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According to the latest information of the "Ministry of the Ministry of the Ministry of the Ministry of Commerce" of the Ministry of Commerce, Sheng Qiuping has been the deputy minister of the Ministry of Commerce.

It was reported in December 2021 that Sheng Qiuping has been a member of the party group and assistant minister of the Ministry of Commerce.

(Data Map Source: Official Website of the Ministry of Commerce)

The official resume shows that Sheng Qiuping was born in September 1968 , Xinchang, Zhejiang.He joined the Communist Party of China in January 1989, joined the work in August 1989, and graduated from the Chemical Analysis of the School of Chemical Analysis of the School of Applied Technology.

Sheng Qiuping has long served as Shaoxing City. In December 2006, he served as the mayor of Lizhou, the county -level city, and was elected as the mayor in February of the following year.Five months later, Sheng Qiuping was transferred to the secretary of the Yongjia County Party Committee.

In June 2014, Sheng Qiuping was transferred to the deputy mayor of Jinhua City, deputy secretary, deputy mayor, and acting mayor of Yiwu Municipal Party Committee.Secretary of Yiwu Municipal Party Committee.

In February 2018, Sheng Qiuping served as the party secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Commerce and was appointed as the director in March.

It was reported in December 2021 that Sheng Qiuping has been transferred to the party group and assistant minister of the Ministry of Commerce. The official website of the Ministry of Commerce shows that he is in charge of the Department of Service and Trade, Trade Relief, Asia, E -commerce Department, License Administration, International Business Daily, E -Commerce Center, China Service Outsourcing Research Center.

Recently, members of the leadership team of the Ministry of Commerce have adjusted: In April this year, Yu Jianhua, deputy secretary of the party group of the Ministry of Commerce, representative of international trade negotiations (headed) and deputy minister, was transferred to the secretary of the Party Committee of the General Administration of Customs; in March of this year, Guo TingtingHe is a member of the party group and assistant minister of the Ministry of Commerce.

Sheng Qiuping Resume

Sheng Qiuping, male, Han nationality, born in September 1968, Xinchang, Zhejiang.He joined the Communist Party of China in January 1989, joined the work in August 1989, and graduated from the Chemical Analysis of the School of Chemical Analysis of the School of Applied Technology.

September 1986 -July 1989, Shanghai School of Applied Technology, Chemical Analysis of Chemical Analysis

August 1989 -Deputy Chief of Quality Management Section of Xinchang Pharmaceutical Factory from July 1990

July 1990 -January 1993, the Personnel Bureau of Xinchang County, also served as the secretary of the Youth League Committee of the county -level organs

From December 1993 -Assistant to the Director of Shaoxing Tourism Bureau of Shaoxing City from December 1994

December 1994 -Deputy Director (Deputy General Manager), deputy director (deputy general manager) of Shaoxing City Tourism Bureau (Corporation), in March 1996, also served as Deputy Director of the Tourism Resort District Committee of Zhejiang Province.

August 1999 -March 2001, deputy director of the Tourism Resort Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Chaoshan Tourism Resort of Zhejiang Province

From March 2001 -August 2002, it was selected by the provincial government to study for public management at the University of Kenne University in the United States.

September 2002 -May 2003, Deputy Director of the Management Committee of Shaoxing Economic Development Zone (Huiji Mountain Resort), general manager of Shaoxing Economic Development and Construction Co., Ltd.

June 2003 -March 2004, Director of Shaoxing Municipal Merchants Service Bureau, Deputy Director of the Municipal Foreign Trade and Economic and Trade Bureau

From March 2004 -December 2004, Director of the China Merchants Service Bureau, Secretary of the Party Group, Deputy Director of the Municipal Foreign Economic and Trade Bureau

December 2004 -December 2006 Shaoxing County Party Committee Standing Committee member and executive deputy county chief

December 2006 -February 2007, Deputy Secretary of Lizhou Municipal Party Committee, Deputy Mayor of the Municipal People's Government, Agent Mayor, and Secretary of the Party Group of the Municipal Government

February 2007 -February 2011 Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor of the Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Municipal Government Party Group

February 2011 -Secretary of the Yinzhou Municipal Party Committee from July 2011

July 2011 -Secretary of the Yongjia County Party Committee from June 2014

June 2014 -Deputy Mayor of Jinhua City from January 2015, deputy secretary, deputy mayor, and acting mayor of Yiwu Municipal Party Committee

January 2015 -Deputy Mayor of Jinhua City from December 2015, Deputy Secretary and Mayor of Yiwu Municipal Party Committee

December 2015 -February 2018 Jinhua Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee and Secretary of Yiwu Municipal Party Committee

February 2018 -Secretary of the Party Group of the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Commerce from March 2018

March 2018 -Director of Zhejiang Provincial Department of Commerce and Secretary of the Party Group

In December 2021, he served as a member and assistant to the party group of the Ministry of Commerce

The current party group and deputy minister of the Ministry of Commerce.