Huzhou, Nanyang and other places in Zhejiang, China issued a cadre incentive mechanism, and proposed to break the determination of thinking, not only age, qualifications, academic qualifications, and team sorting.Call the clues and govern "lying flat cadres."

Comprehensive China News Service and Surging News reports, the opinions of Zhejiang Huzhou on the theme practices of practical struggle clearly mentioned that it will break the determination of cadres in the promotion of cadres., Eclectic to choose outstanding cadres with hard work and outstanding performance.For example, "the municipal deputy deputy position with outstanding performance, regardless of departmental size and qualifications, can directly appoint important departments."

Chen Hao, secretary of Zhejiang Huzhou Municipal Party Committee, mentioned on Monday (27th), "Seeing Beautiful China in Huzhou" at the theme practice mobilization conference that we must striveThe strong atmosphere of all things is competing first, conspiracy to develop at all times. "

Chen Hao said that ordinary people will not care about the GDP of Huzhou as soon as they wake up. They just care about practical problems such as pins and drums and traffic jams.Chen Hao pointed out that to keep the people's hearts as the heart and think more about it.

Nanyang, Henan has also introduced a cadre incentive mechanism recently.On the 14th of this month, Nanyang issued the implementation of the self -recommendation system for leading cadres (trial). The document mentioned that "providing a broader officer entrepreneurial stage for the superior cadres who wants to be an officer, the officer, do things, and work well."

According to the document, in the self -recommendation procedure, cadres can recommend self -recommendation to the responsible comrades of the unit party organization, to recommend themselves from the Municipal Party Committee Organization Department, or directly recommend themselves to the main leaders of the Municipal Party Committee.In the self -recommended position, cadres do not need to consider whether the municipal management position is vacant, and can be based on their own advantages and specialties. As long as they think that they can be competent and can create first -class performance in the province and the country, they can boldly recommend themselves.

Henan, Henan, Henan, Henan City also issued a clear document in March this year. Cadres with outstanding ability, obvious performance, and excellent style, they will be selected and mature.Those who are hard -working, those who can do it, can be done, and those who have things and are good.

At the same time, on the second day when the cadre's self -recommendation system was announced in Nanyang, the announcement of the clue of the "lying flat cadres" issues of the units in the region was released.

The collection of the clues of the "lying flat cadre" includes 10 aspects, for example, "I have worked too much, I am satisfied with the meeting", "The" Speaking of Speed 'No' performance ', and the people rely on the "performance'""Usually I don't say anything, I don't know if I have something to ask", and so on.

Since the beginning of the clue collection, many departments in Wolong District, Nanyang have exposed the public commitment of refusing to "lying flat cadres" and announced the supervision call.

The Huzhou News Media Center launched a column program last Friday (24th) to focus on the pain points of the work of the municipal party committee and the municipal government center and the people's attention to the people's attention to form a closed -loop supervision operation mode that urges rectification and evaluate the effect.Essence

Henan Pingdingshan also requires that the exploration is not a cadre identification and organizational adjustment mechanism., Form the strong effect of "adjust one, warn a batch, and educate one piece".Social development goals, promote market vitality, and improve people's livelihood levels of tasks, tight time, and many challenges, and have higher requirements for the ability of cadres and officers to start their own business. Development in various places requires stimulating the fighting spirit of cadres and encouraging motivation.
