(Beijing News) The Communist Party of China has increased its crackdown on corruption retired cadres. Since this year, six leading cadres have been named and retired without "rest".

According to the Rule of Law Daily, the State Administration of Discipline Inspection of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection this year released the investigation and punishment of the violations of corruption cadres, Cai Esheng, the former vice chairman of the China Banking Supervision and Administration Commission;; Liu Jifu, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Land and Resources Department of the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Land and Resources; Wang Fu You, the former secretary of the Dongfeng County Party Committee of Jilin Province, and others, all of which retreated without "rest".

Among them, in January of this year, the Central Discipline Inspection Commission's report on Cai Esheng's violations of discipline and violations stated that it was incurable, retreated without "rest", and made a crime.Promotion and other aspects are not illegally received.The State Administration of Discipline Inspection of the Central Committee has previously remedied the corruption of retired cadres, and this year strengthened its strikes.In May of this year, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the opinions on strengthening the construction of the party's party building in the new era. It is mentioned that the party members of the retired cadre, especially the cadres who have served as a leading position, must strictly adhere to the rules of discipline.The influence of the job is to seek benefits for yourself and others.

The performance of leading cadres without "rest" has different performances. For example, Su Zequn, the former executive deputy mayor of Guangzhou, retired, and received the property of others in the name of consulting services.After the profit -related activities related to the original jurisdiction; after Jia Tanghong, the former director of the Health and Family Planning Commission of Jinan City, Shandong Province, retired, intervened and intervene in medical and health law enforcement and engineering projects.

The CCP ’s anti -corruption documentary zero tolerance also has related expressions, including Wang Fudu, the former party secretary and chairman of the Guizhou Provincial Committee of the CPPCC, once thought that he landed safely.To.An analysis of Ren Jianming, director of the Integrity Research and Education Center of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, pointed out that the existence of retreat without "resting" corruption indicates that China's current system of preventing interests in the current prevention of interests still needs to be improved. Some current regulations must be further implemented to strengthen retirement.Effective supervision of personnel.