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According to the official website of the Ministry of Education, on August 17, the Department of Personnel Department of the Ministry of Education announced the appointment and removal of the party group of the Ministry of Education at Hefei University of Technology., Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee. Zheng Lei (Data Map Picture Source: Hefei University of Technology's official website) According to the public resume, Zheng Lei was born in January 1975 , Han, no party, Anhui Hefei.He graduated from the University of Science and Technology of China in the Department of Physics of the University of Science and Technology of China in 1995. He obtained a master's degree in science in 1997 (consolidated state physics).He is engaged in postdoctoral research at the Department of Physics of Nanjing University.From July 2001 to May 2011, Zheng Lei was engaged in scientific research at the University of Virginia, University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, the University of Sherfield, and Oxford University. In March 2011, Zheng Lei served as Deputy Dean of the School of Biological and Food Engineering, Hefei University of Technology . In December 2012, Zheng Lei served as Dean of the School of Medicine Engineering, Hefei University of Technology , and in October 2015, he was the dean of the Scientific Institute of Hefei University of Technology. In December 2019, Zheng Lei became the vice president of Hefei University of Technology , so far.According to the official website of Hefei University of Technology, Zheng Lei is in charge of scientific research institutes (school science and technology associations, social science federations), International Affairs Office (Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs Office), Analysis and Test Center, and continuing education college.According to reports, Zheng Lei is mainly engaged in food safety analysis detection, intestinal nutrition and health research, and research work in the cross -field of material science and life sciences.Research on the Technical Research and Prevention and Control Technology of Food and Food Supply Chain ".According to Anhui Daily, Zheng Lei has developed a number of multi -spectrum and Taihez non -destructive testing technology, and Establishs a new method for testing the multi -spectrum imaging test of genetic crops ;And sorting technology; establishes a multi -spectrum -based fruit and vegetable maturity and internal quality non -destructive identification classification method; real -time detection technology for nutritional and hazardous components in agricultural product processing;Food identities such as beef and boron flour and other foods such as non -destructive identification technology ; the application of the Taihez spectrum in oil quality detection has been developed.Not only did it complete a number of national key tasks, These achievements are also promoted and applied in the food, oil, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables and other industries. Liang Liang, the president of Hefei University of Technology and deputy secretary of the party committee, was born in April 1962. He was a member of the Party Committee of the University of Science and Technology of China and the executive dean of the School of Management.The Standing Committee and Vice President, in July 2015, served as the Standing Committee and President of the Party Committee of Hefei University of Technology, and in April 2017, he also served as the deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Hefei University of Technology.According to the official website, Hefei University of Technology is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education.The school was founded in 1945 and was approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China as a national key university in 1960.In 2005, the school became a national "211 Project" key construction university. In 2009, it became the national "985 Project" advantageous discipline innovation platform construction university. In 2017, it entered the ranks of national "double first -class" construction universities.Source: Anhui Daily, the official website of Hefei University of Technology, etc.