586 days after falling, Xiao Zhuo, 54, welcomed the first trial.

On May 27, Xiao Zhuo appeared in court. He was charged with the crime of taking bribes and abuse of power.His career involves Hunan, Yunnan, and Beijing. Before he was removed, he served as the director of the Prosecutor and Supervision Bureau of the Supreme People's Procuratorate.He has participated in the 105 tragedy of the Mekong River, and has won the first -class merit granted by the Supreme Procuratorate.

Xiao Zhuo's full -time secretary of Qin Guangrong, the former secretary of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, made this trial attracted much attention.Three years ago, Qin Lingrong took the initiative to invest in the case and became the first former leader of the provincial and ministerial level issued by the National Commission for Discipline Inspection.

(Information picture) Xiao Zhuo.

Affected by the prevention and control of the epidemic, the Intermediate People's Court of the Nujiang -Launjun Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province adopted a remote connection to the Yunnan Detention Center to open the court. Xiao Zhuo participated in the trial at the detention center.The prosecutor accused him illegally asking or accepting Lin Xujun, Yang Weiyuan, and Lei Wu Army for a total of more than 455,000 yuan. Due to the abuse of power, the waterproof project cost of the infrastructure project of the Yunnan Provincial Procuratorate was higher than the market price of more than 6.1 million yuan.

China News Weekly learned from Xiao Zhuo's relatives and former colleagues that after Qin Guangrong voted the case, Xiao Zhuo had undergone a long review and finally passed the level.But in October 2020, it was suddenly investigated.In the face of all the allegations, Xiao Zhuo denied that he was guilty of himself, and his defense lawyer also defended him.

A person with a small caution to the extreme

Xiao Zhuo is the County, Hunan Province Longhui County. He was born in Xiangtan City, Hunan Province in December 1968. His father was a worker of the Jiangnan Machine Factory of Xiangtan State -owned Enterprise Jiangnan.

In 1986, Xiao Zhuo was admitted to the History Department of Xiangtan University.In an interview with China News and Weekly, the 77 -year -old retired teacher of Xiangtan University said that his impression of Xiao Zhuo was: the writing was not very good, but the study was hard, but the activity and organizational ability were very strong.The student's expectations are very high.

After graduating from college in 1990, Xiao Zhuo entered the gate of the agency from the school gate, entered the district party committee of Changsha City (now Tianxin District), and later transferred to the Changsha Municipal Party Committee Office, the Organization Department of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee, and the General Office of the Hunan Provincial Party CommitteeEssenceFrom 1995 to 1998, he served as a full -time secretary of Qin Rong, a member of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Changsha Municipal Party Committee.

In January 1999, Qin Guangrong moved to Yunnan and served as the member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee.In June of the same year, Xiao Zhuo followed Qin Rong from Hunan to Yunnan to serve as the deputy director of the Office of the Political and Legal Committee of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee.

Qin Lingrong has served as Minister of Organization, Executive Deputy Governor, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, and Governor of Yunnan Province. In August 2011, he served as secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and reached the pinnacle of his personal career.In November 2014, Qin Guangrong went to Beijing to serve as deputy chairman of the Twelfth National People's Congress Standing Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.

Xiao Zhuo has served as deputy director of the Provincial Political and Legal Committee Office in Yunnan Province, a member of the Standing Committee of the Baoshan Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Party Group of the Provincial Procuratorate, and Deputy Prosecutor of the Provincial Procuratorate, and Executive Deputy Dean of the Provincial Court of Courts.In August 2016, he left Yunnan, who had been working for more than 17 years, and served as the highest prosecution.

In 2016, the Supreme Procuratorate Film and Television Center and the Kim Shield Film and Television Center produced by the Supreme Prosecutor's Film and Television and the Ministry of Logistics of the Central Military Commission were filmed in the name of the people of anti -corruption TV drama. Xiao Zhuo, then deputy director of the Political Department of the Supreme Prosecutor, served as the film control.In June of the following year, Xiao Zhuo served as the director of the Supreme Prosecutor's Supervision Bureau.In December 2018, he was transferred to the director of the Supreme Inspection and Inspection and Inspection and Inspection and Inspection Bureau (Director of the Office of the Leading Group for Inspection).

Xiao Zhuo's father -in -law and former deputy director of the People's Congress of Liuyang City, Hunan Province, told China News Weekly that Xiao Zhuo's father has passed more than ten years. His mother is 78 years old. Xiao Zhuo will accompany her mother to celebrate the New Year every year.In the second year, I will come to Liuyang to see us. After a few days of staying, I will return to Beijing.

On April 6, 2019, after Xiao Zhuo worked in Beijing for nearly three years, Qin Guangrong went to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection to take the initiative to invest in the case, becoming the first person at the ministerial level to actively invest in the case.Former secretary of the Provincial Party Committee.

On January 19, 2021, Qin Lingrong was sentenced to seven years in prison by the Chengdu Intermediate Court for the first time of bribery.Qin Dangting stated that he obeyed the judgment and did not appeal.It was found out that Qin Lingrong was directly equivalent to more than 2389 yuan by illegal acceptance of other people's property through his relatives.

Several interviewees told China News Weekly that after the Qin investing case, the Qin case task force conducted a long investigation of Xiao Zhuo.A friend of Xiao Zhuo said that after Xiao Zhuo passed the customs, the person who checked me told him that I was a person with cautiousness to the extreme.

On September 10, 2020, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission jointly issued a designated decision to designate jurisdictions, designated by the Yunnan Provincial Supervision Commission, Xiao Zhuo's suspected illegal crimes.On the 11th of the following month, Xiao Zhuo was taken by the Yunnan Provincial Supervision Committee and was taken from Beijing to Yunnan from Beijing on the same day.

One week later, according to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the State Administration of Discipline Inspection of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision and Supervision and Supervision of the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection: Xiao Zhuo was suspected of serious disciplinary violations and accepted disciplinary review and supervision investigation.

In April 2021, Xiao Zhuo was doubled.The report said that Xiao Zhuo's gift, gifts, and consumer cards that may affect the execution of official duties in fair execution of official duties, and presented gifts to leading cadres and their spouses that were significantly exceeded normal gifts; the use of positions to help the spouse's business -based enterprise, and to take transportation tools for super standards, super standards, super standards, super standard transportation tools.Illegal reimbursement of personal expenses.

After receiving the double -opening decision, Xiao Zhuo wrote an appeal to the Supreme Procuratorate Party Group and the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Hospital on May 14, 2021.He responded to some of them.He said that from 2003 to 2017, he went to Qin Lingrong's family to worship the New Year's New Year every year, but Qin Guangrong's wife immediately returned a red envelope to Xiao Zhuo's daughter according to the custom of Hunan, and the amount would be higher.

He said that if we add the gifts we gave on Qin Georong's birthday, the amount of red envelope gifts between the two sides is generally about 100,000 yuan.He also said that, as an old ministry from Hunan to Yunnan, he did have a close relationship with Qin Rongrong, but the exchanges did not exceed the normal category.

Regarding the problem of overhaul transportation, he said that because of the full flight and official duty, he asked the main leaders to agree to take the first class and did not violate the rules.

Costen bribes or borrowing?

On April 27, 2021, the Xiao Zhuo case was investigated by the Yunnan Provincial Supervision Committee and transferred to the procuratorate for review and prosecution.The Yunnan Provincial Procuratorate arrested Xiao Zhuo in accordance with the law.On May 6 of the same year, after the designated jurisdiction, the Xiao Zhuo case was submitted to the Nujiang Prefecture Procuratorate for review and handling.

On June 7 and August 21 of the same year, the Nujiang Prefecture Court extended the review period of the review and prosecution twice, and returned to the procuratorial organs on June 21 in the same year to supplement the investigation once.On September 3 of the same year, the Yunnan Nujiang Prefecture Procuratorate filed a public prosecution to the Nujiang State Court on the case of Xiao Zhuo.

On November 13, 2021, it was the day when Xiao Zhuo appeared in court in the Nujiang State Court.However, more than ten minutes before the trial, when Xiao Zhuo's defender and relative representative arrived in the court, they were told that because the prosecutor did not agree to the opening of the day, Xiao Zhuo's case was postponed.

On January 28, 2022, the Nujiang Prefecture Procuratorate made a decision to change the prosecution, because the facts of the case were found that the facts of the case were inconsistent with the fact that the prosecution charged, and the indictment was changed.After the change, the prosecution removed the charges of bribery of Xiao Zhuo's 1 million yuan.

The original indictment stated that in 2010, Xiao Zhuo learned that Yang Weiyuan (Chairman of Hong Kong Zhongwei Investment Co., Ltd. and Chief Chef Consultant Consultant of Kunming Book Xiangmen Restaurant) cooperated with others to set up Beijing Fukai Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.The company's request, Yang Weiyuan gave Xiao Zhuo a 10 % of the company worth 1 million yuan.Xiao ZhuoZi Zhou Xiaoya held the name and refund the shares in November 2010 to make a profit of RMB 1 million.

A person familiar with the matter said that Zhou Xiaoya was the vice president of China Entertainment Satellite TV and the chairman of the Beijing subsidiary of Hunan Radio and Television Group.After the prosecution of the Nujiang Prefecture Procuratorate, Xiao Zhuo's defense lawyer found Zhou Xiaoya's bank payment voucher to prove that he holds the above shares in actual capital contribution, not dry shares.As a result, the prosecution canceled the allegations.

China News Weekly saw from this change of prosecution decision that prosecutors accused Xiao Zhuo offending the crime of bribery and abuse of power.

In the charges of bribery, the prosecutor said: from 2001 to 2014, Xiao Zhuo used the director of the Research Office of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee Political and Legal Committee and the director of the Yunnan Provincial Institute of Political and Law, the member of the Standing Committee of the Baoshan Municipal Committee of Yunnan Province, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of Politics and Law, Yunnan Province, Yunnan ProvinceThe convenience of deputy prosecutors and executive deputy prosecutors of the Procuratorate, and the convenience conditions formed by my authority and status to help other people's business cooperation, case processing, bidding land, replacement land, etc.455.434 million yuan.

The above -mentioned 455 yuan mentioned by the prosecutor involved three merchants, namely Lin Xujun (chairman of Hong Kong Parkfeng Group Co., Ltd.), Yang Weiyuan, and Lei Wujun (legal representative of Hunan North Control Jingsheng Construction Development Co., Ltd.).

People familiar with the matter said that Lin Xujun, Yang Weiyuan, and Lei Wujun are all friends of Qin Georong.Among them, Yang Weiyuan met Qin Rong in the 1990s.

The three allegations of the prosecutor's above are:

In 2001, Xiao Zhuo accepted Lin Xujun's request. He repeatedly contacted Yao Qingyan, the then dean of the Yunnan Tobacco Scientific Research Institute, intended to introduce Yao Qingyan to Lin Xujun to know and help Lin Xujun's tobacco flavors.In May 2002, Xiao Zhuo received RMB 40.434 million by Lin Xujun.

In 2014, Xiao Zhuo accepted Yang Weiyuan's request, and introduced Chen Wu, the then deputy prosecutor of the Guangdong Provincial Procuratorate, to know Yang Weiyuan, which was intended to help Yang Weiyuan's brother Yang Xibo's criminal cases involved in the lenient treatment.In 2006, Xiao Zhuo asked Yang Weiyuan to ask Yang Weiyuan for RMB 2 million on the grounds of funds.In 2008, Xiao Zhuo asked Yang Weiyuan to ask Yang Weiyuan to ask Yang Weiyuan for RMB 100,000 on the grounds of buying a house.In October 2010 and December 2011, Xiao Zhuo asked Yang Weiyuan to ask Yang Weiyuan for RMB 350,000 and 200,000 yuan on the grounds of his own funds.The above total is 2.65 million yuan.

From 2006 to 2012, Xiao Zhuo accepted the request of Lei Wujun and greeted Luo Hengning, then the secretary of the Wangcheng County Party Committee of Hunan Province, intended to help the company of Lei Wujun in low -cost auction land; used the deputy prosecutor of the Yunnan Provincial ProcuratorateThe convenience of positions helps Lei Wujun's company in terms of replacement of land and resolving civil disputes.In 2011, Xiao Zhuo received RMB 1.5 million for the purchase of a house paid by Lei Wujun for it.

The allegations are involved in three public officials.On November 29, 2021, Yao Qingyan, who had retired for a year, was investigated. Chen Wu is currently the secretary of the Party Group and Attorney General of the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate.Related testimony shows that Chen Wu and Luo Hengning said that they had not helped in the relevant cases mentioned above.

During the court, Xiao Zhuo denied all allegations.Both Xiao Zhuo and his lawyers believe that the money received from Lin Xujun and Yang Weiyuan is borrowed, and the purpose is in terms of buying a house and investing in their family members.Xiao Zhuo said that his interaction with these three was normal, and he was economic exchanges between private friends, and did not conspiracy and transported interests.

However, the testimony of Lin Xujun presented by the prosecutor showed that Xiao Zhuo was the people around Qin Guangrong and had already appointed in the Yunnan Provincial Political and Legal Commission.I am optimistic about Xiao Zhuo's political development. Because of his identity and background, I want to further closer his relationship with him by bribing him, especially if there is something in the future, you can help him help.Around 2001, Xiao Zhuo said that he knew Yao Qingyan, who knew the tobacco system. I said whether he could cooperate in this regard in the future. Xiao Zhuo replied to me and would ask Yao Qingyan to know me, but Xiao Zhuo did not appoint Yao Qingyan.Come out for me.

Xiao Zhuo said that he had only one side with Yao Qingyan.In 2001, he called Yao to make an appointment with him, but Yao did not come out, and did not involve the issue of introducing Lin Xujun to introduce tobacco -flavored spice business.In 2014, he introduced Chen Wu to Yang Weiyuan. He did not have the intention of the prosecutor's allegations. To this day, Yang has not told me that he has found Chen Wu for his brother's criminal case.

Yang Weiyuan's testimony said that in around 2014, his brother Yang Xibo was sued by the Foshan Procuratorate.Through Xiao Zhuo's help, he found Chen Wu, the executive deputy prosecutor of the Guangdong Provincial Procuratorate, to help ask the case.

Chen Wu's testimony said: One day around 2014, Xiao Zhuo told me that he had a friend named Yang Weiyuan, a Cantonese, and many relatives in the family did business in Guangzhou. Thinking of Guangzhou visited me, I said yes.After about half a month, Yang Weiyuan arrived in Guangzhou, and I asked him to chat in my office. Yang Weiyuan in my office said that his brother had something in his hometown. It seemed to involve criminal cases.Relevant leaders in Jieyang solved.I told him that the Chaoshan area was unfamiliar, and there was no way to help him coordinate.

The public prosecutor believes that the above two evidence confirms that in 2014, Xiao Zhuo was asked by Yang Weiyuan to introduce Chen Wu to Yang Weiyuan to know, and helped the criminal cases involved in Yang Xibo's brother Yang Xibo.

Xiao Zhuo said that the prosecutor accused him of 2.65 million so -called cables from Yang Weiyuan.These borrowings are specific for him and Yang Weiyuan in private friends. There is a promise of repayment and borrowing, and the facts of repayment.

In the name of borrowing, asking me to ask for money. You must know that at that time, Xiao Zhuo was already the deputy prosecutor of the Provincial Procuratorate, and it had a unusual relationship with Qin Rongrong.

Xiao Zhuo said that the 1.5 million Lei Wujun was used by his little sister Zhou Jiji. He didn't know at all.He and Lei Wujun did not borrow a penny, nor did he intentionally mentioned what he would help Lei Wujun in terms of auction land, and to help Lei Wujun's civil and commercial case disputes in Kunming.This kind of thing is inconsistent with the basic facts.

He said that after Lei Wujun's so -called civil and commercial disputes defeated in a trial, he sent me a complaint material and told me some situations.As a cadre of the procuratorial organs, I think this is also my duties in my division, and he is my friend.I did not interfere in the court, but just transferred his appeal materials to the then president of the Kunming Court of Kunming, and asked him to trial according to law.

Do you intervene in the project?

The prosecution also accused Xiao Zhuo offending the crime of abuse of power.In 2009, the Yunnan Provincial Procuratorate planned to build a new office district and employee residential community project. Yunnan Provincial Urban Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Yunnan Urban Investment) was the agent.The Yunnan Provincial Procuratorate established an infrastructure work leadership group. Xiao Zhuo served as the deputy team leader to be responsible for the daily work of the leading group of infrastructure work and coordinated with the Yunnan Urban Investment Group and other units.

Prosecutor's allegations: In 2011, Xiao Zhuo decided and notified Yunnan Urban Investment without authorization. Geng Guangrui (separate case treatment) was responsible for the waterproof engineering project by Geng Guangrui (another case).Geng Guangrui proposed to Xiao Zhuo's second brother, Geng Guangrui's second brother Geng Qianjin, and Xiao Zhuo's husband Dai Han Quan contracted waterproof engineering project.

Prosecutors accused: Xiao Zhuo still had a private affairs when he knew that Geng Qianjin and Daihan had no waterproof construction and borrowed other company's qualification contracting projects in violation of regulations.Later Geng Qianjin, Dai Hanquan borrowed the qualifications of Kunming Sun City Waterproof Materials Engineering Co., Ltd., without the bidding procedures, inherited the implementation of the Lianheyuan, Pinghe Garden, Wanhe Garden of the Yunnan Provincial Procuratorate in the form of advanced construction and post -signing contracts.waitWaterproof projects for public projects and employee residential projects.Geng Qianjin's price of the comprehensive unit price of waterproofing projects was significantly higher than the market price, resulting in the high cost of engineering costs, and a large number of waterproof quality problems such as house leakage in the Pinghe Garden and Wanhe Garden Project had a large amount of waterproof quality.It was identified that the waterproof project cost of the infrastructure project of the Yunnan Provincial Procuratorate was higher than the market price of RMB 6,1042.752.

In June 2020, Geng Guangrui was investigated at the deputy secretary of the Party Group and deputy prosecutor of the Procuratorate of Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province.On January 24, 2022, he was sentenced to seven years in prison for bribery and abuse of power.

Xiao Zhuo said in the complaint from the disciplinary inspection and supervision team of the Supreme Procuratorate and the discipline inspection and supervision team of the hospital that I had never decided the waterproof project to contract as the deputy team leader.The position of the team leader of the Infrastructure Comprehensive Group is convenient. From Party B's civil engineering contract, the contractual waterproof project is obtained.For the price of waterproof projects, the financial department of the Yunnan Provincial Procuratorate was strictly reviewed, and there is no problem with high cost of projects.After March 2014, I will no longer be in charge of the logistics support department of financial, government affairs management, and funds.In May 2016, I was transferred out of the Provincial Procuratorate. The engineering final accounts involved in waterproof projects were not involved.The use of waterproof engineering costs higher than the actual cost of 6.1 million yuan to accuse me of abuse of power, causing major losses, neither objective nor fair.

During the trial, Xiao Zhuo also emphasized that he decided to hand over the waterproof project in this project to Geng Qian to do it.Scope of power.

Xiao Zhuo acknowledged that Geng Guangrui did recommend his brother Geng forward at that time. He said at the time that this person had done large -scale workstities and allowed him to participate. We could have a reliable insider.But I have never greeted the boss of the two company B companies with the right to decide, and designated Geng to come in to do it.

He also emphasized that Daihanquan divorced his sister in 2015.Moreover, Geng Guangrui did not mention Dai Hanquan to participate with him at the time.

However, Geng Guangrui's testimony said that at a meeting in March 2011, Xiao Zhuo would arrange a reliable and controllable waterproof company to recommend the construction of Wanhe and Pinghe project to do waterproof projects.I reported to Xiao Zhuo that I wanted my brother Geng to come in to do waterproof project.I also mentioned a specifically, and then asked your brother -in -law Dai Hanquan to do it together.Xiao Zhuo didn't speak at the time, but I agreed with my proposal a few minutes later.

Geng Guangrui also said that because it was the project of the Provincial Procuratorate and had reached a consensus before, major issues of bidding and engineering construction must be reported to the Leading Group for the Infrastructure of the Provincial Procuratorate.Recommend the past construction party, Yunnan City Investment Project Department is generally recognized.

The testimony of Wang Zijin, then the management manager of the Yunnan Urban Investment Group Wanhe, Pinghe Garden Engineering Construction Project: In 2011, the waterproof project of the Provincial Procuratorate before entering the construction unit, Xiao Zhuo said that Geng Guangrui helped us to do a good job of waterproof engineering work for the project.EssenceI think this is the opinion of the Provincial Procuratorate, and I agree.

As of press time, the case has not been sentenced after the first instance.Zhou Fuwen and other Xiao Zhuo's family said that if Xiao Zhuo was guilty in the first instance, he would appeal.

Send 2022.7.11 Total Issue 1051 China News Weekly Magazine

Magazine title: Qin Lingrong Before the secretary was tried and self -defending the cautiousness behind the innocence

Reporter: Zhou Qunfeng