co., Ltd., was investigated; in less than half a year, in June 2022, he had to resolutely keep the country's food and supplies that "the world garage".Zhang Qifeng, the former party secretary and director of the Reserve Bureau, was also investigated.

Information | Xinhua News Agency People's Daily CCTV CCTV Integrity Watching