"Madam Secretary of the State -owned Enterprise", saying "50 Bentley to block Rolls -Royce" ... the recent parking space disputes in the Shenzhen Baoneng City Mansion Community have aroused widespread public opinion.The reporter learned in the interview on the 6th that Shenzhen -Shenzhen relevant parties are dealing with the incident in accordance with laws and regulations, and verifying the information of the online transmission. LaterUrges developers and property companies to do a good job of resolving related disputes. The parties to the dispute also said in an interview with reporters that there are many information on the Internet that are not in line with the facts. They will actively cooperate with the investigation and handling of relevant departments and units and bear the responsibilities they should.

The reporter learned from Shenzhen Zhuyuan Community, Xiangmihu Street, Futian District that the Baoneng City Mansion where the dispute was located passed the planning approval in December 2012.A total of 1701 households and apartments are affordable, and a total of 2127 underground parking spaces are planned.The project developer is Baoneng Real Estate Co., Ltd., and the property service enterprise is the Shenzhen Auspicious Property Service Group Co., Ltd. Baoneng Mansion Branch of the Shenzhen Auspicious Property Service Group Co., Ltd.The source of this dispute is that Baoneng Real Estate has the right to use parking spaces when selling apartments. A total of 324 parking spaces were given through the "buying apartment" method, and the parking space number was clarified in the parking space donation contract., And most of the parking spaces are concentrated in the basement of the house vertical projection. Residential owners have a greater opinion on this, and believe that underground parking spaces are shared by all owners.

The reporter learned in the interview that Baoneng City Mansion's commercial housing residential owners, apartment owners and developers, and property companies have long -term parking space use disputes, and have caused judicial lawsuits. In response to the problems of the number of open parking spaces, location, entrances, and apartment fixed parking spaces in the parking lot of Baoneng City Mansion.The unit holds a coordination meeting to require Baoneng Real Estate and property companies to rectify.

On June 4th, the main owner (female) and residential owner Pang Moumou in the Baoneng City Mansion Apartment, due to the dispute between the use of the second floor of the underground B2-464.Zhang Moumou believed that the parking space was a fixed parking space for developers to give him a dispute, which caused the owner to watch.The dispute caused strong public opinion response because Zhang Moumou claimed to be transferred to "50 Bentley cars".

For online information, many parties involved in Xiangmihu Street Office and videos said in an interview with reporters that The so -called "Rolls -Royce" brand cars displayed in some videos are not in the caseVehicle; Pang Moumou's driving brand is Land Rover, and the brand of Zhang Moumou's vehicle is Bentley; some men who fell to the ground in some online videos were a onlookers residential owner Han Moumou.; Pang Moumou is the person in charge of a private enterprise in Shenzhen, and is not an online "state -owned enterprise executive".

In response to the problem of parking space, the owners have previously filed a lawsuit on the legitimacy of Baoneng Real Estate's attachment to parking spaces. The Futian District People's Court sentenced the plaintiff on December 23, 2021 to defeat the plaintiff, and determined that the developer signed a parking space use right to give the contract without infringement.Its basis is the provisions of Article 74 of the Property Law of the People's Republic of China and Article 275 of the People's Republic of China.Sales, accompanied or leased agreed.The supplementary agreement in the attachment of the real estate trading contract signed by the two parties is that the ownership and income rights that are not included in the shared construction area, such as garages, parking spaces, etc. The seller has the right to independently determine the sales, rental or attached of the above property.Based on the total table of housing construction area and public building area of the Honer City Mansion Project issued by the Shenzhen Municipal Planning and Land and Resources Commission, the underground garage is not included in the share of the public building area.Shenzhen Municipal Planning and Land and Resources Commission's first direct situation issued a construction project planning permit issued by the Baoneng City Mansion Project on August 12, 2015 (Shenzhen Regulations Civil Construction ZS-2015-0023) Remarks: 2127 parking spaces(Public 160, self -use 1967).

For disputes over the use of parking spaces exposed in the incident, The reporter learned that at present, the Xiangmihu Street Office is in conjunction with political and legal, planning, housing construction, judicial and other departments to urge Baoneng Real EstateThe property company continues to optimize the plan, fully communicate and coordinate with the owner, and promote the resolution of disputes.

Zhang Moumou, which was mentioned in the online information, was the "Madam Secretary of the State -owned Enterprise".After verification, the online information mentioned that the personnel were members of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Shenzhen Zhenye (Group) Co., Ltd., and also the chairman of the board of supervisors, Zhang Xiaozhong.After verification of the civil affairs department and the reporting of personal matters, Zhang Xiaozhong did not register the marriage after divorce in 2017.After the work of the work class, it has not been found that Shenzhen Zhenye (Group) Co., Ltd. has economic connection and business exchanges with Zhang Moumou (female) and its names involved.The report also stated that if Zhang Xiaozhong had other problems in the subsequent discovery, it will be dealt with seriously according to law and regulations and announced it to the society.

Zhang Xiaozhong said in an interview with reporters that he developed into a couple relationship with Zhang Moumou in September 2021. Baoneng City Mansion Apartment and vehicles involved are all women's assets. Zhang Moumou said in an interview with the media that she bought the Baoneng City Mansion Apartment and the vehicle involved in the purchase of the car before the acquaintance with Zhang Xiaozhong.The online "wedding banquet photo" was taken during the determination of couple relationships organized by the two in October 2021.

Zhang Moumou said that "50 Binli cars" are "ashamed of emotional out of control during the dispute." The dispute party Pang Moumou also apologized for the matter, and hoped that things would be resolved in accordance with laws and regulations.