A magnitude 6.8 earthquake occurred at noon on Monday (September 5), Luding County, Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province. After receiving the report of the Office of the Earthquake Rescue Headquarters and Emergency Management Department of the State Council, the National Earthquake Emergency Class III response was immediately launchedThe State Disaster Reduction Commission and the Emergency Management Department launched the National Class IV disaster relief emergency response.

According to the China Earthquake Network, a magnitude 6.8 earthquake occurred at 12:52 noon on September 5th, Luding County, Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province, with a depth of 16 kilometers.According to the feedback of netizens, the earthquake in Chengdu and Chongqing is obvious.

Comprehensive Surging News and Beijing Daily News Client reported that after the earthquake, Wang Xiangxi, deputy commander of the State Council of the State Council and Minister of Emergency Management, rushed to the Ministry of Command Center to dispatch the deployment staff for search and rescue.The work group of disaster inspection, earthquake monitoring and secondary disaster prevention, and Min Yiren, member of the Party Committee of the Emergency Management Department and the director of the China Earthquake Administration, led the team to the scene to guide the earthquake relief work.Go to the earthquake area.

30 people in the Qianchu Team of Luding County, the Sichuan Provincial Fire Rescue Corps rushed to the epicenter to check the disaster. Seven detachments such as Ganzi, Chengdu, Deyang, Leshan, Ya'an, Meishan, and Ziyang were rushing to the earthquake rescue forces.Earthquake.The disaster is in the nuclear report.

After the earthquake, Wang Xiaohui, secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee, first talked to the Luding County Party Committee to interview the phone to understand the disaster, requiring the county party committee and county government to quickly organize their strength to strive for earthquake relief, and to go into the earthquake as soon as possible as soon as possibleCheck the affected situation and properly resettle the affected people.

Wang Xiaohui also made instructions, requiring the provincial government to quickly start emergency response, strengthen guidance to earthquake relief in the disaster area, understand the disaster as soon as possible, do everything possible to rescue the wounded, prevent secondary disasters, and ensure the safety of the lives and property of the people in the disaster area.Essence

Entrusted by Wang Xiaohui, the deputy secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee and the governor Huang Qiang led the relevant provincial departments to the provincial level to rush to the disaster area to guide the earthquake relief.