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On June 8, the official website of the Shanghai Municipal Government issued a notice of appointment, The Shanghai Municipal People's Government decided that Zhuang Mu was appointed as the deputy secretary -general of the Shanghai People's Government.

Zhuang Mu was previously the secretary of the Shanghai Fengxian District Party Committee.On June 2nd, Li Zheng, the secretary of the Chongming District Party Committee of Shanghai, was transferred to the secretary of the Fengxian District Party Committee.

(Data Map Source: "Shanghai Fengxian" WeChat public account)

Public resume shows that Zhuang Mu was born in March 1965 , a full -time technical secondary school, a graduate student of the Central Party School, and a master's degree in business management. He joined the work in July 1984 and joined the Communist Party of China in December 1987.

Zhuang Mu has served as the secretary of the party committee of Yexie Town, Songjiang District, chairman of the town people's congress, secretary of the District Commercial Party Working Committee, secretary of the Party Group and Director of the District Development Planning Committee, deputy district chief of Jiading District, and district committee member.

In July 2013, Zhuang Mu was the deputy secretary of the district party committee and the head of the district, and the following month was elected as the district chief.In May 2016, he served as the secretary of the Fengxian District Party Committee and was adjusted here.

The official website of the Shanghai Municipal Government shows that according to division of labor, Zhuang Mu Di assisted the deputy mayor to contact the economy and informatization, transportation, and state -owned asset supervision and management.