Reporter | Zhang Ziyi

On June 5th, a video of a lady in Shenzhen State -owned Enterprise's wife -in -law involved in parking spaces circulated on the Internet, which aroused external attention.

Interface News learned that in the underground parking lot of Baoneng Mansion, Futian District, Shenzhen, a woman had a dispute with others due to parking space problems. She claimed that her husband was a state -owned enterprise secretary in Shenzhen and stated that he would open 50 Binry to block parking spaces.

The online video on the Internet shows that the woman said that she had the buying and selling contract of the parking space. Who dares to say that this parking space is him?If the other party does not move the car again, it is necessary to use Bentley to block the parking space for a month.The woman also said that my family had 50 Bentley, and it was blocked here without using it.

In the video, the woman claimed to be a state -owned enterprise secretary.Since then, it is reported that the state -owned enterprise secretary's husband in the woman's mouth is MDash; MDash; Shenzhen Zhenye (Group) Co., Ltd. (referred to as: Shen Zhenye A, Stock Code: 000006) Party Committee, Discipline Inspection Party Secretary, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Committee, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission,Chairman of the Supervisory Board Zhang Xiaozhong.

According to the information of Zhenye Group's official website, Zhang Xiaozhong was born in October 1965. He has successively served as director of the Shenzhen Municipal SASAC Office (letters and visits room), deputy director and director of the Office of the Party Committee of the Shenzhen Municipal SASAC, and Shenzhen State -owned Duty Free Commodity (Group)Directors of the company, deputy secretary of the party committee, secretary of the disciplinary committee, chairman of the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

According to the annual report of Shen Zhenye's 2021, Zhang Xiaozhong's annual salary from the company's taxes from the company was 375,000 yuan, and at the same time, he did not get paid at the affiliated company.

The Shenzhen State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission issued a report on the evening of June 5: In response to the public opinion of the netizen reporting to the public opinion of the lady of Shenzhen State -owned Enterprises, the commission attaches great importance to it and is understanding and verification.

The interface news learned from the owner of Baoneng Mansion that Baoneng Mansion has recently caused many disputes due to parking space problems.The Baoneng Mansion Project includes products types such as apartments, housing and talent housing.The housing part was delivered at the end of 2018, and the apartment was delivered to the house early this year.The parking space of the house is a public parking space, and the developer promises to give away parking spaces.As a result, residential owners have conflicts due to parking space issues with apartment owners.

A Pokémon residential owner told the interface news: The video woman is the owner of the apartment, and her fixed parking space has been drawn to the residential area.However, the owners in the residential area found that the parking spaces were not satisfied. Recently, the residential owners and apartment owners in the community have always had disputes in parking space problems.

An intermediary said to the interface news that the parking space ratio of Baoneng Mansion is 1: 1.5, which is more sufficient.The housing part is public parking space, but in terms of apartments, developers have previously presented parking spaces during sales.

People close to Baoneng told the interface news that the apartment part of Baoneng Mansion was sold in the second half of 2020. At that timeGift parking space.

A apartment owner at Baoneng Mansion told the interface news: When I bought an apartment, the developer did say that the parking space was delivered, but the parking spaces of the apartment owner and the residential owner were together.After a long communication, the property has not been solved reasonably.

Interface News learned that the property management company of Baoneng Mansion is currently auspicious service.According to the Tianyancha APP information, on March 11, 2014, Baoneng Holdings took over auspicious services from a subsidiary of Tianjian Group, a subsidiary of the listed company, with a shareholding ratio of 100%.

Subsequent Baoneng related property companies have successively installed auspicious services.A person close to Baoneng Group revealed to the interface news that the auspicious service has been fully responsible for all the real estate property management services of Baoneng Department.

Regarding the recent occasional parking space disputes in Baoneng Mansion, the auspicious service has not responded to the interface news comment as of the time of press time.

A Shenzhen industry insiders told the interface news that Shenzhen has always been more vague in terms of parking property rights legislation and interpretation rights. In actual operation, there is no separate property right certificate in parking spaces. Houses or apartment projects are sold in use, which is equivalent to long rent.The main reason for the parking space dispute occurred in Baoneng Mansion is that the project parking space does not have a clear property ownership of property rights. At the same time, the developer did not clearly explain the right to use of the parking space in the process of selling the project housing and apartments.Essence

Lawyer Liu Zixu, a partner of Beijing Dacheng (Shenzhen) Law Firm, believes that in a strict sense, Shenzhen is currently not allowed to trade parking spaces.The non -active property certificate of the parking space causes the parking space without property rights vouchers.

Baoneng Mansion, located in Futian Xiangmi Lake, Shenzhen, is a high -end house with an average price of over 100,000.The first phase of the project opened in 2016, and the last time it was sold out was 2018. The Poenne Holdings of Yao Jianhui was traded, and Yao Zhenhua's main platform of real estate business Baoneng City did not participate.Yao Jianhui is Yao Zhenhua's brother.

According to Shell big data statistics, the four-bedroom/five-bedroom/above or above of Baoneng Mansion is the main type of residential area, accounting for 42.4%, and the smallest apartment is a three-bedroom of 70-90 square meters, accounting for 30%.

The shell finds a house. The current listing of Baoneng Mansion is only 2 sets of houses, and the reference price is 124,000 yuan/square meter.

Some chain agents told the interface news: The market price of the houses sold in Baoneng Mansion exceeded 180,000 yuan/square meter, and the actual transaction price from the four -bedroom to the five -bedroom room was between 25 million yuan and 32 million yuan.

The apartment part of Baoneng Mansion entered the market in the second half of 2020, with an average price of 98,000 yuan to 126,000 yuan/square meter, with a total price of 8 million yuan to 16 million yuan.There is no current sales.

As a high -end project, in addition to the parking space problem, the previous phase of the first phase of the house was close to the Guangzhou -Shenzhen highway, and many owners were affected by noise. After a long time, the developer promised to stamp the temporary sound insulation screen with the supporting facilities.The planning has not been realized as of now.