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Written article | Yu Huilong Liu Yilong

On May 25, according to the Heilongjiang Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, the former party secretary and director of the Provincial Grain Bureau, Hu Dongsheng, was expelled from the party and canceled his enjoyment.

Zheng Zhijun Hutong Sheng was the first director of the provincial grain bureau that was dismissed after the special rectification of corruption in the field of food purchase and sales in the country.

Destroy the political ecology of the food system severely

Hu Dongsheng, male, Han nationality, born in December 1956, Heilongjiang Xunke, college degree, joined the work in May 1975, joined the Communist Party of China in May 1978, graduated from Economic Management, Heilongjiang Provincial Economic Management Cadre College, and worked.University degree.

Public information shows that Hu Dongsheng's work has also been in Heilongjiang Province.He first worked in the Kick Grain Store in his hometown, and was the director of the grain depot.

After that, he studied in the management of enterprises in the provincial grain school, and served as the deputy director and director of the Xunke County Food Bureau, the deputy county chief of Xunke County, the secretary of the party committee and director of Heihe City Food Bureau.

In December 1998, Hu Dongsheng was promoted to Secretary of the Aihui District Committee of Heihe City.

It is worth mentioning that during the work of Aihui District, Heihe City, Hu Dongsheng and Li Hongxiang had set up a team, and the latter served as the head of Aihui District from October 2002 to April 2004.In November 2020, Li Hongxiang, then Secretary of the Party Group and Chairman of the CPPCC of the CPPCC, was investigated.The locals said that during the work of Aihui District, Hu Dongsheng and Li Hongxiang were intrigue and racing corruption.

In June 2003, he became the deputy mayor of Heihe.More than 6 years after the deputy mayor, in October 2009, Hu Dongsheng returned to the "old -fashioned bank" grain system, served as the party secretary and director of the Provincial Grain Bureau, became a "leader", and worked in this post for nearly 7 years.Essence

In July 2016, he retired to the second line and transferred to the Deputy Director of the Provincial CPPCC Agriculture and Rural Work Committee.Until January 2018 was removed, he was 61 years old.

From January 2018 to January 2020, Hu Dongsheng was a cadre at the main department level of the Heilongjiang Provincial Grain Bureau and retired in January 2020.

Rare wording in the report

During the director of the Food Bureau, Hu Dongsheng was also very strong and unique.

According to the previous disclosure of the integrity, after the outbreak of the crushing crowd in the Central Grain Storage Heilongjiang Company in 2013, some people from the local food bureau were disturbed.At that time, Hu Dongsheng was called to ask many times, and even did not come to work for up to a week.Later, with the opportunity to accompany a deputy governor to go to the grass -roots grain depot to investigate, Hu Dongsheng announced his high -profile "return to peace".

In October 2021, Hu Dongsheng was checked.According to media combing, he is also the first director of the provincial grain bureau that was dismissed after the special rectification of corruption in the national grain purchase and sales sector.

Hu Dongsheng's double -opening notification pointed out that his power transactions, participating in gambling, and seeking benefits for others in the aspects of cadres' appointment, engineering contracting, grain collection and storage, etc., illegally accepting huge property of others.

Hu Dongsheng is also accused, especially during the termination of the grain system, accepting the subordinates of gifts, random use of the property of the subordinates, disregarding the national food security, violating the national grain collection and storage policy, seeking unfair interests for others, making great powerMoney trading seriously destroys the political ecology of the food system.

It is worth mentioning that the word "disregarding national food security and violating the national food collection and storage policy" is not common.

During the special inspection of the Provincial Party Committee, I was investigated

Heilongjiang Province is the largest province in my country's food production. The total production, product volume and volume volume have ranked first in the country for many years.

As the "leader" of the food bureaus of such a large grain province, it is bound to shoulder heavy responsibilities.

Before the investigation of Hu Dongsheng was investigated, the Heilongjiang Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection issued news. According to the deployment of the Provincial Party Committee, the special inspection team of the provincial party committee involved in grain involving food began on September 22, 2021.The Provincial Department of Finance, the Provincial Market Supervision Bureau, the Provincial SASAC, the Provincial Supply and Marketing Cooperative, the Peking University Desert Agricultural Reclamation Group, the Provincial Agricultural Investment Group and other provincial -related grain departments and the provincial management enterprises have carried out a 45 -day special inspection of grain -related issues.Municipal and county understands the responsibility of the party committee and government to implement the main body of food purchase and sales.

The inspection team accepted the letter from the grain -related issues, the focus is on the reports and reflections of violations of political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, mass discipline, work discipline and life discipline in the field of grain involving grain.

For less than a month of inspection work, Hu Dongsheng, who has stepped down as the post of grain for more than 5 years.

According to a report from the clean government, a local person in Heihe introduced that after Hu Dongsheng served as the director of the Heihe Food Bureau, there were many rumors about him and officials.Great wealth.

Before Hu Dongsheng was investigated, his "old subordinate", Wang Naija, former deputy director of the Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Water Resources, had fallen off.

Wang Naiju has been a member and deputy director of the Provincial Grain Bureau from January 2011 to April 2019, and has worked in the post for more than 8 years.

In the meantime, Hu Dongsheng served as the "first leader" of the Provincial Grain Bureau from October 2009 to July 2016. He is the leader of Wang Naiju. The two have worked for 5 and a half years.

In April 2019, Wang Naiju was the deputy director of the Provincial Department of Water Resources and was removed from office in June of the following year.In August 2020, Wang Naija was doubled.The report pointed out that Wang Naiju engaged in power transactions and money transactions; using the convenience of his position to seek benefits for others in terms of job adjustment, real estate project contracting, preferential policy approval, etc.

The former director of the two provincial food bureaus before and after being investigated

After being investigated for half a year, his successor, the party group and deputy director of the Heilongjiang Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Zhu Yuwen.

Zhu Yuwen, male, Han nationality, born in April 1963, was born in Shuangyashan, Heilongjiang.

Zhu Yuwen served in Shuangyashan City for a long time. He successively served as the secretary of the Youth League Committee of the Grain Bureau of Shuangyashan City, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of Shuangyashan League, Chairman of the Municipal Youth Federation, Secretary of the Shuangyashan Regiment Municipal Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Baoqing County Party Committee of Shuangyashan Citysecretary.

In December 2006, Zhu Yuwen was the Deputy Secretary -General of Shuangyashan Municipal Party Committee. In January of the following year, he was the member of the Standing Committee of the Shuangyashan Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda.In September 2011, Zhu Yuwen was appointed as a member of the Standing Committee and Deputy Mayor of the Jixi Municipal Party Committee. Three years later, he served as Deputy Secretary of the Jixi Municipal Party Committee.

Zhu Yuwen was transferred to the party secretary and director of the Heilongjiang Provincial Grain Bureau in July 2016. In October 2018, he served as a member and deputy director of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Heilongjiang Provincial Development and Reform Commission and continued to serve as the party secretary and director of the Provincial Grain Bureau.

In August 2019, Zhu Yuwen stepped down as the party secretary and director of the Grain Bureau of Heilongjiang Province.

In April 2022, Zhu Yuwen was checked.

Information | The Heilongjiang Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervisory Committee Website Lien Government Watch News CCTV News People's Daily Heilongjiang Daily, etc.

School pair | Luo Jing