As the people from the Shenzhen Bay Port's departure to Shenzhen rose, Sunday (July 10) appeared in the morning (July 10) to wait for the test.Lu Chongmao, the director of the Hong Kong Medical and Health Bureau, criticized the testing efficiency too slowly during the inspection of Shenzhen Port on the same day, excessive contact with the registration process, and did not make good use of technology.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and the Internet media "Hong Kong 01" reported that Shenzhen has added "humanistic care customs clearance" arrangements, and entry in Shenzhen has increased dramatically.Lu Chongmao inspected at the Shenzhen Bay Port at 5:30 pm on Sunday and communicated with the staff at the scene. Someone at the scene introduced the facilities and testing processes, including waiting for the waiting test to set up love seats and process time.

For detection efficiency, the staff pointed out that about 300 people can be processed in one hour.However, Lu Paimao expressed dissatisfaction with this, the criticism efficiency was too slow, and there were too many contacts in the registration process. Many procedures could be carried out on the phone, and criticized the staff who did not make good use of technology.

Lu Chongmao said when meeting the reporter that in response to the lack of the station, mainland China has done a lot of work on the number of Shenzhen places in Shenzhen, making the quota distribution more fair, fair and open.

In response to the situation of customs clearance personnel in the Shenzhen Bay Port, Lu Paimao said on the radio program on Monday (11th) that because there is no appointment system, citizens who go to Shenzhen Bay are inclined to clear the customs in the morning.As a result, within three hours of Sunday, more than a thousand people lined up and waited for the long queue.

He pointed out that the problem has increased the number of customs clearance quota because of the Shenzhen -Hong Kong cooperation, but the first step is to consider the second step, and the appointment system is not set up.

Lu Chongmao said that it is expected that there can be 2,000 customs clearance places per day, plus about 500 places that meet the "people's care" persons, and the total number is expected to be 2,500 per day.He reminded that if the citizens have already made an appointment for the "station" room in the mainland, they do not need to hurry in the morning.

Lu Chongmao continued that the Hong Kong government's goal was to launch an appointment system at the beginning of this week to prevent crowds of crowded crowds at the busy time; the customs clearance process can also be optimized.He believes that after setting up an appointment system, it is expected that up to about 500 people can be processed per hour, so that citizens can clear the level without waiting for more than two hours.