(Hefei Comprehensive News) Zheng Zujie, Secretary of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, criticized some local cadres to do face -to -face projects to describe their "virtual, hiding, cold, rough, fake", and the existence of political performance caused the style of style.For example, he said that there were 12 lane roads in a certain county, but there were few cars on the road.

According to a comprehensive report from the People's Daily client and Xinhuanet, when Zheng Zujie held the work of the provincial and municipal work assessment on Saturday (2nd), the five words "virtual, hiding, cold, rough, and fake" summarized a minority.Problems in cadre style.

"Virtual" means that the work is not working."Hiding" is to push it, you can drag it, and you can ignore the old official."Cold" is to have indifference, and you cannot think about your heart and change."Rough" is that the decision -making lack of argumentation, the policy of policies, and damage to the government image."Fake" is the statistical plus estimation that the first level is deceived.

Zheng Zujie said that although there are only a few cadres in the above problems, the impact must be highly valued and eliminated.

He pointed out that it is easy to do face -to -face projects and not to do inside projects. It is a concrete manifestation of some cadres' outlook on performance and decision errors.For example, the county's economic volume is backward and the total population is not large, and the traffic and traffic are not large. The road to repair the road has repaired 12 lanes. The road is luxurious, but there are few cars running on the road.

Zheng Zujie also requested to prevent statistical fraud and fraud, and said that once it was discovered, it would be strictly handled, serious accountability, and exposed the province to ensure that the statistical data is true.