The Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the State Supervision Commission of the Communist Party of China Discipline Inspection Commission and the Shandong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, the former Party Secretary and Director of the Shandong Securities Regulatory Bureau of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, Feng Heian, is suspected of serious disciplinary violations.investigation.

Earlier, Caixin, First Finance and Daily Economic News reported that Feng Heian, chairman and president of Minsheng Securities, was taken away by the relevant departments on June 7th and was in a state of loss.

According to the analysis of the Shanghai Securities Journal, after Feng Henian entered Minsheng Securities since 2015, he revealed publicly in February this year that Minsheng Securities is preparing to go on marketing and strives to land on the capital market within three years.Today, Feng Heian's investigation has made the company's listing plan again.

Analysis of brokerage investment banks, the chairman's investigation generally affects the company's listing process, because it is not sure if it is related to the company's investigation, which is a major uncertainty.

Data show that Feng Heian was born in 1962 and entered the work of the CSRC in 1997.From July 2012 to December 2013, he served as the director of the GEM of the China Securities Supervision and Administration Council; from December 2013 to July 2015, he served as the Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Shandong Securities Regulatory Bureau of the China Securities Regulatory Commission;So far, he has been the secretary of the party committee of Minsheng Securities (the chairman since December 2016).From the perspective of work experience, Feng Heian and Wang Zongcheng, former director of the accounting department of the Securities Regulatory Commission who have been investigated before, worked together in the GEM issuance department.

During the chairman of Feng Heian, Feng Heian was vigorously carried out the capital increase work and led the "reverse mixed reform" to optimize the company's equity structure through a series of capital operations.

In April 2020, Minsheng Securities increased its capital and expand its shareholding on a large scale. At the price of 1.361 yuan per share, 15 investors raised a total of 2.5 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, about 500 million yuan, about 500 million yuan); In August, the controlling shareholder Pan Sea Holdings announced that it transferred 3.107 billion shares of Minsheng Securities to 22 investors including Zhangjiang Group, Zhangjiang Hi -Tech, of which Zhangjiang Group, Dongfang International Group, Shenneng Group, Huayi Group and 10 Shanghai state -owned assets backgroundAs a strategic investor, the company has invested a total of 1.7 billion yuan, and a total of 1.249 billion shares of Minsheng Securities are held.

The Shanghai State -owned Assets Strategy Enterprise Securities organically combines state -owned capital and private capital to form a new ecology of the integration and development of mixed ownership. It is a "reverse mixed reform" exploration.After this transfer, the largest shareholders of Oceanwa Holdings in Minsheng Securities declined significantly, and the ratio of equity decreased from the initial 87.645%to 44.52%, and the state -owned assets holding in Shanghai and other places reached 30.58%.

While increasing the capital capital, Minsheng Securities also completed the introduction of the new securities law. The industry's first employee equity incentive plan was the first employee of the company, and the company's employee holding platform accounted for 1.95%.Since then, Minsheng Securities has changed from a single private enterprise to a state -owned shareholder+private shareholders+employee -holding a trinity mixed ownership equity structure.

In May of the same year, Minsheng Securities moved the registered address from Beijing to Shanghai.On August 31, Minsheng Securities held the unveiling ceremony of the Pudong New District, which means that the substantive relocation work was completed.This relocation is the second time in the history of Minsheng Securities. In 2002, Minsheng Securities was relocated from Zhengzhou to Beijing.

In recent years, brokers have moved very little in core cities.Regarding the issue of moving the headquarters to Shanghai Pudong, Feng Heian has explained that it is mainly based on two points of consideration. First, the core of the business development of Minsheng Securities is the investment banking business and strategic customers of the advantages.The most active area of the economy is also the area where Minsheng Securities Investment Bank's business is most concentrated in business traditional advantages and customers.In the process of warfare, the support of local governments deeply felt the strong demand for financial institutions and financial talents.