In November last year, according to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Bank of China and the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region: Zhang Fenghuai, former party committee secretary and president of the Bank of China Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, was suspected of serious disciplinary violations and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation.

On May 13, the Zhang Fenghuai case had new news.The website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection reported that Zhang Fenghuai, former party committee secretary and president of the Bank of China Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Branch, was investigated and investigated by the case for serious disciplinary violations and was expelled from the party.

Zhang Fenghuai, 65, has served in Bank of China for a long time. He has served as Deputy Governor of the Ningxia Branch of China Bank, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the Central Bank of Gansu Branch, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the Bank of Inner Mongolia Branch.In November 2013, Zhang Fenghuai was transferred to the Bank of China New China Property Management (China) Co., Ltd., and served as vice chairman and general manager until March 2018 retired.

However, Zhang Fenghuai's dismissal also led the old case of his wife's abduction for 200 million yuan of ransom 11 years ago. Behind the case, he pointed out that he had shocked a large -scale fund -raising fraud case in Inner Mongolia's financial community.

Burn incense and worship Buddha, hidden transfer illegal property

Zhang Fenghuai was expelled from the party

According to the report of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection on May 13, a few days ago, with the approval of the State Administration of Discipline Inspection of the Central Committee, the State Discipline Inspection Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection was stationed in the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Bank of China and the Hohhot Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection.The president Zhang Fenghuai seriously violated discipline and violated the law and conducted a review investigation.

According to the report, after investigation, Zhang Fenghuai, as a party member and leading cadre of a China -Management Financial Enterprise, disrupted his ideals and beliefs, abandoned his original mission, had no discipline and law, his personal desires expanded, and he had a deep confession with others., Burn incense and worship the Buddha for superstition; ignore the spirit of the eight regulations of the Central Committee, accept activities such as banquets, golf balls and other activities of management service objects, and accept gifts that may affect fair execution of official duties, and use the opportunity of children to get married for children.Family members and affiliates join the job, and take care of them during exchanges and promotion; deviate from the awareness of the purpose, infringe the legitimate rights and interests of the employees and the masses; the work is irresponsible, and the prosecution control materials are seized privately;Disguise, illegally control the credit approval business, be keen to go to the horse infrastructure decoration project, use job convenience to seek benefits for others, collect the huge amount of property and amount of others, causing major losses and serious waste of state -owned assets.

At the same time, the notification also stated that Zhang Fenghuai seriously violated the party's various disciplines, and still did not converge, does not stop, and did not know after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.Crimes such as financial tickets, illegal issuance of loans, and abuse of power of state -owned enterprise personnel have serious nature and harsh nature, and should be dealt with seriously.

According to relevant regulations, after research and decision of the Bank of China Party Committee, Zhang Fenghuai was expelled from the party, and the treatment he enjoyed was canceled in accordance with regulations, and his disciplinary and illegal income was collected.The property involved is transferred with the case.

The resume shows that Zhang Fenghuai has worked in the Bank of China for a long time. In November 1987, he was transferred to the Central Bank Hohhot Branch. Since then, he has worked in the Bank of China for 26 years.

From April 2000 to September 2004, he served as a member of the Party Committee and Vice President of the Zhongxing Ningxia Branch; in 2004, he was transferred to the Party Secretary and President of the Central Bank of Gansu Branch in 2004. The term of office was nearly 4 years;The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has served as the party committee secretary and president, and has been the leader for more than 5 years.

The wife was abducted and asked for 200 million ransom to bring out the extraordinary fund -raising fraud case

According to Beiqing's report, Zhang Fenghuai had a bizarre abduction case at the Bank of Inner Mongolia Branch. The abducted person was his wife. The case shocked Inner Mongolia's financial community.

According to reports, one night in July 2011, Zhang Fenghuai's house suddenly received a call, and the other party informed Zhang Fenghuai's wife that she had to go out to get out, but her wife was gone after going out.Subsequently, the kidnapper made a very bizarre request: either delivered 200 million yuan ransom or allowed the three staff members of the Bank of China to be transferred to the post for three months for three months.

It turned out that in June 2011, the investigation of the Bank of China Inner Mongolia Branch found that the teller Tongmou, the teller of the Baotou Branch Lei Mou, and the vice president of Shengli North Road Sub -branch of Bayannuki Branch, the branch of the branches of the branches.The three of them operated the bank counter business in violation of regulations.

After just one day, the master of the kidnapping case was arrested. The Hohhot Police successfully rescued the hostages in Ulanchabu, Inner Mongolia.This abduction also made a huge amount of illegal fund -raising case.

Why did Tumou abduct the hostages to reinstate the employees of Zhang Fenghuai to let the employees of the three banking branches reinstated?Because Tu is the main criminal of a large -scale fund -raising fraud case, manipulating a huge underground capital network.The three bank employees have been helping her to transfer the rules. After the three of them were suspended, Tu's funding chain of fund -raising fraud was broken.She urgently needed to resume work within three banks to continue to help herself illegally transferred funds.

According to reports, Tumou attracted the cooperation of bank staff, absorbing social funds to the bank savings account, and signed contracts with some storeders to promise that their return rate is basically above 20%; then, the bank's large -amount non -discount loan management manages the bank's large amount, non -discount loan management managementIn the blurred area, the staff of the banks transfer the funds of these storeders to the designated account and draw out to make a profit from investing in real estate, high loan, or mineral rights.

In the past few years, Tumou's funds have been absorbed from the Agricultural Bank of China Inner Mongolia Branch, the Chamber of Commerce Bank, and the Bank of China Inner Mongolia Branch and other banks.Until June 2011, the large account monitoring system of the Bank of China headed alarm issued alert, and more than 40 account funds in Inner Mongolia were abnormal. They ordered the branch to conduct self -examination immediately, and then suspended the three staff members of Hohhot Sub -branch.

On December 6, 2013, the Inner Mongolia Xing'an League Intermediate People's Court sentenced the defendant to the crime of raising fund fraud and abduction, decided to execute the death penalty, deprived the political rights for life, and confiscated all the personal property of the individual;The crime of kidnapping was decided to be sentenced to 20 years in prison and fined 220,000 yuan; the defendant Li Mou committed a funding fraud and sentenced to 10 years in prison.

The court trial found that with the help of her husband Jin, friend Li (provided guarantee and fund account), Tu took high interest rate as a bait, fabricated and developed investment projects such as real estate, jewelry processing plants, and colluded with bank staff and staff andSocial personnel, adopt a high interest interest interest interest interest interest interest interest interest interest interest interest interest interest interest interest interest interest interest interest deposit and high -interest borrowing from the fundraising person, and illegally raise funds of more than 2.7 billion yuan in 83 people in Inner Mongolia, Beijing, Hebei, Henan and other places, of which the principal and payment are high.The interest rate of more than 2.2 billion yuan, causing the rally to be more than 700 million yuan.

In early 2015, 21 defendants participating in the Grand Grand funding fraud case were judged by the court in the second instance to reject the appeal and maintain the original judgment.Many bank employees were sentenced to deceiving depositors.

Edit | Sun Zhicheng Yi Qijiang

School pair | Wang Yuelong

Daily Economic News Integrate from the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Beiqing Newspaper, Securities Times