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According to the latest information of the "Ambassador Resume" column of the "Ambassador Resume" column of the Chinese Embassy in Romania, Han Chunlin has served as a full -power ambassador to the Republic of Romania.

Han Chunlin worked in the Ministry of Commerce and went to Shanxi in 2018.

Public resume shows that Han Chunlin was born in October 1970 , joined the work in August 1992, and joined the Communist Party of China in May 1991, a university degree, and a master's degree in law.

He has served as a cadre of the Department of Personnel Department of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, a third -class secretary of the Chinese Embassy in Australia, deputy consul of the Chinese Consulate General in Sydney (three secrets, two secrets), and deputy director of the Department of Business Department of the Ministry of CommerceThe deputy director and director of the Office of the Ministry of Commerce's foreign trade negotiations, the director of the Competitive Policy Division of the Anti -Monopoly Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce, the director of the Legal Office, and the Economic and Commercial Counselor of the China Embassy in Kenya.

In July 2015, Han Chunlin served as deputy inspector of the Anti -Monopoly Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce, and served as deputy director of the bureau and deputy director of the Office of the State Council Anti -Monopoly Committee.

In January 2018, Han Chunlin went to work for the first time, served as the party secretary of the Shanxi Provincial Department of Commerce, and was the director of the next month.In January 2020, he served as Deputy Secretary and Deputy Secretary -General of the Party Group of the General Office of the Shanxi Provincial Government.

In November 2020, Han Chunlin was transferred to the Deputy Secretary of the Changzhi Municipal Party Committee (the main hall of the main hall), and concurrently served as the secretary of the Changzi County Party Committee.In April 2021, he also served as the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Political and Legal Committee.

In September 2021, Han Chunlin stepped down as the Secretary of the Elder Son of the Elder Son.In the same month, in the re -election of the leadership team of the Changzhi Municipal Party Committee, he stepped down as deputy secretary of the Changzhi Municipal Party Committee.The next month, he stepped down as the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Changzhi Municipal Party Committee.

Han Chunlin returned to the diplomatic system this time and served as the Chinese ambassador to Romania.

Previously, Jiang Yu was the Chinese ambassador to Romania.She was born in June 1964 .Long, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.In 2012, she served as deputy special officer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Special Administrative Region Special Commissioner. In 2015, she served as Ambassador to Albania, and in 2019 as Ambassador to Romania.

According to the official website of the Chinese Embassy in Romania, on March 27 this year, Ambassador Jiang Yu issued a letter from all the overseas Chinese.She said, "Time is like a shuttle, and the years are not living. In a blink of an eye, I have been to Romania for three years and will leave the country to return to China. Due to the epidemic, I can't talk to everyone, so I would like to resign from all the overseas Chinese."

Jiang Yu said, "We are fortunate to live in a great era. China has achieved historic achievements in building a well -off society in an all -round way, and is starting to start a new journey of building a comprehensive modern socialist country.In order to promote the friendship between Zhongluo and help the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation to achieve a good achievement. "

Han Chunlin Resume

Han Chunlin, male, Han nationality, born in October 1970, native of Licheng County, joined the work in August 1992, joined the Communist Party of China in May 1991, a university degree, and a master's degree in law.

The Cadres of the Department of Personnel Department of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, the third -class secretary of the Chinese Embassy in Australia, the Vice Consul General of the Chinese Consulate General in Sydney (three secrets, two secrets), deputy director of the Ministry of Commerce Department of CommerceThe deputy director and director of the Office of the Ministry of Foreign Trade Negotiations, Director of the Competitive Policy Office of the Anti -Monopoly Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce, director of the Legal Office, and the Economic and Commercial Counselor of the China Embassy in Kenya.

In July 2015, he served as Deputy Inspector of the Anti -Monopoly Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce.

In November 2015, he served as Deputy Director of the Anti -Monopoly Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce and deputy director of the Office of the State Council's Anti -Monopoly Committee.

In January 2018, he served as party secretary of the Shanxi Provincial Department of Commerce.

In February 2018, he served as party secretary and director of the Shanxi Provincial Department of Commerce.

In January 2020, he served as Deputy Secretary and Deputy Secretary -General of the Party Group of the General Office of the Shanxi Provincial Government.

In November 2020, he served as Deputy Secretary of the Changzhi Municipal Party Committee (under the level of the main hall) and Secretary of the Elderly County Party Committee;

In April 2021, he served as Deputy Secretary of the Changzhi Municipal Party Committee (Professor), Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee;

The current Chinese ambassador to Romania.