There are also overseas books that are disclosed and have serious political issues.

On June 29, the official website of the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection quoted the disciplinary inspection and supervision team of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Wenshan Prefecture Supervision Commission to report the former party secretary and chairman of Yunnan State Capital Investment Management Co., Ltd. (The former Party Secretary and Chairman of the Provincial Finance Guarantee Co., Ltd.) Zhou Jia was expelled from the party and public office.

Earlier, on October 21, 2021, Zhou Jia received discipline review and supervision investigation for suspected serious disciplinary violations.

According to the WeChat public account, Qingfeng Yunnan disclosed, after the disciplinary inspection and supervision team in Yunnan Golden Control Group and the Guangnan County Supervision Commission, in order to strengthen the deterrent, to conduct a strong signal of anti -corruption zero tolerance, through careful planning, the Guangnan County Supervision Commission in 2021 was 2021 in 2021.On the morning of October 19th, the party committee of Yunnan HKMA announced the decision of Zhou Jiali's case and a detained decision.Zhou Jia was taken away on the spot.

Sources said that the participating Yunnan HKMA's 6 members and 10 middle -level cadres of the Party Committee of Yunnan Financial Holdings Group expressed their states, resolutely supporting and resolutely obeying the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Provincial Supervision Commission to review and investigate Zhou Jiali's case.Good case review and investigation.

The person in charge of the production investment company said with emotion: For the first time, he witnessed that the cadres of violations of discipline and law were taken away by the scene, which was very shocked, very shocking, and made people unforgettable.

Today, the officially issued double -opening notice disclosed that Zhou Jia violated political discipline and political rules, and collected and read overseas books with serious political issues.Examine, engage in feudal superstition activities; violate the spirit of the eight central regulations, and have the main responsibility of the company's illegal purchase and the purchase of a laundry card, and handle the refueling card for private car refueling;Assets, do a lot of words, have not implemented the last statement system, individual changes collective decision -making matters, conceal the problem of non -illegal borrowing; violate the discipline of integrity, accept gifts that may affect fair execution of official duties.Entertainment arrangements for impartial duties; violations of work discipline, inaccurate their responsibilities, and conducting guarantees and borrowing business in violation of regulations, causing major losses in state -owned assets; violating life discipline, and remained improper relationship with others during the marriage relationship.In violation of national laws and regulations, many times, long -term obsession with gambling, and gambling in overseas casinos many times, collecting credit funds for financial institutions to loan others.Exclusive dedication, abuse of authority to cause major losses of state -owned assets, use positions to facilitate illegal obtaining, accepting property, and large -scale transportation.

The report pointed out that Zhou Jiaqi's behavior has violated the discipline, constituted illegal positions and suspected of the crime of abuse of power and bribery for the abuse of power of state -owned company personnel.Severe, should be dealt with seriously.In accordance with the relevant regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Public Officer of the People's Republic of China in accordance with the relevant regulations of the People's Republic of China on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China.Zhou Jia was expelled from the party, the public office was expelled from the public office; the income from the disciplinary violations was collected; the suspected criminal issues were transferred to the procuratorial organs to review and prosecute in accordance with the law, and the property involved was transferred with the case.

Many party members and leaders involving problems involving problems involving problems were notified.

For example, in September 2018, Wang Xiaoguang, the former member of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee and the former deputy governor of the provincial government, mentioned that Wang Xiaoguang violated political discipline and political rules, lacked political beliefs, and was keen to read overseas books with serious political issues.

In December 2018, the Chongqing Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection said that Li Qianghua, the former party secretary and director of the Fengdu County Land and Hall Management Bureau, was seriously opened.After investigation, Li Qianghua violated political discipline and read overseas books with serious political issues.

In the same year, the relevant case report of Wu Dehua, a former member of the former member of the Yubei District Committee of Chongqing, mentioned that after Sun Zhengcai's incident, Wu Dehua was afraid that he was implicated.Wu Dehua also read 4 reactionary magazines from overseas to read and retain it to the incident.

In May 2021, Su Yonghong, deputy general manager of Guizhou Water Conservancy Investment (Group) Co., Ltd. was opened.The report disclosed that Su Yonghong was keen to read overseas books with serious political issues.

In addition, Xie Jin, deputy secretary and district head of the Tianxin District Committee of Changsha City, Hunan Province, instructed others to purchase books and magazines from overseas to slander, slander the party and state leaders, and spread them out., Wang Baoping, the former leader of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission in the Provincial Department of Natural Resources, purchased, read, distorted and attacked the party's 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and cadre policies, and WeChat, which violated the four basic principles such as four basic principles,Articles, pictures, and small videos, do not report, do not resist, do not fight, and forward them to others, causing adverse effects to Hellip; Hellip; These officials have been severely punished by the party discipline for violation of political discipline.

In November 2017, the China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Journal said that the discipline columns have published articles on how to hold the party discipline responsibility for the enlistment of serious political issues.

Article analysis: Books and newspapers, audiovisual products, electronic reading, online audio and video materials, etc., which have serious political issues, generally refer to books, newspapers, and audiovisual portraits of Article 45 and 46 of the Communist Party of China.Products, electronic readings, network audio and video materials, etc.: Publicly publish articles, speeches, declarations, and statements of the opposition party's reform and opening up decision -making in public.Violation, distorting the party's reform and opening up decision, or other articles, speeches, declarations, and statements with serious political issues; discuss the central government's policy to destroy the party's centralized unity;And national leaders, or distort the party history and military history.

Article 47 of the Regulations of the Communist Party of China: The provisions of Article 47 of the Communist Party of China: Books and Press, audiovisual products, electronic readings, online audio and video materials listed in Article 45 and 46 of Article 45 and 46Wait, if the circumstances are light, a warning or severe warning punishment will be given; if the circumstances are heavier, the resignation of the party or staying in the party is given; if the circumstances are serious, the party will be expelled.

Books, audiovisual products, electronic readings, etc., one of the contents listed in Article 45 and 46 of Article 45 and 46 of Article 45, and the circumstances of one of the contents listed.The party's duties, inspect the party, or expel party membership.