Liu Qiangdong Mingnesota's civil cases have made the latest progress.On the afternoon of June 24, local time, the plaintiff jingyao complained that Liu Qiangdong's case held an offline public hearing.

According to the official website of the Minnesota Court, in May and June of this year, both sides submitted a large amount of materials, including the defendant's legal opinion, the defendant's opposition to the plaintiff's punishment compensation, the plaintiff's response to this opposition, etc., and the plaintiff requested to add additional settlementFor the punitive compensation of, proposed a motion for the exemption of employers' replacement responsibility.

The content of the defendant this time includes the key details of the plaintiff's inquiry of the plaintiff in the police law enforcement recorder. In the process of obtaining the case involving the case, there are a lot of contradictions in the process of evidence collection, suspected of lying.The plaintiff said that because he was worried that he and his family would be hurt, the initial statement of the police was modified.

This case has been obtained for more than a year, for more than a year, and non -public trials.This trial revealed a large number of videos, witnesses videos, and written testimony.The case may be officially opened at the end of September.

The incident reviews the US prosecutor's previous judgment of criminal failure

At the end of August 2018, and CEO Liu Qiangdong were detained by the police for suspected rape in Minnesota.On September 20, Mike Freeman, the prosecutor of Hennen County, Minnesota, USA announced that the police completed a preliminary investigation against the Liu Qiangdong case and handed over to the prosecutor. The prosecutor would evaluate all evidence and decide whether to prosecute.Three months later, on December 21, 2018, the local prosecutor made a decision to prosecute Liu Qiangdong in criminal allegations.

At that time, the prosecution claimed that the case had serious evidence, and any criminal charges could not be proven to be beyond reasonable doubts.

After sexual assault was not established, the plaintiff filed a civil lawsuit to Liu Qiangdong and in April 2019, claiming $ 50,000 and not capped.

On April 6, 2020, Liu Qiangdong officially appeared in court and submitted the defense.On April 27th, the judge rejected JD in Vicarious Liability.The judge determined that the plaintiff accused reasonable for suspected sexual assault.

In April 2020, the plaintiff's lawyer stated that in the preliminary statement submitted by Liu Qiangdong to the court, there was a period of civil lawsuit called Jingyao Li to accuse Liu Qiangdong and the criminal case was not established.The court should delete it.The court rejected the motion in October 2020.

The plaintiff responded why the initial statement was revised: worried that he and his family would be hurt

On June 16, the plaintiff submitted a document, which responded to the situation of the case: opposite to Liu Qiangdong claimed that the police had told the police that he was raped when the police just arrived.

According to the plaintiff's narrative, in August 2018, she participated in the activity of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (China) (DBA) project (referred to as DBA) as a volunteer.I was drunk at the dinner and was taken by Liu Qiangdong's luxury cars. Liu Qiangdong was raped in the apartment he rented that night.

The plaintiff said that the police monitoring video in the early morning of August 31, 2018 showed clearly that the timeline was completely different from the defendant claimed.After the police received a call, after responding to the ongoing rape, they went to the plaintiff's apartment building, where they met the alarm.According to the alarm, the victim did not want the police to intervene, but he called the police.The victim did not want to call the police because the man would hurt her family after he was afraid of the trouble.

The plaintiff said that as soon as the police entered Jingyao's apartment, she asked her about the call of the police (at the time Liu was still there), and she immediately confirmed the fact that the rape was confirmed.According to the dialogue between the woman and the police, after the police arrived on the same day, one of the police asked her if she was raped. Jingyao's original words were that he had it, but it was not the kind of rape.When asked what the rape refers to, Jingyao replied that rape was not holding weapons such as tools.

The statement was modified.The plaintiff stated that because he was worried that he and his family would be hurt, the initial statement of the police was modified.

Later, she explained to the hospital nurse that I told the police that I was voluntary because I didn't want to cause trouble. I think if I have evidence, I will be safe, which is why I came here.

The defendant submitted the material that the plaintiff conflicts before and after many key facts statement

The court materials showed that the defendant also submitted targeted materials for the case.

In a document in the objections that the defendant submitted to the plaintiff's punitive compensation motion recently, the defendant said that in order to obtain the court's allowance to claim punitive compensation, Jingyao Li must provide clear and convincing evidenceThe behavior shows intentionally ignoring the rights and safety of others.

The defendant said that the plaintiff made a completely opposite statement in every key fact in the case.

The defendant pointed out that the plaintiff repeatedly told the police that he was not raped.Two weeks after the incident, the plaintiff changed his statement and told the police that she was raped, and she had a fighting aganst; but the police and hospitals had previously checked showing that the plaintiff had no sign of injuries.

According to the video of the police law enforcement recorder provided by the defendant, when jingyao was in the police car, the police asked repeatedly whether it was raped and his response was not raped.Before the police asked when I communicated with you, you said he raped you, but it was not the kind of rape.What does it mean?Jingyao answered after pause, saying that I had sex with him and voluntarily.The police repeatedly asked if she voluntarily had sex with Liu Qiangdong that day, and she made a positive answer and said that he (Liu Qiangdong) was left.

The defendant also pointed out that when the woman was inquiring after the incident, there were still many other places before and after the case.The man was invited to his apartment and later denied it.

At the same time, the defendant also pointed out that because there were more contradictions in the presence of the woman, some third -party witnesses later refused to appear in court to testify for the woman.

In addition, the two sides also expanded their opinions on whether the woman was suspected of destroying evidence and whether there were existence to the defendant's extortion.

(Content comprehensive Minnesota court official website)